Posts Tagged ‘guardian’

Blestemul Kosovo. Cine se va bucura de el

Raportul Consiliului Europei despre traficul de organe – catre ce tari? – si crimele din Kosovo impotriva sarbilor, realizate sub comanda democrat-teroristului Hashim Thaci, ar fi trebuit sa scandalizeze pana acum intreaga lume. Prezentat de elvetianul Dick Marty la sfarsitul anului trecut, Raportul demasca, in sfarsit, dupa 11 ani de la bombardamentele NATO asupra Iugoslaviei acum faramitate, fata odioasa, “horror”, a republicii autonome mafiote Kosovo, asa cum o stie orice jurnalist de investigatii din Balcani. Linistea asurzitoare instaurata dupa difuzarea Raportului senatorului elvetian in tabara celor care militeaza pentru recunoasterea “independentei” provinciei sarbe Kosovo, a fost sparta, intr-un final, de publicarea unor informatii secrete ale NATO, livrate zilele trecute cotidianului The Guardian. Iata, aceasta este o dovada ca exista si oameni onesti in serviciile secrete ale NATO, care nu mai pot tolera ipocriza si cinismul marilor mahari ai lumii, care invart afaceri planetare sangeroase din lojele lor cu nume ridicole, travestiti in sortulete penibile de bucatarie. Perdeaua de minciuna, lasata la nivel mondial ca o ceata groasa, a fost crapata, putin, de informatia seaca publicata in presa britanica.

Documentele certifica ceea ce, repet, orice simplu jurnalist afla, daca se deplasa la fata locului: ca NATO stia despre mafia UCK. Cum putea sa nu stie cand crima organizata se intindea chiar sub ochii Aliantei? Am avut ocazia sa discut in Kosovo cu seful informatiilor zonale, un profesionist anglo-saxon de prima mana, decedat in conditiile  normale ale vietii sale: dubioase. Omul prefera intotdeauna sa ne intalnim in sectorul sarb. Ii ura pe albanezi. Prostitutie, crime, trafic de organe, totul se stia. Tone de droguri erau interceptate zilnic. Multe erau obligati sa le lase sa treaca. Erau plata pentru porcaria ocupatiei. Cine, deci, nu stia ce se intampla in Kosovo, “tanarul stat democratic” intins de SUA pe tava ONU?!

Ne-am fi asteptat ca, macar acum, PR-istii statului-mafiot sa-si faca mea culpa, sa-si puna putina cenusa in cap, sa-si recunoasca greseala, sa renunte la vehementa impunerii unei ilegalitati internationale monstruoase. Nici vorba. M-as fi asteptat ca macar presa romana, aflata aici, la doi pasi de crimele savarsite sub umbrela NATO, si cu un alt Kosovo emergent, in inima tarii, sa reactioneze pe masura. Cu exceptia unui singur articol, din Evenimentul Zilei, care citeaza dezvaluirile cotidianului britanic The Guardian, nimic. Mucles! “Ciocul mic”, ca sa citez un distins parlamentar al patriei. Unde sunt deontologii nostri cu staif, zombie cei aprigi ai “presei libere”, mai ales atunci cand musca de fund inca un mort si inca un mort, intr-o feerie a profanarii publice ritualice? Unde sunt apologetii crimei de ieri, intelectualii natiunii, Plesu, Liiceanu, madam Zoe Petre, sustinatorii “dreptului” NATO de a masacra civilii unei capitale europene in numele salvarii “albanezelor violate in masa”, “live” la CNN, de “satrapii sarbi”? Tot… “mucles”?!

Sa punem putin pe reluare filmul realitatii: atat Raportul Marty cat si documentele secrete ale NATO certifica faptul ca trupele UCK si, personal, actualul premier al Kosovo, reales “democratic”, sunt, de fapt, elemente ale unui lant armat de crima organizata care, in lagarele de sarbi detinuti in Kosovo si Albania (alt stat recunoscut de ONU), in baza unor comenzi internationale – venite din ce tari? – ucideau prizonierii si apoi livrau “marfa” obtinuta – rinichi, inimi, si alte organe – clientilor din strainatate. Atunci cand nu erau “montate” la fata locului. Ati inteles? Credeti ca si Emil Constantinescu si ideoloaga cabinetului sau, “doamna colonel” Zoe Petre or fi inteles? Dar Javier Solana si celebrul port-gurist NATO Jamie Shea? Oare Tony Blair si Bill Clinton in cap cu corespondenta madamei Zoe, Madeline Albright, presupusa amanta de ocazie a lui Hashim Thaci, or fi savurat stirea asta?

Si totusi, linistea e ca si pana acum: tot mormantala. Doar inimile smulse din pieptul sarbilor eviscerati in lagarele kosovare, ajunse acum intre suncile vreunor stabi cu ghiul de pe Wall Street, mai zvacnesc, saracele, cu gandul la stapanii lor ucisi. Dovezile palpabile ale crimei. Desigur, dupa ce vor sfarsi aceasta viata plina de placeri, marii “democrati luminati” ai lumii si slugile lor, de aici, de colea, vor avea parte de ceva mai putina liniste: fiecaruia dupa inima lui. O consolarea prea mica; pentru familiile sarbilor care-si cauta si acum parintii disparuti, pentru o oroarea anti-umana atat de mare. Blestemul sarbilor ucisi ii va urma din neam in neam.

