A patra zi de bombardamente israeliene in provincia palestiniana Gaza a insemnat 70 de lovituri aeriene care au ridicat bilantul victimelor, inregistrate la ora 1 am, ora Romaniei, la 387 morti – dintre care circa 50 de copii – si 1750 de raniti. In timp ce civilii palestinieni mor pe capete, masina de propaganda a Israelului sustine ca numarul acestora este cu mult mai mic iar imaginile din Gaza sunt trucate, pentru ca fotografii agentiilor de presa internationale sunt arabi. Va las pe dumneavostra sa apreciati acest lucru singuri:
Posts Tagged ‘razboi in gaza’
Masacrul inocentilor. Palestinienii intreaba de ce tace "lumea civilizata" iar israelienii sustin ca imaginile cu morti sunt trucate. FOTO din GAZA
Razboiul din Gaza in 188 de imagini soc
Sursa: https://palestinethinktank.com/
Vezi si alte imagini la: Masacrul din Gaza – Ziua a 8-a, 500 de morti, dintre care 75 copii, peste 2000 de raniti
Update: BREAKING NEWS: Israelul a inceput invazia terestra in Gaza
Invazia din Gaza. Operatiunea “Oferet Yetzukah”: zeci de palestinieni ucisi in prima zi a incursiunii armate. Demonstratii anti-israeliene in Europa
Ambasadorul israelian si cel palestinian din Romania fata in fata pe tema razboiului din Gaza
Ambasadorul israelian a cerut Romaniei si comunitatii internationale sa sprijine actiunile militare din Fasia Gaza
30 decembrie, 17:30
Ambasadorul israelian la Bucuresti, Oren David (foto stanga), a cerut marti comunitatii internationale, si implicit Romaniei, sa sprijine ofensiva tarii sale impotriva organizatiei Hamas si a subliniat ca in pofida violentelor din ultimele zile, Tel Avivul este decis sa continue negocierile pentru finalizarea procesului de pace, informeaza NewsIn. El a explicat ca Israelul nu incearca decat sa-si apere cetatenii de violentele initiate de organizatia extremista palestiniana Hamas.
“In iunie 2007, la doi ani dupa ce Israelul evacuase Fasia Gaza, Hamas a intervenit in forta pentru a prelua controlul. Hamas este o organizatie musulmana terorista, fanatica si radicala, sprijinita de Iran si Siria si se opune pacii cu Israel si coexistentei cu statul nostru. (…) De cand Hamas a preluat controlul Fasiei Gaza prin violenta, viata cetatenilor israelieni a fost un iad, fiind supusi la bombardamente si violente continue, care au afectat peste jumatate de milion de israelieni”, a explicat ambasadorul.
“In cele din urma, nu am avut alta optiune, decat cea de a incerca sa slabim capabilitatile militare ale Hamas pentru a ne apara poporul. Subliniez ca vizam numai obiective militare, incercand sa evitam victimele civile. Razboiul nostru nu este impotriva populatiei civile, ci impotriva Hamas, a carui putere vrem sa o diminuam”, a punctat David.
Ambasadorul a reafirmat angajamentul Israelului pentru ajungerea la un compromis care sa garanteze existenta a “doua state pentru doua popoare”.
Desi a cerut Romaniei sa sprijine operatiunea din Fasia Gaza, ambasadorul israelian a respins voalat o eventuala implicare diplomatica a statului roman in rezolvarea conflictului. “Sigur, avem relatii excelente cu Romania, care ne-a fost intotdeauna un bun aliat. Romania este o tara democratica si membra a UE, iar UE, reprezentata in Cvartetul pentru Orientul Mijlociu, a cerut Hamasului sa respecte trei conditii: recunoasterea Israelului, incetarea violentelor si respectarea acordurilor existente intre Israel si Autoritatea Palestiniana. In schimb, Hamasul a lansat un atac neprovocat asupra Israelului. Ar fi fost bine ca lumea araba si comunitatea internationala sa intervina pe langa Hamas sa nu atace Israelul”, a subliniat ambasadorul.
Ministerul roman de Externe s-a declarat marti preocupat de escaladarea violentelor in Fasia Gaza si a indemnat cele doua parti sa incedeze actiunile militare si sa se aseze la masa negocierilor pentru solutionarea pasnica a conflictului din Orientul Mijlociu. “Singura cale de a da sanse pacii in Orientul Mijlociu este iesirea din spirala violentei si revenirea la masa dialogului a autoritatilor legitime palestiniene si israeliene”, se arata intr-un comunicat dat publicitatii de MAE. (S.G.)
