Jurnalistul Marius Serban, agresat de mafia si politia din Bulgaria, aproape abandonat de autoritatile din Romania. Consiliul Europei si organismele internationale de aparare a libertatii presei au fost sesizate de MediaSind si Civic Media

Asociatia Civic Media se alatura demersului Federatiei Romane a Jurnalistlor – MediaSind, de aparare a ziaristului Marius Serban, agresat de mafia si politia bulgare si supus astazi unor presiuni sporite din partea organelor de justitie ale Bulgariei si a presei bulgaresti care actioneaza la comanda serviciilor secrete de la Sofia. Gasiti in baza materialului cateva exemple in acest sens. Am trimis protestul Civic Media tuturor organismelor europene, americane si internationale care apara libertatea de expresie si drepturile jurnalistilor, in speranta ca si Guvernul Romaniei va actiona, in egala masura, pentru apararea unui cetatean aflat la mana mafiei si a coruptiei institutionalizate din statul vecin si neprieten. Redau mai jos memoriul colegului nostru, care chiar astazi are o noua infatisare in procesul aberant si abuziv intentat de autoritatile Bulgariei, ca parte a unei operatiuni de lunga durata dusa impotriva Romaniei, in care ziaristul profesionist Marius Serban a cazut drept victima.  Sa speram ca MAE si serviciile noastre, care sunt obligate prin Lege sa apere cetatenii Romaniei aflati in nevoie, oriunde s-ar afla ei, isi vor face datoria.


Stimata Doamna, Stimate Domn,

In calitate de jurnalist si cetatean al Romaniei, tara membra a Uniunii Europene, va semnalez un atentat la libertatea presei, orchestrat de autoritatile din Bulgaria, un caz grav de abuz din partea politiei si justitiei bulgare, care obstructioneaza grosolan orice ancheta de presa ce le-ar putea periclita afacerile ilicite derulate impreuna cu lumea interlopa.

Practic, autoritatile din Bulgaria “mi-au fabricat” un dosar penal (Nr. 7219/2009, la Tribunalul Varna, Bulgaria) pentru ca am incercat sa ma documentez la Nisipurile de Aur (Bulgaria) pentru un material despre problemele cu care se confrunta cetatenii de nationalitate romana aflati in vacanta pe litoralul bulgaresc. Intreaga “afacere” este orchestrata de patroana firmei de ridicat masini de la Nisipurile de Aur (Tvetanka Hristova Vasilieva din Sofia, str. Charles Darwin, nr. 33, ap. 2) in complicitate cu politia de la Nisipurile de Aur si Parchetul din Varna.

Fabricarea de dosare penale este o practica cat se poate de curenta a autoritatilor bulgare, care nu se dau in laturi de la nimic pentru a intimida ziaristii si alte persoane incomode, in special a celor de nationalitate romana. Printre stratagemele folosite se numara tentativele de intimidare (inclusiv prin proferearea de injurii rasiste de catre politisti), refuzul din partea politiei de a accepta plangeri penale, fiind invocata lipsa unui interpret, citarea de catre Parchet a unor martori mincinosi, ignorarea unor probe aflate in dosar, luarea in consideratie doar a probelor aduse de o singura parte, etc. Toate acestea se fac intr-o deplina complicitate intre Politie, Judecatorie si Parchet.

Primul termen in acest proces a fost stabilit de procuratura din Bulgaria pentru data de 2 septembrie 2010, la Tribunalul din Varna.

Pe scurt, in timp ce ma aflam in statiunea Nisipurile de Aur din Bulgaria pentru realizarea unui reportaj, masina mea, prevazuta cu legitimatia PRESS aflata la vedere, a fost ridicata ilegal din parcare de firma de ridicat masini. Ulterior, cand am cerut explicatii, am fost agresat de angajatii firmei.

Echipajul de politie bulgar, chemat de mine la fata locului, a refuzat sa imi primeasca plangerea impotriva agresorilor, motivand ca nu intra in atributiile lor.

