Iran’s Ahmadinejad congratulates Obama
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in a message to the US President-elect Barack Obama, has congratulated him on his victory.
“I congratulate your Excellency on receiving the majority of votes in the [presidential] election. You know that the opportunities given by the God to the people are transitory, they could be used for the progress of the people or against them. I am hopeful that by preferring the real needs of the people over the the insatiable demands of a selfish and corrupt minority, you take the chance and make a good name for yourself in history,” Ahmadinejad said in his message.
“… the world’s nations expect that [US] policies based on warmongering, occupation, bullying, deceit, humiliation of other nations and, discriminating and unfair relations that has led to the hatred of the US rulers by all the nations and most of the world governments, would turn into a behavior based on justice, respect for the rights of [other] people and nations, friendship and noninterference in others’ affairs,” the message said.
The Iranian president also called on the United States to limit its interference to its own borders.
“… and in particular, in the sensitive Middle East region, it is expected that the 60-year-old unjust behavior [of the US] would change into giving back the nations especially, the innocent Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan people their full rights.”
În afară de tonul surprinzător-moderat cu care oficialităţile întâlnite la Teheran ne-au vorbit despre omologii lor americani, deschiderea spre normalizarea relaţiilor spulberate în urmă cu 27 de ani, odată cu atacul asupra ambasadei SUA, avea să fie confirmată în plin deşert, de către un vânzător ambulant de cărţi poştale care ne-a propus să cumpărăm vederi şi pliante cu ţinutul Yazd şi fiindcă se numeşte “The Land of the Sun” (Ţinutul Soarelui), întocmai ca Florida!
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