29 decembrie, 16:43
Cei peste 500 de romani din Faşia Gaza trebuie evacuaţi de către guvernul roman pentru că suportă aceeaşi soartă ca şi palestinienii din regiune şi, in plus, Romania, care are bune relaţii cu Israelul, trebuie să intervină pentru a opri atacurile a declarat, luni, ambasadorul palestianian la Bucuresti.
Ahmed Abdul-Salam Hassan Majdalani (foto dreapta), ambasadorul Palestinei la Bucureşti, a recomandat autorităţilor romane se evacueze cei peste 500 de cetăţeni romani din Gaza, sugerand că Egiptul ar putea oferi ajutor in acest sens. “Sfatul nostru este ca nu numai să se efectueze evacuarea romanilor, dar şi să se intervină pentru a opri aceste atacuri asupra poporului palestinian. Romania are relaţii bune cu Israelul şi, de asemenea, are o comunitate importantă acolo, care ar putea juca un rol important in această situaţie”, a declarat Majdalani, citat de NewsIn.
Potrivit informaţiilor oferite de MAE, in Faşia Gaza ar exista 300 de cetăţeni romani, inclusiv copii, şi nu 500, aşa cum a spus ambasadorul Majdalani. Ambasada Romaniei de la Tel Aviv se află in alertă şi este pregătită să intervină in cazul in care cetăţenii romani vor cere aceasta, dar pană acum nu a fost semnalat un astfel de caz.
Oficialul palestinian vrea “asigurarea protecţiei poporului printr-o forţă internaţională ca in Kosovo”
Oficialul palestinian a mai anunţat că in cursul zilei de luni va avea o intalnire cu reprezentanţi ai Ministerului roman de Externe pentru a transmite cerinţele Palestinei in legătură cu situaţia din Gaza. Aceste cerinţe vizează “intervenţia comunităţii internaţionale pentru oprirea imediată a atacurilor asupra poporului palestianian şi asigurarea protecţiei poporului printr-o forţă internaţională, aşa cum s-a intamplat, de exemplu, in Kosovo”, a spus Majdalani. De asemenea, ambasadorul a arătat că va mai cere spijin şi ajutor umanitar din partea comunităţii internaţionale pentru asigurarea necesităţilor de bază ale poporului palestinian.
Majdalani consideră că va fi necesară judecarea Israelului la tribunalele internaţionale, pentru că ceea ce se intamplă in Gaza reprezintă “crime de război şi terorism de stat organizat”. “Israelul susţine că aceste raiduri aerienei vizează apărarea poporului, dar in realitate aceste atacuri au in vedere sporirea popularităţii coaliţiei guvernamentale israeliene in condiţiile in care la 10 februarie vor avea loc alegeri”, a acuzat ambasadorul. “Au trecut la masacrarea poporului palestinian pentru a-şi creşte cota de popularitate aflată in declin”, a mai insistat el.”Actualul guvern israelian doreşte să schimbe regulile jocului şi să creeze o nouă realitate in zonă, inainte ca noua administraţie SUA să preia conducerea”, a explicat oficialul palestinian, sugerand că Israelul vrea să evite continuarea negocierilor pentru pace in baza Convenţiei de la Annapolis.
Ultimul bilanţ: 312 morţi şi 1.400 de răniţi
Potrivit celui mai recent bilanţ al pierderilor oferit de ambasadorul Majdalani, au existat de sambătă pană in prezent 210 raiduri aeriene, in timpul cărora au fost afectate 230 de sedii ale instituţiilor publice, dintre care şi Facultatea Musulmană din Gaza, 13 moschei şi Biserica Ortodoxă din Gaza. De asemenea, pană la ora 13.30, numărul morţilor se ridica la 312, dintre care 43 de copii cu varste intre 1-12 ani. Numărul răniţilor ajunge la 1.400, dintre care 380 sunt copii.
Majdalani a precizat că preşedintele Mahmoud Abbas a avut deja consultări cu liderii arabi şi a stabilit ca miercurea viitoare să fie organizată o reuniune a miniştrilor de externe arabi, urmand ca, cel mai probabil, vineri să aibă loc o reuniune a preşedinţilor arabi pentru a discuta situaţia din Gaza.