Scenariul s-a repetat si la sectia de politie de la Nisipurile de Aur unde am fost imediat dupa incident. Politistii au refuzat sa imi primeasca plangerea penala, motivand ca nu au interpret de limba romana, in conditiile in care trei sferturi dintre turistii din statiune sunt romani. A doua zi am constatat, insa, ca, intre timp, agresorul meu bulgar a depus o plangere impotriva mea, acceptata imediat de politie in care sustinea ca eu l-am agresat. Practic, din victima am devenit agresor, printr-o manevra simpla a politei din Bulgaria.

Ulterior, am fost arestat pentru 24 de ore, umilit, intimidat, fortat sa semnez documente in limba bulgara (nu am semnat declaratiile prezentate de procuror, insa, am fost fortat sa le semnez pe cele ale politistilor, la eliberare, fara interpret). Mentionez ca, in tot acest timp, nu am beneficiat de serviciile unui interpret autorizat de limba romana iar avocatul trmis de ambasada romana la Sofia s-a dovedit a fi unul corupt, facand jocul procurorului.

Mentionez ca actul de acuzare reflecta cuvant cu cuvant declaratiile agresorilor mei si nu iau in consideratie declaratiile noastre. In plus, in mod foarte ciudat, au fost acceptati nici mai mult nici mai putin de sapte martori (rude ale acuzatorilor) chiar daca la incident au fost prezenti doar cei doi agresori.

Tin sa precizez ca nu am antecedente penale, am un cazier curat, nefiind implicat in niciun fel de incident pana in acest moment, in ciuda faptului ca am calatorit in lumea intreaga, prin natura profesiei. Sunt jurnalist de aproape opt ani din care aproape cinci i-am petrecut la Agentia de presa Mediafax (acreditat la Ministerul Transporturilor) si doi la Business Standard (Realitatea-Catavencu), unde activam in momentul incidentului. In prezent, sunt redactor-sef la un ziar on-line. Sunt absolventul a trei facultati si a trei cursuri post-universitare. Precizez ca intentionez sa trimit memorii catre Comisia Europeana, Consiliul Europei, catre organizatiile profesionale ale jurnalistilor, precum si catre organizatiile si asociatiile pentru protectia drepturilor omului.

Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un stat membru al Uniunii Europene in secolul XXI, consider ca este inacceptabila tentativa de a inchide gura presei orchestrata de statul bulgar si condamn vehement, impreuna cu asociatiile jurnalistilor din Romania, modul primitiv si fara scrupule (insa ridicol in acelasi timp) prin care “mi s-a fabricat” acest dosar de urmarire penala.

In virtutea acestor incalcari flagrante ale drepturilor omului si a tentativei de reducere la tacere a presei, va rog sa aveti in vedere cazul meu si, rugandu-va, mai ales, sa imi asigurati asistenta juridica de care am foarte mare nevoie in acest moment.

Cu stima,

Serban Petre Marius

e-mail: mariuspserban@yahoo.com

Mobile: +40734651765

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

As a journalist and citizen of Romania, an European Union member country, and member of International Federation of Journalists (press card no. R 1158) as well as Romanian Federation of Journalists, FRJ-Mediasind, I will point you out an attack on press freedom, orchestrated by the authorities in Bulgaria, a serious case of abuse by the Bulgarian police and judiciary system in tight cooperation with local crime underworld which protect their “business” from any press investigation that could harm it.

Basically, the authorities in Bulgaria have produced me a criminal record (No. 7219/2009, the Court of Varna, Bulgaria) only because I tried to make some researches about illicit activities at Golden Sands Resort (Bulgaria) for a story on the problems face of Romanian nationality citizens vacationing on the Bulgarian coast.

This is in my opinion a very disturbing case considering that Bulgaria is a EU member state and intend to be soon a member of Schengen Agreement, even if is constantly monitor by the European Comission concerning Justice system problems. The repressive actions of Police and Justice system in Bulgaria against press freedom looks, in my opinion, more like those taken by the African states or even with The Peoples Court in ‘50 in Russia. Considering these facts, I condemn the abusive actions of the Bulgarian Police and Judicial Systems and I expose you this case.

The whole “story” have been orchestrated by the boss of the company managing car parking in Golden Sands (Tvetanka Hristova Vasilieva, Charles Darwin Street, no. 33, ap 2, Sofia, Bulgaria) in tight collaboration with with the police in Golden Sands and prosecutor in Varna.