Victor Roncea

lasata la nivel mondial, ca o perdea groasa de ceata,

OZN-urile si Revolutia netacuta a lui Julian Assange. Fondatorul WikiLeaks a intrat online pe Guardian: Exista si documente secrete despre OZN-uri. PLUS: Prioritatile CIA pentru Ungaria si ONU. DOCUMENTE SECRETE

Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder. Photograph: Carmen Valino for the Guardian

Vezi si Cum raspund SRI si SIE la atacul CIA asupra liderilor romani si sistemului national de securitate, revelat de WikiLeaks

I’ll start the ball rolling with a question. You’re an Australian passport holder – would you want return to your own country or is this now out of the question due to potentially being arrested on arrival for releasing cables relating to Australian diplomats and polices?

Julian Assange small

Julian Assange:
I am an Australian citizen and I miss my country a great deal. However, during the last weeks the Australian prime minister, Julia Gillard, and the attorney general, Robert McClelland, have made it clear that not only is my return is impossible but that they are actively working to assist the United States government in its attacks on myself and our people. This brings into question what does it mean to be an Australian citizen – does that mean anything at all? Or are we all to be treated like David Hicks at the first possible opportunity merely so that Australian politicians and diplomats can be invited to the best US embassy cocktail parties.

How do you think you have changed world affairs?
And if you call all the attention you’ve been given-credit … shouldn’t the mole or source receive a word of praise from you?

Julian Assange small

Julian Assange:
For the past four years one of our goals has been to lionise the source who take the real risks in nearly every journalistic disclosure and without whose efforts, journalists would be nothing. If indeed it is the case, as alleged by the Pentagon, that the young soldier – Bradley Manning – is behind some of our recent disclosures, then he is without doubt an unparalleled hero.

Have you released, or will you release, cables (either in the last few days or with the Afghan and Iraq war logs) with the names of Afghan informants or anything else like so?
Are you willing to censor (sorry for using the term) any names that you feel might land people in danger from reprisals??
By the way, I think history will absolve you. Well done!!!

Julian Assange small

Julian Assange:
WikiLeaks has a four-year publishing history. During that time there has been no credible allegation, even by organisations like the Pentagon that even a single person has come to harm as a result of our activities. This is despite much-attempted manipulation and spin trying to lead people to a counter-factual conclusion. We do not expect any change in this regard.

The State Dept is mulling over the issue of whether you are a journalist or not. Are you a journalist? As far as delivering information that someone [anyone] does not want seen is concerned, does it matter if you are a ‘journalist’ or not?

Julian Assange small

Julian Assange:
I coauthored my first nonfiction book by the time I was 25. I have been involved in nonfiction documentaries, newspapers, TV and internet since that time. However, it is not necessary to debate whether I am a journalist, or how our people mysteriously are alleged to cease to be journalists when they start writing for our organisaiton. Although I still write, research and investigate my role is primarily that of a publisher and editor-in-chief who organises and directs other journalists.

Mr Assange,
have there ever been documents forwarded to you which deal with the topic of UFOs or extraterrestrials?

Julian Assange small

Julian Assange:
Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original.
However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.


Prima victima WikiLeaks: “Cartita” Helmut Metzner, seful de cabinet al ministrului de Externe german Guido Westerwelle, eliminat pentru ca lucra “part-time” si ca informator CIA

Live from Guardian:

11.40am (ora UK – 13.40 ora noastra): Der Spiegel has more on the German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle’s chief of staff who admitted to passing secrets information to the Americans.

A worker at the party’s headquarters who was chief of staff to the FDP chairman, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle (foto dreapta), came forward and admitted to being the source, an FDP party spokesperson said.

Frankfturter Allgemeine names him as Helmut Metzner (foto stanga) and says he has been relieved of his duties rather sacked. Does that mean he’s been suspended?

Der Spiegel adds:

Helmut M. became chief of staff to the chairman of the party in Berlin after Westerwelle became Germany’s foreign minister in a coalition government with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats in 2009. During the coalition talks, Helmut M. had participated as a notetaker, FDP officials stated.

In a cable sent back to Washington that has been published online by WikiLeaks and cited by Spiegel, US Ambassador Philip Murphy described the worker as a “young, up-and-coming party loyalist.” The cable states that during his meetings at the US Embassy in Berlin, he brought along internal papers from the coalition talks, including participant lists from working groups, schedules and handwritten notes. According to Spiegel information, they include, for example, information about an internal dispute over disarmament that took shape during the coalition negotiations.

11.31am: Another technical update on the WikiLeaks site, from Josh Halliday.

The domain name, which only surfaced on Friday morning, is being served by the Swiss Pirate Party. And the routing to it is still being done by everydns.

11.22am: The WikiLeaks affair has claimed its first victim, according to the EU Observer. It reports that Germany’s vice-chancellor Guido Westerwelle today sacked his chief of staff for spying for the Americans.

Westerwelle’s chief of staff, Helmut Metzner, admitted that he gave regular information to the US embassy in Berlin, and has been “relieved from his duties,” a spokesman for the Liberal Free Democrats (FDP) said in a statement.

11.12am: Julian Assange will be live on the Guardian’s site from 1pm today to answer readers’ questions. That’s if he can get access to the internet. A big if at the moment.

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