Posts Tagged ‘razboi in gaza’

Israelul suspectat ca ataca in Gaza cu Fosfor Alb, arma chimica interzisa de Conventia de la Geneva. Orice picatura de fosfor arde carnea pana la os

Israel rains fire on Gaza with phosphorus shells

Israel is believed to be using controversial white phosphorus shells to screen its assault on the heavily populated Gaza Strip yesterday. The weapon, used by British and US forces in Iraq, can cause horrific burns but is not illegal if used as a smokescreen.

As the Israeli army stormed to the edges of Gaza City and the Palestinian death toll topped 500, the tell-tale shells could be seen spreading tentacles of thick white smoke to cover the troops’ advance. “These explosions are fantastic looking, and produce a great deal of smoke that blinds the enemy so that our forces can move in,” said one Israeli security expert. Burning blobs of phosphorus would cause severe injuries to anyone caught beneath them and force would-be snipers or operators of remote-controlled booby traps to take cover. Israel admitted using white phosphorus during its 2006 war with Lebanon.

The use of the weapon in the Gaza Strip, one of the world’s mostly densely population areas, is likely to ignite yet more controversy over Israel’s offensive, in which more than 2,300 Palestinians have been wounded.

The Geneva Treaty of 1980 stipulates that white phosphorus should not be used as a weapon of war in civilian areas, but there is no blanket ban under international law on its use as a smokescreen or for illumination.

However, Charles Heyman, a military expert and former major in the British Army, said: “If white phosphorus was deliberately fired at a crowd of people someone would end up in The Hague. White phosphorus is also a terror weapon. The descending blobs of phosphorus will burn when in contact with skin.”

The Israeli military last night denied using phosphorus, but refused to say what had been deployed. “Israel uses munitions that are allowed for under international law,” said Captain Ishai David, spokesman for the Israel Defence Forces. “We are pressing ahead with the second stage of operations, entering troops in the Gaza Strip to seize areas from which rockets are being launched into Israel.”

The civilian toll in the first 24 hours of the ground offensive — launched after a week of bombardment from air, land and sea— was at least 64 dead. Among those killed were five members of a family who died when an Israeli tank shell hit their car and a paramedic who died when a tank blasted his ambulance. Doctors at Gaza City’s main hospital said many women and children were among the dead and wounded.

The Israeli army also suffered its first fatality of the offensive when one of its soldiers was killed by mortar fire. More than 30 soldiers were wounded by mortars, mines and sniper fire.

Israel has brushed aside calls for a ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid into the besieged territory, where medical supplies are running short.

With increasingly angry anti-Israeli protests spreading around the world, Gordon Brown described the violence in Gaza as “a dangerous moment”.

White phosphorus: the smoke-screen chemical that can burn to the bone

— White phosphorus bursts into a deep-yellow flame when it is exposed to oxygen, producing a thick white smoke

— It is used as a smokescreen or for incendiary devices, but can also be deployed as an anti-personnel flame compound capable of causing potentially fatal burns

— Phosphorus burns are almost always second or third-degree because the particles do not stop burning on contact with skin until they have entirely disappeared — it is not unknown for them to reach the bone

— Geneva conventions ban the use of phosphorus as an offensive weapon against civilians, but its use as a smokescreen is not prohibited by international law

— Israel previously used white phosphorus during its war with Lebanon in 2006

— It has been used frequently by British and US forces in recent wars, notably during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Its use was criticised widely

— White phosphorus has the slang name “Willy Pete”, which dates from the First World War. It was commonly used in the Vietnam era

Source: Times archives,

55 de romani din Gaza cer sa fie adusi acasa. Israelul a taiat Fasia in trei. Operatiunea "Toarna Plumb" e pregatita de Mossad si AMAN de 6 luni

