Posts Tagged ‘Phelim McAleer’

Demagogi si ipocriti expusi video: Printul Charles, James Cameron, Robert Redford. O productie NotEvilJustWrong – Ann McElhinney & Phelim McAleer


We want you to be the first to see our latest HYPOCRISY short film which exposes Prince Charles as the King of the Hypocrites.

The Prince is coming to the US this week to speak at Georgetown University about “sustainability” so we decided to see just how he lives up to his own standards.

We’ve made a short film that exposes just how hypocritical the Prince is as he lives a fabulous, luxury life whilst lecturing the rest of us that we have to live with less.

PRINCE CHARLES HYPOCRITE exposes the double standard that is at the center of so much environmentalism. It is a shocking viewing.

It follows on from our exposure of James Cameron and Robert Redford and their hypocrisy. Hundreds of thousands have now watched our films. Please send them on to anyone you think needs to know more about the environmental movement and it’s double standards.


Phelim & Ann

Avatar, anti-uman. Cameron, un idiot. Jurnalista Ann McElhinney la Conservative Political Action Conference. VIDEO

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JURNALISM CIVIC. Phelim McAleer s-a confruntat la Copenhaga cu extremistii comunisti mascati sub "religia" "Incalzirii globale". VIDEO

Cine este omul pe care il cauta prietenul meu, Phelim? Dr Phil Jones este directorul asa-numitei “unitati de cercetare” Climate Research Unit (CRU). Personajul este in centrul unui scandal jurnalistic international pentru manipularea la nivel mondial a datelor “incalzirii globale”, noua “religie” sub care se ascund extremistii comunisti si totalitaristii tip Trilaterala si Bilderberg. Tot jurnalistul irlandez Phelim McAleer, impreuna cu Ann McElhinney, autori ai documentarului Not Evil Just Wrong, a dovedit, confruntandu-se cu Al Gore, minciuna propagandistica a “disparitiei ursilor polari” din cauza “incalzirii globale”. In realitatea numarul lor creste an de an ceea ce nu se intampla de loc in ce priveste temperatura la nivel mondial.
Personajul “Dr Phil Jones” este cel care i-a scris lui Michael Mann (un “climatologist” american) : I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.Se referă la discrepanta dintre temperaturile reconstruite si celemăsurate. Două seturi de reconstructii paleoclimatice indicau faptul ca incepand cu anii ’60 sau ’80, temperaturile au inceput să scada. Acesttendinta de declin, consemnata nealterat, nu ar fi sustinut teoria incalzirii accelerate din ultimele decenii. In ciuda cererilor jurnalistilor, oficiul meteo britanic refuza sa puna la dispozitia publicului datele reale ale temperaturii la nivel mondial, care ar demonstra fara putinta de tagada declinul religiei sectantilor “incalzirii globale”.
Totul despre “Climategate” la Patruped: bun, Biped: rau 

MINCIUNA INCALZIRII GLOBALE, "religia" lui Al Gore, expusa la Fox News. Ursii polari nu sunt pe cale de disparitie, dimpotriva: numarul lor creste

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AL GORE bagat in colt pentru minciunile sale "ecologiste" de catre jurnalistul independent Phelim McAleer, caruia i s-a taiat brutal microfonul. VIDEO

Alt “nobelist” de talia lui Obama, fostul vicepresedinte american Al Gore, care nu a raspuns la nici o intrebare din partea unui jurnalist in ultimii 4 (patru) ani, a fost prins la o conferinta “ecologista” de catre prietenul meu, jurnalistul irlandez Phelim McAller.
Daca ati plans pana acum la documentarele siropoase cu moartea ursilor polari de transpiratie excesiva din cauza incalzirii globale – vrajeala lui Gore & Comp – trebuie sa va reveniti. Ursii nu sunt o specie pe cale de disparitie – dupa cum afirma non-stop mega-mincinosii planetari ai religiei “incalzirii globale” – ci, dimpotriva, numarul lor creste an de an, dupa cum releva adevaratii oameni de stiinta. Ei bine, cu aceasta problema l-a confruntat Phelim pe Gore. Rezultatul: i s-a taiat brutal microfonul!
Vedeti VIDEO si cititi mai jos povestea.
Phelim si sotia sa, Ann McElhinney, lucreaza la un documentar despre minciuna ecologista: Not Evil, Just Wrong (eu cred ca ambele…), a carui premiera va avea loc pe 18 octombrie. In Romania, cei doi jurnalisti inimosi au luptat, printre altele, impotriva mafiei internationale a adoptiilor, incurajata de interesele mafiei homosexualilor din SUA. Bravo, fratilor!
Cititi ce zice presa americana despre micul eveniment generat de Phelim:

