Posts Tagged ‘editorial ziua’
EDITORIALUL ZIUA scris de Roncea despre Basarabia si Basescu la Revista Presei cu Anca Toader
HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CIA si KGB pe Blog Roncea. REVISTA PRESEI: Editorialul despre Basescu din ZIUA citit de Anca Florea si Andreea Stroe. Multumiri!
SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN TIMES reflecta alegerea Elenei Basescu si a lui Vadim si Becali, citand o opinie ZIUA si cateva ale stangistilor de la Cotidianul
Unlikely winners turn up in Romania’s EP election
Critics mock and sympathizers defend President Traian Basescu’s daughter, a model who has now won an EP seat.
By Paul Ciocoiu for Southeast European Times in Bucharest – 12/06/09
Although turnout figures show the EP elections failed to captivate voters, some of the individual candidates did. Romania fielded a number of unusual candidates, several of whom went on to win seats.
Among them is Elena Basescu, a model who happens to be the daughter of the president.
Basescu, often dubbed the Romanian Paris Hilton, won a parliament seat as an independent with 4.2% of the vote. However, she will align herself with her father’s Liberal Democratic Party (PDL) when attending parliament sessions in Strasbourg.
“The media portrayed me as an uneducated woman, but I showed during this campaign that I was worth more than that,” Basescu, 29, told Radio France Internationale.
Bloggers couldn’t resist comment, much of it sardonic.
Elena “does not know either if she is the product of an independent candidacy or the result of the liberal-democrat support, or of her father accompanying her to the voting section,” writes Cotidianul’s Cristian Teodorescu.
“If she really wanted to bring back to PDL the independent percentage, she should have gone there alone, not with her daddy,” he adds.
Victor Roncea, senior editor of the daily Ziua, is more understanding. Elena’s critics, he suggests, are taking cheap shots.
“The stakes of the operation ‘destroy Elena Basescu’ were … to sabotage her father’s candidacy in the presidential elections this fall,” he writes. Her victory, he adds, settles the question of whether Traian Basescu will run again.
Another winning candidate was Steaua football club owner and alleged criminal George Becali, who teamed up with Greater Romania Party (PRM) leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor. The PRM ended up nabbing three seats in the EP this year.
Writer and journalist Ioan T. Morar presented a challenge to his readers. “It is clear the great friendship between Vadim and Becali is one of conjuncture … The two [are] worlds apart. … So I believe a break-up is imminent. How long do you think the alliance will last?”
Costi Rogozanu downplays the matter. “Romanian extremism is a joke and has to stay like that. I’m beginning to think that Vadim and Becali help it remain just a sign of foolishness shown by a part of the electorate and nothing more…The absence of the circus-like extremism tempts the large parties to borrow their speech.” Analysis shows “how much the ultra-aggressive and extremist elements have multiplied,” he adds.
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A fi Putin sau a nu fi Putin, asta-i Rusia
Cine si-ar fi inchipuit in urma cu 20 de ani ca maruntul agent KGB din fosta RDG, ulterior consilier prin primaria fostei capitale a Rusiei Imperiale, St Petersburgul-Leningrad, va schimba fata Noii Rusii si a lumii unipolare, pana mai ieri. V-ati intrebat vreodata: daca Putin a ajuns cel mai mare om de stat al Europei, cum arata cei din spatele lui? La Rasarit imperiul KGB-Gazprom creste indiferent de cine-i va sta in varf, ca steaua rosie neschimbata de pe Kremlin, in timp ce strategii imagineaza deja cel de-al treilea razboi mondial.
La Apus, imperiul CIA-Oil si serviciile de intelligence ale Statelor Unite au fost silite sa recunoasca in fata Congresului ca Rusia lui Putin constituie o amenintare veritabila la adresa Americii. Daca asta este situatia pentru una dintre cele mai mari puteri ale lumii, ce sa ne mai miram pentru Romania?
O analiza care va fi prezentata liderilor mondiali prezenti la summitul NATO de la Bucuresti aminteste prognoza evolutiei mondiale publicate de expertii in informatii americani, o schita a viitorului global pana in 2020. Romania este in centrul a din ce in ce mai multe proiecte globale geopolitice ceea ce impune realizarea de urgenta a unei conexiuni viabile intre centrele decizionale si responsabile de implementarea acestor proiecte si o diversificare benefica a inteligentelor romanesti catre cele patru puncte cardinale.