Solidarity Marius Serban: MEMORIU FEDERATIA ROMANA A JURNALISTILOR, MEDIASIND: In atentia ministrului Afacerilor Externe, domnul Theodor Baconschi
Mlastina Bulgaria Blog: Romani talhariti si brutalizati de politie, la Pravetz, in Bulgaria
Dragi romani, daca inca nu ati realizat pana in 2010 ca Bulgaria este un teritoriu pe care este esential sa il ocoliti, va spun eu: NU MAI MERGETI IN CONCEDII LA ACESTI ESCROCI SI TROGLODITI, NU MAI TRANZITATI BULGARIA, nici daca drumul e mai scurt pana unde vrei sa ajungi, caci veti trece prin jungla lor… Sunt o natie de escroci si si-au perfectionat toate modalitatile prin care pot fura si jecmani (nu numai) turistii loacali ci si strainii care tranziteaza Bulgaria, iar TOTUL SE PETRECE CU PARTICIPAREA NEVAZUTA A AUTORITATILOR LOR COMUNISTE PANA IN MADUVA OASELOR, adica incepand de la Militia si terminand cu “Justitia” bulgara. ABSOLUT TOTUL ESTE F. MINUTIOS ARANJAT… Continue reading →
Crazy Journey in Bulgaria: A dodgy Bulgarian border policeman pulls us over
This morning, we had to peel ourselves out of what felt like our death bed and somehow get ourselves organized for a big drive to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Fintan’s mum brought him for an incredible lunch at Sotiris Adelakis, one of the best fish restaurants in Greece, owned and run by a crazy former truck driver.
It was 4 and half hour drive to Sofia and just after crossing the Bulgarian border we were stopped for speeding by Bulgarian Police who fictitiously claimed we were driving much faster than we actually were and threatened a trip to the local police station where our license would be taken. After spending a lot of time in Moscow and learning from his mate the dodgiest of all Russians, the infamous Vladimir Bosyakov, Dave realised that this was the usual prompt to offer a bribe and asked if there was any possible way of paying ‘a fine’ on the spot with a 10 euro note. The answer was an immediate ‘NO’, but when a 20 euro note was presented, it swiftly became possible and all documents were handed back over for us to head on our way again.
bulgaria are o politica similara cu Romania invatata de la comunisti sa bagi sub pres ca totul e roz
astfel cele doau state merg umar la uma si se mai bucura cand crapa cate o capra de la vecin
Presedintii Bulgariei Dr jelio Jelev ANTICOMUNIST univ,seful miscarii anticomuniste SDS 1990-1996,Peter Stoianov 1996-2002,din familie de anticomunisti din Plovdiv.Actualul premier Boiko Borisov,nepot de general regal asasinat de comunisti,premieri ANTICOMUNISTI filip dimitrov,renetas indjova,dimiter popov,ivan kostov si fostul monarh premier intre 2002-2005.DRAGI tovarasi romani,NU VA E RUSINE SA FACETi DE 20 ani COMPARATII DEPLASATE! Cum poate o tara atit de inapoiata politic ca Romania,profitind in general de spatele asigurat mereu se franta sa se compare cu o tara democratica?Anticomunistii din Romania asa putin cum sint ar trebui sa ia vesnic exemplu politic de la Bulgaria!Probleme are fiecare tara,important sa fie o tara cit de cit normala,ceea ce romania nu a fost niciodata!Sa spuneti ametitului popor roman o minciuna atit de mare despre Bulgaria,paca daca ziceti ca sinteti anticomunisti.Anticomunistii bulgari au invins de mult,in aceasta tara,daca sinteti sinceri si nu urmariti un alt scop ascuns,luati exemplu de la ei in lupta contra boc,basescu etc.Daca va inchipuiti ca poporul bulgar stie de voi amarnic va inselati.Basescu bulgar a picat ACUM 20 ANI!!!