Posts Tagged ‘razboi in gaza’

Iadul din Gaza. Ziua a 13-a. Rezistenta Digitala ne informeaza: 770 de morti, 3200 de raniti. VIDEO din RAFAH

Day 13 of Israeli War On Gaza
Death toll 770, injured 3200 and most of them Civilians

By: Sameh A. Habeeb

Dear Editors, Journalists and Friends,
I have got three calls from anonymous persons stop blogging or I would be killed. Yet, I would keep on this track. Some of you do wonder how I send news in such conditions. I really suffer a lot to send you this update due to lack of power. I go around 4 kilo meters a day in this cruel war where I charge my laptop battery to be able to send this work! This is very risky since shells rain down and drones hover over me! I will keep this up.
This is a new report for the 13th day of Gaza War and the outcomes of Israeli invasion. For more reporting, breaking news, interviews and accounts in Gaza, you could reach me on my contact info below. Please try both numbers below because there is a big problem in communication resulted in Israeli power cuts.
I’m available 24 hours for media coverage in occupied Gaza. You could reach me any time in my house. welcome to call me on this number in the night: Landline: 0097282802825

Mob: 00972599306096
Landline: 0097282802825
[email protected]

[email protected]
Skype: Gazatoday, Facebook: Sameh A. habeeb
Vezi aici VIDEO din GAZA ACUM
Please, make sure you forward this email to those who you feel are interested in this matter.

Deadly Outcomes of Israeli Ground Military Operation:
1-Israeli tanks move towards Abu Sha’er area, near Kosopheme area mid of Gaza Strip.
2-An Israeli air raid in an open area in Gaza.
3-An air raid targeting the house of Mr.Sameeh El nady Middle area.
4-Shelling Deir El Balah police station.
5-An air strike targeting El Moghrarby Municipality.
6-Bombarding the house of zakout family(Al Aqsa Brigades) Beit lahia.
7-Destroying a five-storey building belonging to Mr.Merwan Akeel in Leit lahia.
8-Air raid on the central police station which was hit on the first day of this war.
9-Destroying a five-storey building belonging to Hawari family in El Zaitoun neighborhood .
10-Tank Shelling of Abu Haduf area in Qarara, north of khanyounis.
11-Destroying a house belonging to Bawadi family in Jabalia.
12-Destroying a house belonging to Mr.Adnan Abu Shmaisa El Sawarha area middle area.
13-Targeting with six rockets the police station in Bani Sohaila, south of khanyounis.
14-Destroying the house of Mr.Mohammad El Sinwar(Qasam)Al Amal neighborhood in Khanyounis.
15-launching six rockets on the border area.
16-Targeting a house in Al Joneinah neighbourhood in Rafah.
17-Partial destroying of El Sakhra, shopping area in Gaza.
18-Destroying a house belonging to Jondia family in shojae’a-Gaza.
19-Destroying a house belonging to Al Jabri family in shojae’a.
20-Shelling a house belonging to Shamia family in Jabalia-Refugee camp.
21-Bombarding a house in Rafah-near the East cemetery.
22-An air raid on two houses belonging to Joma and Fayez El Rahal in Bait Lahia(four casualties) 23-Targeting two women with a missile south of Qarara.
24-Air raid on a house belonging to Abu Abeer, a key leader for Popular Resistance Committees in Al sahaba street.
25-Bombardment of Adnan Shaw’s house seven casualties one child dead immediately.
26- Artillery shelling south Jabalia.
27-An air attack on a house in Jabalia.
28-Shooting at two vans belonging to UNRWA one injured and one dead.
29-Targeting a car by three missiles-Al Nafak street Gaza.
30-Four Jehad A ctivities killed north of Gaza.
31-Killing an Israeli soldier and injuring other 13 in clashes with resistance men.
32-Besieging a house belonging to Abu Ghanima family in which several family members were injured.
33-An air raid on a house in Gaza-Daraj neighborhood.
34-Preventing a ambulance and paramedics from getting the dead bodies of the people killed north of Gaza.
35-Targeting 97 houses in Rafah.The inhabitants fled to UNRWA schools.
36-Shelling Al Nour Al Mohamad mosque, a two storey building in Al Sheikh Redwan neighborhood.
37-Air raids on orchards and farms belonging to Al Wehaidi and Al Sorani families.
38-Preventing ambulance men to rescue injured people in Al Zaitoun Quarter east sout of Gaza City.
39-Clashes between résistance men and the Israeli army around kosopheme crossing for 14 hours.
40-An Israeli vehicle was destroyed by Palestinian fighters and one Israeli solider killed.
41-Targeting a group of unarmed citizen in Khanyounis.
42-Destroying a house belonging to Abu kwaik in Al Zaitoun neighborhood.
43-An air raid in meraj street near Raffah Municipalities-many causalities are reported .
44-Destroying two houses in Rafah belonging to keshta family.
45-Killing the citizen, Jehad Kawareh in Khanyounis.
46-The death of a physician’s wife and son in El Shuef area-south Gaza.
47-Intensive artillery shelling targeting El Sha’ef area east of Gaza City.
48-Shelling the houses of civilians at Al Zahra quarter by phosphorus bombs.
49-Destroying a house belonging to Mr.Nour Baraka in Bani Sohaila Abassan.
50-UNRWA suspends its services as Israel kills one of its staff.
52-Bombings several targets east of Gaza City.
53-Palestinian paramedics and ambulances get Israeli fire.
54- Water is hardly accesses for hundreds of thousands in northern areas and Gaza City.
55-Bread is no longer available and only 5 bakeries work out of 47.
56-Palestinian paramedics found 50 dead bodies in many destroyed houses and open places. Thus, victims’ number up to 770 persons.
57-Palestinian fighters launch around 20 rockets into Israeli civilians.
58-Gaza still plunges into deep darkness.
Sameh A. Habeeb, B.A.
Photojournalist & Peace Activist
Humanitarian, Child Relief Worker
Gaza Strip, Palestine