Al Gore’s First (and Probably Last) Q&A
A Nobel Prize winner takes a few questions


Before President Obama won his Nobel Peace Prize, the real signal that the Norwegian Nobel committee had become politicized was its 2007 prize to Al Gore, largely for his global warming film “An Inconvenient Truth.”

For a public figure, Mr. Gore has been strangely reluctant to answer questions or debate the more controversial parts of his work. But over the weekend, he deigned to take a few questions during a meeting of the Society of Environmental Journalists in Madison, Wisconsin.

Irish documentary filmmaker Phelim McAleer was in the line. A former Financial Times journalist, his new film, “Not Evil, Just Wrong,” is a direct refutation of Mr. Gore’s thesis and warns that rushing to judgment in combating climate change would threaten the world’s poor. When his turn came, Mr. McAleer asked Mr. Gore about a court case in Britain in which a parent had objected to “An Inconvenient Truth” being shown to British schoolchildren because it was largely propaganda, not science.

Mr. Gore swatted away the question by claiming the judge had found in favor of his film. He also briefly addressed one of the objections to his film by scoffing at claims that polar bears weren’t an endangered species. Mr. McAleer tried to follow up by pointing out that polar bear populations were increasing, but his microphone was quickly cut off. Organizers insisted that several other people were waiting with questions and they had to move on.

In fact, Mr. Gore didn’t answer Mr. McAleer’s question and was wrong on the facts. The British court found that An Inconvenient Truth “is a political film” riddled with scientific errors. The judge also held that requiring the film to be shown in schools would be a violation of law, unless accompanied by “guidance” pointing out its errors. The judge concluded that the claimant who objected to the film “substantially won this case by virtue of my finding that, but for the new guidance note, the film would have been distributed in breach of sections 406 and 407 of the 1996 Education Act.”

As for polar bears, Mr. McAleer was correct: Surveys show their numbers are increasing.

Mr. McAleer, whose film premiers this weekend, says he’s more disappointed in the environmental journalists who give Mr. Gore cover than in the former vice president. Mr. Gore is simply doing what any propagandist with a weak case would do — avoiding serious debate or exchange. To quote the late William F. Buckley, “There is a reason that baloney rejects the grinder.”

Vezi si Washington Times despre filmul lor

Marii mincinosi si manipulatori mondiali. Feriti-va! Un om informat e pe jumatate salvat.

NEWS FROM NOT EVIL JUST WRONG: Studiu London School of Economics despre cum trebuie sa fim omorati la nivel planetar ca sa castige mai bine bancherii

Dear Friends,
The anti-human environmental agenda
The largest tax increase in history
Global warming and the ‘pro-death’ agenda

We’re in the homestretch now. Not Evil Just Wrong premieres in less than a month! Don’t miss your chance to be part of our world record simultaneous movie premiere. Order a party pack today, so you can roll out the red carpet at your home or on your campus Oct. 18!
We included the exclusive clip above to whet your cinematic appetite until then. The clip is only being sent to loyal Not Evil fans like you! We chose it because it’s relevant to current events. The clip exposes the dangerous, anti-human undercurrent of radical environmentalists, who think there are too many people in the world. Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace featured in our film, is absolutely right: Environmentalists care more about fish eggs than children, and their attitude is immoral.
Eventually, it leads to heinous acts against humanity. The latest evidence is in two repulsive studies, one from Oregon State University and one from the London School of Economics. Both dehumanize people by valuing their lives in terms of the “cost” to the Earth that environmentalists place above all else.
The British study, which advocates abortion and other “family planning” measures, reveals the contempt that environmentalists have for people. The study doesn’t even call them people; instead, they are “additional carbon emitters.”
That’s what the green crowd thinks of your future children and grandchildren! It’s a scary thought.
Thinking like that shows why we need you to spread the word about Not Evil Just Wrong. Our movie exposes the anti-human mindset of environmentalists.
Environmentalists also don’t want Americans to know that the “cap and trade” plan to limit carbon emissions will be the largest tax increase in history — and that it will kill U.S. jobs. We emphasized that point in our recent trip to West Virginia. Two video interviews from that Labor Day adventure are now on our blog.
The Not Evil Just Wrong team also visited the Value Voters Summit, which included a session titled “Global Warming Hysteria: The New Face Of The ‘Pro-Death’ Agenda.”
We need all of you to stand with us to fight the hysteria. Order your party pack today, and make plans to join our cinematic tea party. We have less than 30 days! Thanks for your support!
-Ann & Phelim