Luni a avut loc şi la Bucureşti consiliul ambasadorilor arabi pentru a condamna “atacurile grosolane” la care este supus poporul palestinian şi “distrugerea sistematică a populaţiei, economiei şi infrastructurii”.
ZIUA Online
Jurnal din Gaza. A patra zi de razboi
It was not possible to sleep here for two nights now. The events and the images of death and carnage of children, of policemen, of people that look like my mother and my son and my sister and my friends were simply too much. Gaza has run out of stretchers and many are now carried to hospitals (which are running out of supplies) and morgues on commercial street signs, in blankets or simply by their limp limbs. Three mosques were destroyed. I recalled the Israeli attacks on the Church of Nativity which was minor compared to this. I was watching Israel shell the University in Gaza city including its faculty of science and a residence dorm for female students and was thinking of my university and my lab and office at Bethlehem University. I was then shocked into more horrific scenes and news. In one house five young sisters killed. In another six family members including four children killed while eating breakfast. In a scene that haunted me where four children were killed with their mother, I saw rescue workers try frantically to pull the remaining surviving girl whose legs were crushed under a huge boulder from the roof. As some of them were calming her down and working hard, just next to them other workers pulled the dead body of her sister (looked like 3-4 year old). They quickly covered her but I think her sister noticed. Sometimes the dead are envied for their suffering has ended. Her suffering is just beginnig. I thought of all the thousands of relatives of all the victims and how they feel…..I thought of friends I lost and talks with people in Gaza…I thought of my mother who at 76 has seen so much suffering and still she cried at the new images of new atrocities…
My heart aches and struggles with my scientist brain. The latter wants to focus on facts and figures. The attack in its second day was in the words of Israeli leaders “the beginning” and is intended “to send Gaza back decades”. So far over 300 were killed and over 1000 injured (200 of those critically), 35% women, children and elderly. I examine numbers of homes, police stations, civil society building destroyed. I read the Al Mezan Center for human rights which rationally states that most Gaza victims are civilians [1]. But even my rational mind refuses to deal with these things. How could it handle just that one image of the young girl’s anguished pained look under the rubble of her house and so tears stream down again to to try to wash the image to no avail…..How could my mind examine rationally the statements of “leaders” saying this carnage is not the fault of the bombers and war criminals, but of Hamas!
Protests were organized around the world and more are being planned [2]. The demonstrations helped vent some frustration and we hope will herald a reawakening of the heart of humanity that has been sputtering. But we hope it will go much farther to changing the rotted system of elites in power ignoring people’s rights for political expediency and for profit.
In the Bethlehem demonstration, we pounded on the permanently closed gate of the apartheid wall with deafening sound and the soldiers in the tower started to through stun grenades and tear gas. Injuries were sustained for activists….Our lungs still ache but our hearts ache more for the criminality of the apartheid regime, and the collaboration of the world governments. The Israeli occupation army killed two protesters with live ammunition in other parts of the West Bank [3].
Can someone asks western media or the Wetsern governments ruled by elite racists who keep spouting the nonsense about “Hamas” and “rockets” (projectiles that are militarily of little use and have no explosives, killed one person this year), why targeting civilian police stations, mosques, homes with children, ports, fishing vessels, streets, and more in one of the most densely populated areas on earth murdering hundreds of civilians would be an acceptable action (I don’t say response because Israel was killing people and massacring them for 60 years before)? And what would they expect from a starving 1.5 million people to do? Especially when one million of those are refugees or displaced people denied their rights to return to their homes and lands for 60 years while settlers live across the borders on their lands in areas like “Sderot” and “Netviot”? Would they not expect some resistance from some of those? Isn’t that codified in International law for the right of occupied people to resist including violently? (note that I personally support civil forms of resistance). Even if one buys the US/Israeli government propaganda, would it be acceptable to bomb cities in Europe and the US for any perceived or actual crime of a portion of their society or even their leaders (Bush and Blair in Iraq?)?
But again I think it is not best for me to try and reason things through in such times of calamities and little sleep. I got so many letters of support but please redirect your letters and energies elsewhere. Redirect them to challenge the injustice directly [4]. Jesus made a statement directly relevant for us today:
“You are the earth’s salt. But if the salt should become tasteless, what can make it salt again? It is completely useless and can only be thrown out of doors and stamped under foot. You are the world’s light – it is impossible to hide a town built on the top of a hill. Men do not light a lamp and put it under a bucket. They put it on a lamp-stand and it gives light for everybody in the house.”