Romanii vor acasa
MAE continua discutiile atat cu Egiptul cat si cu Israelul pentru evacuarea in sigu­ran­ta a cetatenilor romani din Fasia Gaza prin punctele de frontiera de la Erez si Rafah, se arata intr-un comunicat al Ministerului de Externe remis ieri presei.
Conform site-ului Antena3, o romanca de 42 de ani a fost ranita in timpul raidurilor aeriene din Gaza. Aceasta se afla in stare buna, fiind dusa la granita cu Egiptul, impreuna cu sotul ei. “Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, prin Ambasada Roma­niei la Tel Aviv, este in contact per­manent cu autoritatile israeliene si intreprinde toate demersurile pentru ca cetatenii romani care dispun de documente de identitate valabile sa poata parasi Fasia Gaza”, precizeaza textul. Pana ieri, reprezentantii Ambasadei romane de la Tel Aviv au contactat telefonic circa 100 de persoane cu cetatenie romana din Fasia Gaza dintre care 55 de cetateni romani (14 femei, cinci barbati si 36 de copii) si noua cetateni pales­tinieni au solicitat asistenta consulara pentru a parasi zona de conflict. In paralel, Ambasadele Romaniei de la Amman si Cairo fac demersuri pe langa autoritatile locale pentru asigurarea tranzitului cetatenilor romani. MAE sustine ca “a dispus toate masurile nece­sare pentru sprijinirea cetatenilor romani din Fasia Gaza, inclusiv intarirea echipei consulare de la Ambasada din Israel”. (Madalin Necsutu/ZIUA)

Taierea in trei
Pe de alta parte, EuroNews ne arata ca trupele terestre israeliene au avansat rapid, au impartit deja Gaza in trei bucati, izoland astfel grupurile armate palestiniene, si au inconjurat orasele principale. Problema majora a serviciilor de informatii ale Tsahalului (IDF – Israeli Defense Force – Armata israeliana) – AMAN – o constituie cele circa 3000 de tuneluri ale Hamas, prin care se realizeaza comunicatiile si transportul de armament si provizii intre militantii Hamas si in exteriorul Fasiei.
Prima zi de invazie a facut, in urma tirurilor de mortiere, 50 de decese intre palestinieni, majoritatea civili, depasind astfel cifra totala de 500 de morti produse de razboi, dintre care peste 75 sunt copii. Totodata, spitalele nu mai fac practic fata in urma afluxului de mii de raniti. De cealalta parte, Israelul a confirmat moartea unui soldat si ranirea altor 30 iar Hamasul se lauda cu capturarea mai multor militari evrei si ameninta ca va transforma Gaza intr-un “cimitir” pentru zecile de mii de soldati israelieni. Presedintele Shimon Peres a afirmat ieri pentru presa americana ca vrea sa puna capat terorii Hamas asupra Israelului.
“Planul Dagan”
Cu toate acestea, tot de peste Ocean, dar din Canada, un grup de analiza si investigatii – Centrul pentru Cercetari asupra Globalizarii – acuza ca interventia militara israeliana – Operatiunea Cast Lead – Toarna Plumb – מבצע עופרת יצוקה‎ – Mivtza Oferet Yetzuka – este pregatita cu maxima atentie de luni de zile, ca parte a unui plan amplu si pe termen lung, elaborat de catre actualul sef al Mossad, Meir Dagan, cu sapte ani urma, pe vremea cand era consilierul pentru probleme de securitate al lui Ariel Sharon, pe atunci premier.
Cititi analiza aici

Invazia din Gaza. Operatiunea "Oferet Yetzukah": zeci de palestinieni ucisi in prima zi a incursiunii armate. Demonstratii anti-israeliene in Europa

Dozens of Palestinians reportedly killed by Israeli shells
04/01/08 13:17 CET
Latest reports coming out of Gaza City say Israeli tanks shells have exploded in the middle of a shopping area. Palestinian medics say at least five civilians are dead, and scores more wounded. And at least 12 Palestinians – most of them civilians – have been killed by Israeli tank shells at Beit Lahiya in the north of the Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian medical staff and witnesses.
Israeli armoured columns moved into the Gaza Strip in several waves. The main push was from the northeast, aimed at stopping Hamas rocket attacks on southern Israel. With fierce exchanges reported around Gaza City, the Strip is virtually split in half. Hamas claims to have killed five Israeli soldiers, and reports on Gaza radio and TV said two Israeli soldiers had been kidnapped – reports which have yet to be official confirmed by either side. Both sides have sustained casualties. Israel said 30 of its troops were injured overnight. In all, the Palestinian death toll is approaching 500, with more than 2,300 wounded.