GOGORITA "incalzirii globale" expusa de doi jurnalisti irlandezi: Phelim McAleer si Ann McElhinney. VIDEO

Dear Friends,
And we’re off! We started the final leg of our race to the Oct. 18 premiere of Not Evil Just Wrong with a rush of activity last week and have another busy week ahead. It’s a good kind of busy.
We’re selling DVDs, premiere packs and related movie materials through our redesigned Web site in preparation for the big premiere. Be part of the movement by throwing your own cinematic “tea party” in your home or on your campus.

We announced our premiere plans at the annual National Conservative Student Conference in Washington last week. Ann rallied the youthful troops with a rousing recap of our unique strategy to bypass Hollywood.”We’re going to have the largest-ever simultaneous premiere screening of a film on planet Earth,” Ann said. “On the 18th of October at 8 p.m. Eastern, people all over the United States are going to press ‘Play’ at exactly the same moment, and you are incredibly important to that effort.” Premiere hosts will get movie posters for their front doors and red carpets for their porches.

“You can say to [your guests], ‘So who are you wearing?’ as they come in the door,” Ann joked in a reference to a Hollywood catchphrase.The Young America’s Foundation has posted video of our appearance at its conference on, or you can watch select segments as we post them to our YouTube channel.

Before the conference, Ann and I chatted with popular radio host Laura Ingraham about our documentary and the hysteria that runs rampant through the environmental movement. Her program currently airs on 340 channels and averages 5.5 million viewers per week. We had some fun imagining how Hollywood would portray hysteric-in-chief Al Gore, who doesn’t have the courage of his convictions to debate critics like we did at the student conference.Speaking of Hollywood, we were interviewed for a story in Big Hollywood, a group blog that examines culture and politics from a decidedly non-Hollywood perspective.

Phelim also was a guest on the nationally syndicated “Jerry Doyle Show,” Washington Times Radio, “Wisconsin’s Morning News,” and Chris Ferrell’s radio show in Charlotte, N.C., and Ann appeared on “The Brad Davis Show,” which airs from Connecticut. The movie also earned mentions on the U.S. blogs Graymatters and Infidels Are Cool, the Canadian blog Dr. Roy’s Thoughts, and the Australian blog Thoughts On Freedom.

Ann and I are keeping busy this summer both to promote the movie premiere and also to keep the threat of job-killing global warming regulation foremost in people’s minds.This week, we’ll be guests at the RightOnline conference, a gathering of grassroots activists who are holding their second annual meeting in Pittsburgh. We will screen the movie Friday evening and ask them to join our premiere night Oct. 18 by hosting parties in their homes.

If you haven’t already made plans for a party of your own, please take a few minutes now to order your premiere pack. Be a part of history, and help us set a world record!And please forward this e-mail to your friends and family. Thanks for your support!
-Ann & Phelim

They’ve done it again: Phelim McAleer si Ann McElhinney expun afacerea "incalzirea globala"

Dupa ce au dezvaluit mizeria Grupului SOROS din spatele afacerii Rosia Montana, mascata de ONG-uri – capcana intr-o pretinsa campanie ecologista, jurnalistii-minune Phelim McAleer si Ann McElhinney dau din nou la o parte o perdea murdara, legata de data acesta de asa-zisa incalzire globala. Bravo lor! Phelim McAleer si Ann McElhinney, care s-au preocupat si de traficul de copii si organe din Romania deghizat sub forma de adoptii, sunt doi jurnalisti care chiar dau sens acestei profesii.

Afacerea “incalzirea globala”

Afacerea “Salvati Rosia Montana”

Ann McElhinney si Phelim McAleer
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