The manufacture of criminal cases is a current practice of the Bulgarian authorities wich will do everything they can to intimidate journalists and other people, especially those of Romanian nationality.

Among the stratagems used for intimidation by the corrupt judicial system in Bulgaria we mention racist insults, the refuse to accept criminal complaints alleging lack of an appropriate interpreter, false witnesses, ignoring the evidence in the file, taking into consideration only the evidence provided by one side, etc.. All these are done in tight collaboration between local mafia, police, prosecutors and judges.

The first term in this case was established by the Bulgarian prosecutors from the Court of Varna on September 2, 2010. On November 30th I will face the third term in this case.

In short, while I was in Golden Sands resort in Bulgaria documenting for an article about the practices of local mafia, my car, with my PRESS card posted visible in the window was illegally taken from the parking and deposited in a closed area. When I was back, I asked the employee of the parking for explanations. Instead of explaining me why my car was illegally lifted, the employees assaulted me.

Soon after, the police crew I called on the spot proved themselves extremely friendly with my aggressors and very harsh with me. They refused to give me a note about the incident or receive my complain against aggressors, arguing that it is not within their competence.

The scenario was repeated at the police station at Golden Sands where we (me and a Romanian colleague, my eye-witness) headed immediately after the incident.

Police refused again to receive my criminal complaint, arguing that they don’t have at that moment in the evening a Romanian interpret (this was a very strange thing considering that three quarters of the tourist in the Golden Sands resort are Romanians). The next day we found, however, that in the meantime, my abuser filed a complaint against me, accepted immediately by the police in which he claimed that I assaulted him.

Basically, I was suddenly transformed from a victim in an aggressor by a simply maneuver of the Bulgarian Police.

Later that day, I was arrested for 24 hours, humiliated, intimidated, forced to sign documents in Bulgarian (I refused to signed the statements submitted by the prosecutor, but I was forced to sign without an interpreter those of the police, because they said it was a condition in order to release me).

I would like to mention that the accusation act of the Bulgarian (extremely ridiculous in my opinion) prosecutor reflects only the statements of my abusers and do not take into consideration my statement or the statement of my eye-witness. The accusation act reflects the need of Bulgarian Justice to teach me a good lesson. Among the aggravating circumstances we can find something like “arrogant attitude concerning the wealth of the people” (?!).

Very strange, even if in the incident were involved only three men (me and two Bulgarian park employee) the prosecutor accepted no less than seven so called eye-witnesses (relatives of the accusers).

I must say I am 35 years old and I have a clean criminal record. I wasn’t involved in any incident until now, despite the fact that I traveled worldwide considering my profession. I’m a journalist for nearly eight years in which I spent almost five at Mediafax Press Agency (the main Romanian press agency), and two at Business Standard (local Handelsblatt Division), where I activated when the incident occurred. Currently I am the Chief-Editor at an online newspaper. I have got the bachelor degrees in Literature, Psychology and Arts and, and, also, three Master Degrees in Publicity, Arts and Movie Production.

I intend to submit memoranda to the European Commission, Council of Europe, International Federation of Journalists, Reporter Sans Frontieres, Society of Professional Journalists (USA), Transparency International, US State Department (wich monitor the state corruption level worldwide), the other professional organizations of journalists as well as to organizations and associations for the protection of human rights.

Since we are talking about an EU member state in this century, I believe that is an unacceptable attempt to silence the voice of mass-media orchestrated by the Bulgarian state. So, me along with journalist associations in Romania condemn this primitive and ruthless actions (but ridiculous in the same time) of the Bulgarian State, which is highly specialized in manufacture of criminal cases for those who disturb their illicit business.

Considering these flagrant violations of human rights and the attempt to silence the press, I kindly ask to keep in mind may case and provide me, if it’s possible, legal assistance in this case.

Petre Marius Serban


Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: mariuspserban@yahoo.com
Mobile: +40734651765

I will show you now some of the reflections on this case in Bulgarian Media. These articles show, both lack of the professionalism of so-called journalists in Varna and big interest in this case from local mafia and local police.











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