It is thus the time when people who claim they want peace and justice to stop talking about it and actually work for it. Put your lamp higher. It is time for real change…It is time for a world Intifada (uprising against injustice). It is time to do something concrete (like throwing our shoes at someone?)
Below are a press release from human rights organizations in Palestine (please circulate to media and politicians) and a poignant letter from a friend worth reading.
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
In Bethlehem, Occupied Palestine
O mama si copiii ei ucisi in Gaza. VIDEO. ONU nu poate controla criza umanitara
28-04-08:A mother and four of her young children under seven were killed in their home yesterday by what Palestinian sources said were Israeli missiles which landed at their door during an armoured incursion into northern Gaza.The Israeli military said it had been targeting nearby gunmen and suggested the deaths had been caused when explosives it said were being carried by two militants blew up. The children were about to eat breakfast when they were killed. The deaths of the children, and the wounding of two older siblings, overshadowed efforts by Egypt to broker a ceasefire between Israel and the armed factions in Gaza. At least one militant and another unidentified man were killed by Israeli forces during the incursion.Palestinian medics identified the dead children as sisters Rudina and Hana Abu Meatak, aged six and three; and their brothers, Saleh, four, and Mousad, 15 months. Their mother, Miyasar, who was in her late 30s, died later of wounds she sustained. Seven rockets were later fired into Israel, three claimed by Hamas in response to the deaths of the family.
Apelul comunitatii neguvernamentale palestiniene catre ONU si forurile internationale: atacurile incalca dreptul la viata al civililor
Palestinian human rights organizations strongly condemn the recent military attacks carried out by the Israeli occupying forces in the Gaza Strip on 27 December 2008. The attacks began at approximately 11:30 am and lasted for approximately three hours. These attacks have destroyed most of the Gaza security offices including police stations, resulting in the deaths of over 200 Palestinians. More than 350 have been injured with over 120 critically.
The number of deaths resulting from these attacks indicates a willful targeting of the civilian police forces in these locations and a clear violation of the prohibition against willful killings. Willful killings are a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention under Article 147 and therefore, a War Crime. Both the time and location of these attacks also indicate a malicious intent to inflict as many casualties as possible with many of the police stations located in civilian population centres and the time of the attacks coinciding with the end of the school day resulting in the deaths of numerous children.
The ongoing siege of the Gaza Strip has left medical facilities in the Strip incapable of meeting the needs of the hundreds more who have been injured which will likely lead to an increase in the number of deaths. According to Israeli officials, these attacks are only the beginning of an open military campaign in Gaza. It is therefore imperative that the international community not stand in silence while Israel moves forward with impunity.
Despite repeated calls from the Palestinian human rights community with regard to Gaza, the international community has failed to act. We are now on the brink of an explosion of violence as result of this failure and are pushed once again to call for action.
In light of the above, Palestinian human rights organizations urge:
* The UN Security Council to call an emergency session and adopt concrete measures, including the imposition of sanctions, in order to ensure Israel’s fulfilment of its obligations under international humanitarian law.
* The High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to fulfil their obligation under common Article 1 to ensure respect for the provisions of the Conventions, taking appropriate measures to compel Israel to abide by its obligations under international humanitarian law, in particular placing pivotal importance on the respect and protection of civilians from the effects of the hostilities.
* The High Contracting Parties to fulfil their legal obligation under Article 146 of the Fourth Geneva Convention to prosecute those responsible for grave breaches of the Convention.
* EU institutions and member states to make effective use of the European Union Guidelines on promoting compliance with international humanitarian law (2005/C 327/04) to ensure Israel complies with international humanitarian law under paragraph 16 (b), (c) and (d) of these guidelines, including the adoption of immediate restrictive measures and sanctions, as well as cessation of all upgrade dialogue with Israel.
Addameer Prisoners’ Support & Human Rights Association
Ad-Dameer Association for Human Rights
Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights
Defence for Children International
Ensan Center for Democracy & Human Rights
Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR)
Jerusalem Legal Aid & Human Rights Center (JLAC)
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)
Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession – Musawa
Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People (PCR)
Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies (RCHRS)
Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC)
Women’s Studies Center
The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations’ Network – PNGO