FOTO si VIDEO de la protestele de azi din Romania fata de razboiul si catastrofa umanitara din GAZA. VIDEO UPDATE: Bucurestiul si Clujul in strada

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Patru familii de romani au reusit sa scape din iadul din Gaza

Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informeaza:

Un grup de cetăţeni români (patru familii) din Fâşia Gaza a ajuns în această dimineaţă în punctul de frontieră de la Erez, cu un transport organizat cu sprijinul Comitetului Internaţional al Crucii Roşii, în cadrul unei operaţiuni mai largi de evacuare a cetăţenilor străini din această zonă, demarate în dimineaţa zilei de 8 ianuarie.
Acţiunea de evacuare a fost organizată cu sprijinul Comitetului Internaţional al Crucii Roşii şi cu aprobarea autorităţilor israeliene.
Personalul consular al ambasadei României se află în punctul de frontieră pentru a asigura eliberarea documentelor de călătorie necesare cetăţenilor români pentru a ieşi din Fâşia Gaza, precum şi pentru a asigura tranzitul acestora pe teritoriul israelian, spre Iordania.
După îndeplinirea formalităţilor de frontieră şi eliberarea titlurilor de călătorie de către personalul consular aflat la Erez, persoanele respective vor fi conduse spre frontiera cu Iordania, prin grija Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv. De aici, vor fi preluate de Ambasada României la Amman şi transportate la aeroport, de unde îşi vor continua călătoria spre România sau spre altă destinaţie dorită.
Până astăzi, 8 ianuarie 2009, la ora 10,00, 69 cetăţeni români (23 adulţi şi 46 minori), la care se adaugă 12 cetăţeni palestinieni, îşi exprimaseră dorinţa de a fi sprijiniţi de către personalul Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv în vederea părăsirii zonei de conflict.
MAE va fi în măsură să comunice numărul exact al cetăţenilor români care ies din Fâşia Gaza în cadrul operaţiunii de evacuare de astăzi după ce vor fi îndeplinite formalităţile de la punctul de frontieră, iar personalul consular român va intra în contact cu aceştia.

