Posts Tagged ‘Troktiko’

Jurnalistul si bloggerul grec Socrates Giolias, autorul blogului Trokdiko, a fost asasinat cu 20 de gloante in plina strada, posibil de catre grupul terorist “Secta Revolutionarilor”

Jurnalistul grec Socrates Giolias, autor al popularului blog Troktiko, aflat printre primele 900 din intreaga lume in topul Alexa, a fost impuscat azi in plina strada, in fata locuintei sale, cu aproximativ 20 de gloante, trase din doua pistoale de calibrul 9 mm, folosite de grupul terorist “Secta Revolutionarilor”. Maine are loc inmormantarea, la ora 16:30, la Biserica Sf. Heliopolis Anargyroi din Atena. Condoleantele noastre.

Greek journalist Socrates Giolias shot to death

Vienna, 19 July 2010 – The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in South East and Central Europe and an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), strongly condemns the murder of Socrates Giolias, director of the radio station Thema 98.9 FM and administrator of the most popular social and political Greek blog Troktiko.

According to information received by SEEMO, during the early morning of 19 July 2010, an unidentified man rang the doorbell at Giolias’s home and informed him that someone was attempting to steal his car. Giolias went outside to the building entrance where he had parked his car and it was then he was shot several times. Giolias’s body was riddled with bullets and he died on the spot. Three alleged perpetrators fled the scene and remain at large.

Oliver Vujovic, SEEMO Secretary General said: “First and foremost, our condolences go out to Giolias’s family, friends and colleagues for their tragic loss. This is another black day for journalism and, moreover, journalists as such.”

Vujovic added that he was alarmed about the dreadful crime and that, “It is very important to find the person or persons responsible for this killing of a media owner as soon as possible. SEEMO asks the Greek authorities and police to do everything they can to solve the case and to bring to justice those who planned Giolias’s killing and SEEMO therefore welcomes a full police investigation.”

2010 is the year of SEEMO’s 10th anniversary

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