“Nimeni nu ia în serios retorica preşedintelui Traian Băsescu, dar asta nu are legătură cu partea economică, însă dăunează României. Putin şi-a bătut joc de România, are acest obicei faţă de alţii pe care îi dispreţuieşte sau pe care îi consideră mai slabi sau mai prejos decât el”, a susţinut Socor la Forumul economic ruso-european de la Bucuresti.
El a adăugat, răspunzând unei întrebări din partea presei referitoare la atitudinea ostilă a Rusiei faţă de România în problemele politice cu Republica Moldova, şi a posibilităţii încheierii unui parteneriat energetic româno-rus, că Moscova nu are niciun interes legitim în Basarabia, dar nici în relaţiile României cu Chişinăul, dar atitudinea lui Băsescu faăţ de Basarabia este incorectă.
CATE paşapoarte are Socor? ATACURILE anti-Romania si anti-cetatenie romana pentru basarabeni facute de “independentul” Vladimir Socor la Europa Libera
In pat cu Voronin – 7 iulie 2008
Băsescu se luptă cu Molotov şi Ribbentrop
A number of top Romanian politicians outdistanced from the accusations brought by Romanian President, Traian Băsescu, against Chişinău, qualifying them as electoral declarations, declared the political analyst Vladimir Socor in the interview for OMEGA agency.
“A number of top Romanian politicians strongly criticised the declarations of Mr. Băsescu, and clearly outdistanced from them. Particularly the chairman of the Senate, Mircea Geoană – former minister of foreign affairs and candidate to the presidential position in the forthcoming elections in Romania – he made two declarations, whereby criticised and outdistanced from the declarations of Mr. Băsescu. Also, the liberal leader, Teodor Meleşcanu, had a clear outdistancing attitude regarding the declarations of Mr. Băsescu. These politicians do not consider that they need to resort to such diversion as Mr. Băsescu does with electoral purposes”, mentioned Socor.
The speech of Romanian president, Traian Băsescu, addressed in from of Romanian Parliament, whereby the Republic of Moldova was strongly criticised, was assessed by the chairman of Romanian Senate as an electoral speech. Mircea Geoană declared that Traian Băsescu “would better have preliminary consultations on this speech with political parties and with decision-makers in Romanian politics”.
Bucharest officials don’t have a single position on the number of applications from Moldova for getting Romanian citizenship
Traian Băsescu reiterates intention to grant one million Romanian citizenships to Moldovans, mentioning that no one seriously requested him to abandon this plan
Member of German Bundestag considers that Romania is the guilty one for current relations with Moldova
Romanian Parliament states the initiative of Băsescu regarding the citizenship for Moldovans could have a direct link with the intention of falsifying the elections in European Parliament
European officials are sceptical regarding the initiative of Traian Băsescu to grant passports in bulk to Moldovans
Declarations made by Romanian President have to worry the European Union – Moldovan President
Western analyst: Romania was self-disqualified as an objective and EU policy forming factor concerning the Republic of Moldova
Vladimir Socor: Romania is not objective as far as the Republic of Moldova is concerned
Romania has a chaotic and spontaneous policy towards Moldova, states a well-known western analyst
Vladimir Socor: It is correct that Vladimir Voronin didn’t try to react similarly to declaration made in Bucharest