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Buna, Domnul Roncea!
Daca nu va deranjeaza, cred ca este mai bine ca scriu in engleza (inca nu ma descurc complet in limba romana)
I read your entries about the Monastery Petru Voda, and I can't help to be some moved, grateful… I am guatemalan, came to Romania thanks to the prayers of P. Iustin Parvu and married at the church of the monastery in february of this year. Is some hard to describe the importance of P. Iustin in my life and all the blessings coming after I received the baptism at that holy place. Thats why, each week I go with my wife to Petru Voda, for being when the Sfantul Maslu is made, like a way of strenghtning the faith and because it's also a duty of thankfulness with Maica Domnului and with everyone in there (P. Ioan Sismanian, P. Spiridon, P. Ioan… etc)
If is possible to keep in contact with you, in english or romanian (even if, as I said before, my romanian is still some bad) I will be very glad, because I would like to talk about many things, those ones I'm living as orthodox and latinoamerican.
Doamne ajuta!
Doamne Ajuta!
Ce minunat este sa vedem aceste imagini de la Minastire in simplitatea si frumusetea lor imaculata! Multumim Domnule Roncea pentru ca ne ajutati si pe noi, cei de departe sa putem gusta un pic din linistea Minastirii privindu-le!
Also, I am happy to see that other orthodox people appreciate the richness of the soul they can descover in our Romanian spirit! I am in Canada now, born and raised in Romania, and I treasure each moment spent getting in touch with home, specially when home for me is also Petru Voda and other Monasteries I left behind at home.