Dear Friends,
The anti-human environmental agenda
The largest tax increase in history
Global warming and the ‘pro-death’ agenda
We’re in the homestretch now. Not Evil Just Wrong premieres in less than a month! Don’t miss your chance to be part of our world record simultaneous movie premiere. Order a party pack today, so you can roll out the red carpet at your home or on your campus Oct. 18!
We included the exclusive clip above to whet your cinematic appetite until then. The clip is only being sent to loyal Not Evil fans like you! We chose it because it’s relevant to current events. The clip exposes the dangerous, anti-human undercurrent of radical environmentalists, who think there are too many people in the world. Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace featured in our film, is absolutely right: Environmentalists care more about fish eggs than children, and their attitude is immoral.
Eventually, it leads to heinous acts against humanity. The latest evidence is in two repulsive studies, one from Oregon State University and one from the London School of Economics. Both dehumanize people by valuing their lives in terms of the “cost” to the Earth that environmentalists place above all else.
The British study, which advocates abortion and other “family planning” measures, reveals the contempt that environmentalists have for people. The study doesn’t even call them people; instead, they are “additional carbon emitters.”
That’s what the green crowd thinks of your future children and grandchildren! It’s a scary thought.
Thinking like that shows why we need you to spread the word about Not Evil Just Wrong. Our movie exposes the anti-human mindset of environmentalists.
Environmentalists also don’t want Americans to know that the “cap and trade” plan to limit carbon emissions will be the largest tax increase in history — and that it will kill U.S. jobs. We emphasized that point in our recent trip to West Virginia. Two video interviews from that Labor Day adventure are now on our blog.
The Not Evil Just Wrong team also visited the Value Voters Summit, which included a session titled “Global Warming Hysteria: The New Face Of The ‘Pro-Death’ Agenda.”
We need all of you to stand with us to fight the hysteria. Order your party pack today, and make plans to join our cinematic tea party. We have less than 30 days! Thanks for your support!
-Ann & Phelim