Big anti-Israeli demonstrations in Europe
Demonstrations against the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip have continued in major cities throughout Europe. In London, up to 12,000 people marched to show their disapproval. The musician Annie Lennox was one recognisable face in the crowd, adding her voice to the calls for Israel to stop its bombardments.
As they marched from the River Thames towards Trafalgar Square some protestors threw shoes at the gates of Downing Street, giving the Prime Minister Gordon Brown the same angry gesture which met President Bush in Baghdad recently.
In Germany, several cities saw demonstrations. Police in Dusseldorf said 4,000 marched there. At least 1500 turned out in Amsterdam, and in Madrid, more than a thousand people marched after a rally outside the Spanish Foreign ministry.
Up to 25,000 marchers hit the streets of Paris to demonstrate against Israel’s actions. Organisers said it was to show solidarity with the Palestinian people, accusing the international community of hypocrisy. A few hundred protestors broke away from the main march and tried to approach the Israeli embassy, but were held back by banks of riot police.

Vezi si: Calin Cosmaciuc: Razboi 2.0 in Gaza

Urban: De ce trebuie sa moara copii si oameni nevinovati in GAZA ?

Razboi intru Cuvant: SEMNE RELE ANUL ARE (Noutati laice de inceput de an 2009)

BREAKING NEWS: Israelul a inceput invazia terestra in Gaza

Vezi si

ACTION Alert: 26 de lucruri pe care le poti face pentru a ajuta GAZA

Action Alert: Twenty-Six Things to Help Gaza

So far hundreds of civilians have been killed in Gaza. Five sisters in one family, four other children in another home, two children on a cart drawn by a donkey. Universities, colleges, police stations, roads, apartment buildings were all targeted. The UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian areas issued a statement that “The Israeli air-strikes on the Gaza Strip represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, both in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war.”

Twenty-six things to do to bring peace with justice:

(1) First get the facts and then disseminate them. Here are some basic background information:

The true story behind this war:

If Gaza Falls:

Gaza massacres must spur us to action:

(2) Contact local media. Write letters to editors (usually 100-150 words) and longer op-eds (usually 600-800 words) for local newspapers. But also write to news departments in both print, audio, and visual media about their coverage. In the US

You can find media listings in your country using search engines like google (or

(3) Contact elected and other political leaders in your country to urge them to apply pressure to end the attacks. In the US, Contact the State Department at 202.647.5291, the White House 202-456-1111 the Egyptian Embassy 202.895.5400, Email ([email protected]) and the Obama Transition Team 202-540-3000 (then press 2 to speak with a staff member).

(4) Organize and join demonstrations in front of EU, US, Israeli and Egyptian embassies or when not doable in front of your parliament, office of elected officials, and any other visible place (and do media work for it).

(5) Hold a teach-in, seminar, public dialogue, documentary film viewing etc. this is straightforward: you need to decide venue, nature, if any speakers, and do some publicity (the internet helps).

(6) Pass out fliers with facts and figures about Palestine and Gaza in your community (make sure also to mention its relevance to the audience: e.g, US taxpayers paying for the carnage, increase in world instability and economic uncertainty).

(7) Put a Palestinian flag at your window.

(8) Wear a Palestinian head scarf (Koufiya)

(9) Wear Black arm bands (this helps start conversations with people).

(10) Send direct aid to Gaza through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

(11) Initiate boycotts, divestments and sanctions at all levels and including asking leaders to expel the Israeli ambassadors (an ambassador of an apartheid and rogue state). See Palestinian call
(12) Work towards bringing Israeli leaders before war crime courts (actions along those lines in courts have stopped Israeli leaders from traveling abroad to some countries like Britain where they may face charges).

(13) Calling upon all Israelis to demonstrate in front of their war ministry and to more directly challenge their government

(14) Do outreach: to neighbours and friends directly. Via Internet to a lot of others (you can join and post information to various listservs/groups).

(15) Start your own activist group or join other local groups (simple search in your city with the word Palestine could identify candidate groups that have previously worked on issues of Palestine). Many have also been successful in at bringing coalitions from different constituencies in their local areas to work together (human rights group, social and civil activists, religious activists, etc).

(16) Develop a campaign of sit-ins at government offices or other places where decision makers aggregate.

(17) Do a group fast for peace one day and hold it in a public place.

(18) Visit Palestine (e.g. with

(19) Support human rights and other groups working on the ground in Palestine.

(20) Make large signs and display them at street corners and where ever people congregate.

(21) Contact local churches, mosques, synagogues, and other houses of worship and ask them to take a moral stand and act. Call on your mosque to dedicate this Friday for Gaza actions.

(22) Sign petitions for Gaza, e.g.

(23) Write and call people in Gaza, they need to hear from the outside world.

(24) Work with other groups that do not share your political views (factionalism and excessive divisions within activist communities allowed those who advocate war to succeed).

