Posts Tagged ‘Dame Stella Rimington’

ANTI-CIP: Fosta directoare a MI 5 Dame Stella Rimington se impotriveste cartilor de identitate cu cip biometric si statului politienesc

Fosta directoare a MI5 avertizeaza ca Marea Britanie risca sa devina un stat politienesc
O fosta directoare a MI5 a acuzat Guvernul ca submineaza libertatile civile prin exploatarea temerilor de terorism, avertizand ca incalcarea dreptului la viata privata “face jocul” teroristilor, relateaza Reuters.

Stella Rimington a declarat pentru ziarul spaniol La Vanguardia ca impunerea unui numar mare de restrictii poate duce la un “stat politienesc”. “Ar fi mai bine ca Guvernul sa recunoasca faptul caexista riscuri, in loc sa sperie oamenii pentru a putea adopta legicare restrang libertatile civile”, a spus ea. “Exact acesta este unul dintre obiectivele terorismului: sa traim speriati si intr-un stat politienesc”, a subliniat Rimington.
Fosta directoare a MI5, Rimington, in varsta de 73 de ani, a criticat si abordarea Statelor Unite in razboiul impotriva terorismului.
“Statele Unite au mers prea departe in ceea ce priveste Guantanamo si torturile. MI5 nu face acest lucru. Cu atat mai mult cu cat (Washingtonul – a obtinut efectul opus: exista din ce in ce mai multi teroristi sinucigasi, care au justificari mai puternice”, a afirmat ea. Rimington a admis ca serviciile britanice de securitate “nu sunt sfinte”, dar a subliniat ca nu ucid oameni.
Prima femeie director general al MI5, Stella Rimington a condus serviciul britanic de informatii timp de patru ani, din 1992 pana in 1996. Dupa ce s-a retras, ea a criticat in repetate randuri masurile de securitate si antiterorism ale Guvernului, in special cele care restrang libertatile civile. Anul trecut, ea a calificat drept excesiva incercarea de a extinde perioada de detentie a suspectilor de terorism, fara a fi pusi sub acuzare, la 42 de zile. Ea a criticat si planurile de a introduce carti de identitate – cu cip biometric. In 2005, ea a declarat ca noile carduri de identitate sunt “absolut inutile” si nu vor aduce nici un plus de securitate.
Sursa: NewsIn, Reuters, Telegraph, etc
Va recomand si comentariile de la
Most intelligent folk know this. It is the future “New World Order” that the USA and Britain are striving for. In other words a Socialist Dictatorship. To attain this, they must destroy our freedoms ie,surveillance,ID cards,snooping, and soon the reading of our emails and web sites visited.
Mabs, Northants, UK
The real terror is in Whitehall and Westminster… The enemy within.
rick, newcastle, uK
We really have seen the evil hand of Socialism stretch its Big Brother power into every aspect of our lives. This is designed to control us as FREE people, by reducing our liberties, diluting our culture and replacing it with a multicultural nightmare and spying on us to ensure political correctness
Richard , Nottingham, England
I have, for last several years, lived very happily outside of the UK in several different countries in Europe. Why must the 85 year old of any race be forced to take off his thin shoes in the airports of the UK. I find it sick and sad on the very deepest level that we have found ourselves in this way
John Robert, Paris, France
I think Ms Rimmington is right. This country used to be the champion of liberties, freedom of speech being one of the most important. Now the government is even trying to control what we think. We dare not criticise anything that the government does, vide the recent Dutch politician farce.
Andreas, London, UK
Thanks for speaking up Dame Stella – most of us have had enough of liberty removal by this kakistocratic government. If it continues where will it end? Do we really need to continue with this reenactment of an Aldous Huxley novel
Gerrard Pinkton, Bristol, UK
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