America urmeaza scenariul Star Trek nu numai in ce priveste presedintii (capitanii navei Enterprise, au fost, pe rand, un alb – Jean Luc Picard -, apoi un negru, o femeie si, cred, in final, un android) ci si in privinta experimentele militare pregatite pentru campul de lupta si intrate apoi, cu voia “lor”, in viata civila. In acest caz: holograma.
Pe langa tehnologia ecranului “Magic Wall” (care, inteleg de la provine tot dintr-un program militar, ca si internetul, mobilul, etc), CNN a facut ieri o proba de forta si a prezentat, in premiera mondiala, o transmisie in direct cu o… holograma. Eu am prins un negru care aterizase in studio exact ca in Star Trek sau Star Wars. Inteleg ca debutanta a fost reporterita CNN Jessica Yellin. Oricum, proiectia a fost fantastica. De necrezut, aproape.
Am observat de pe forumuri ca cei mai interesati de fenomen au fost cei din spatiul islamic (dar banuiesc ca si din cel slav).
Cititi o stire:
The Earth Times: CNN debuts hologram technology on election night
Washington – The US television news network CNN debuted a new camera technology that “beamed” one of its correspondents into its central election studio a la Star Wars. Reporter Jessica Yellin’s image was transmitted Tuesday night from Chicago and appeared as a holographically projected image in New York.
Moderator Wolf Blitzer spoke with Yellin’s image in a first-of-its-kind transmission that is to be used to broadcast other CNN correspondents and interview subjects from Chicago, where the Democratic candidate Senator Barack Obama’s campaign is watching Tuesday’s election returns roll in, and in Phoenix, where Republican candidate Senator John McCain is headquartered.
Yellin appeared in the New York studio with luminous contours that Blitzer said reminded him of the projection of Princess Leia in the 1997 science-fiction movie Star Wars. (DPA)
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