(25) Dedicate a certain time for activism for peace every day (1 hour) and think of more actions than what are listed above.

(26) Urge your local radio talk shows and news editors to call any of us here in Palestine to report live what is happening on the ground.

For support and contacts of people in Gaza or to volunteer, please contact the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People, via [email protected], or call +1-989-607-9480 (from the US and Canada) or +972-2-277-2018 (from other places).

Please feel free to suggest more actions to save Gaza.

by Haitham Sabbah
Haitham Sabbah is an uprooted Palestinian blogger. He is the webmaster and editor of Palestine Blogs, also webmaster and co-editor of Palestine Think Tank. His personal blog is Sabbah’s Blog:

Masacrul din Gaza – Ziua a 8-a, 500 de morti, dintre care 75 copii, peste 2000 de raniti

Israel: "Nu este nici o criza umanitara in Gaza; este ceea ce trebuie!". Ziua a saptea. S-a trezit si presa de la noi: 500 de romani blocati in Gaza

In timp ce Israelul sustine ca nu exista nici o criza umanitara in Gaza, dupa sapte zile de bombardamente soldate cu peste 420 de morti si mii de raniti, televiziunile de stiri de la noi si-au dat seama ca razboiul “inexistent” este, totusi, “un subiect”, mai ales ca 500 de romani sunt blocati in Gaza. Pana acum, la punctul de frontiera de la Eretz, au avut prioritate rusii, turcii si niste norvegieni. Romanii, femei si copii, n-ar avea acte la zi. Sa speram ca vor fi salvati inainte ca Isarelul sa declanseze si ofensiva terestra de radere a palestinenilor din Gaza de pe fata pamantului. Pentru a nu (mai) exista nici o criza umanitara…

Mos Craciun ucis in Gaza

Gaza – "revelion" printre morti, gloante si bombe. Noul an aduce palestinienilor inca o zi de bombardamente israeliene: a sasea

Petitie internationala pentru un acord de incetare a focului in Gaza la sfarsit de an

Dear friends,

The Gaza crisis has exploded — put your name to our emergency petition demanding a ceasefire. We’ll deliver it immediately to the UN Security Council, the Arab League, the US and other world leaders!

Take Action Now
As we watch the Gaza bloodshed with horror, appalled at how the crisis is spiraling further out of control, one thing is clear — this violence will only lead to further civilian suffering and an escalation of the conflict.
There must be another way. Over 300 are dead so far in the Gaza Strip and hundreds more injured — rockets are striking Ashdod deep inside Israel for the very first time, and the sides are mobilising for invasion. A global outcry has begun, but it’ll take more than words — the immediate violence won’t end, nor will wider peace be secured, without firm action from the international community.
Today, we’re launching an emergency campaign which will be delivered to the UN Security Council and key world powers, urging them to act to ensure an immediate ceasefire and address the growing humanitarian crisis — only with robust international oversight and action can civilians on all sides be protected and real steps be taken toward a wider peace. Follow this link now to sign the emergency petition and send it to everyone you know:

After Gaza’s bloodiest day in recent memory and eight or more years of ineffective US and global diplomacy, we need to get world leaders to do more than issue statements if they’re to ensure a lasting ceasefire.
Through the UN Security Council and other international bodies, the world can provide the help and pressure needed to stop the violence and change the situation on the ground in Gaza — preventing the rockets and incursions, re-opening crossing-points under international oversight so that instead of weapon-smuggling, the 1.5 million ordinary people of Gaza can get the fuel, food and medicines they so desperately need.
All sides to the conflict will continue to act as they have in the past if they believe that the world will stand by and allow them to do so. We mobilised for a ceasefire in 2006’s Israel-Lebanon war and succeeded, but this time the international community must not delay — let’s raise a truly worldwide outcry. 2009 is a year that things can be different. As we face this crisis, and the possibilities of a new year, it’s time for us everywhere to work together to stop this violence.
With hope and determination,
Brett, Ricken, Alice, Ben, Pascal, Paul, Graziela, Paula, Luis, Iain and the whole Avaaz team
Further actions could include: a formal resolution from the Security Council rather than issuing a press statement as was done on 28 December 2008; explicit private and public international pressure on the parties to end the hostilities including developing clear terms for the resumption of negotiations; proper international oversight of the Rafah border; and in time, a detailed Security Council resolution setting out the terms in international law for a permanent peace between Israel and Palestine. For background, see this Jerusalem Post article, “No international pressure to end op”: )
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