Douăzeci de persoane, cetăţeni români şi membri ai familiilor lor,au fost evacuate din Fâşia Gaza

În urma eforturilor insistente ale autorităţilor române, un număr de 20 de persoane, cetăţeni români şi membri ai familiilor lor (8 adulţi, inclusiv trei cetăţeni palestinieni, şi 12 copii) au fost evacuate din Fâşia Gaza, prin punctul de frontieră de la Erez, a anunţat astăzi ministrul afacerilor externe, Cristian Diaconescu.
„Considerăm ca operaţiunea a fost o reuşită, pentru că aceşti oameni au ieşit din zona de conflict vii şi nevătămaţi. Ne dorim să îi scoatem din Fâşia Gaza şi pe ceilalţi cetăţeni români care vor să plece. După cum cunoaşteţi, autorităţile israeliene, urmare a demersurilor noastre, au aprobat, pentru aproximativ încă 40 de cetăţeni evacuarea din Fâşia Gaza. Continuăm în acest sens toate demersurile, atât la nivelul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe, cât şi al misiunilor noastre diplomatice”, a declarat presei ministrul afacerilor externe, Cristian Diaconescu.
Potrivit acestuia, Ambasada României la Tel Aviv va continua demersurile pe lângă autorităţile israeliene pentru ca cetăţenii români care dispun de documente de identitate valabile şi doresc acest lucru să poată părăsi zona de conflict.
Ministrul de externe a prezentat modul de desfăşurare a operaţiunii de evacuare, subliniind că după tentativa nereuşită de evacuare din data de 5 ianuarie, autorităţile române au continuat în mod constant eforturile pentru a permite ieşirea cetăţenilor români din zona de conflict, atât prin demersuri pe lângă autorităţile israeliene, cât şi prin menţinerea unei comunicări permanente cu comunitatea românească din zona de conflict.
În noaptea de 6 spre 7 ianuarie a mai avut loc o tentativă de evacuare, dar la care s-a renunţat din motive de securitate.
Pe 7 ianuarie, seara, a fost decisă organizarea unei noi operaţiuni de evacuare în cursul zilei de 8 ianuarie, după ce autorităţile israeliene şi-au dat acordul în acest sens, iar Crucea Roşie şi-a dat acordul să însoţească transportul.
Imediat după luarea acestei decizii (la ora 22.30), personalul ambasadei de la Tel Aviv a început să îi contacteze pe cetăţenii români care anunţaseră că vor să plece. Această acţiune a durat întreaga noapte. 50 de persoane şi-au exprimat intenţia să ia parte la această operaţiune. Acestora le-au fost comunicate locul şi ora de întâlnire, pentru a se putea sui în autocare. Au fost puse la dispoziţie noua autocare, din care au fost utilizate sase. Din cei care au confirmat, 20 de persoane au venit la coordonatele stabilite.
Deplasarea din Gaza City până la punctul de trecere a frontierei Erez s-a desfăşurat conform programului stabilit.
În punctul de frontieră, formalităţile de ieşire din Fâşia Gaza efectuate de autorităţile palestiniene şi israeliene au durat aproximativ 4 ore. În tot acest timp, personalul consular şi ambasadorul României la Tel Aviv au fost în punctul de frontieră de la Erez şi au menţinut legătura cu cetăţenii români şi cu autorităţile locale. În punctul de frontieră, personalul consular român a eliberat documentele de călătorie pentru cei care aveau nevoie de astfel de acte.
După eliberarea documentelor, cetăţenii români împreună cu alţi cetăţeni europeni care au ieşit astăzi din Fâşia Gaza au fost îmbarcaţi în două autocare, pentru a se deplasa spre punctul de trecere a frontierei cu Iordania, sub escortă militară. Reprezentanţii Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv urmau să însoţească cele două autocare şi să se asigure că cetăţenii români vor ieşi din Israel spre Iordania.
De la graniţă, cetăţenii români urmau să fie preluaţi de reprezentanţii Ambasadei României din Iordania, care urmau să îi însoţească până la aeroportul din Amman, de unde aceştia trebuiau să hotărască dacă pleacă spre Bucureşti.
Personalul diplomatic s-a ocupat de organizarea transportului cu o cursă comercială de la Amman la Bucureşti. Cetăţenii români au fost informaţi în prealabil că trebuie să achite costurile de transport aerian. MAE a asigurat costurile de transport de pe teritoriul israelian şi iordanian.
Ministrul Diaconescu a subliniat că una dintre învăţămintele cele mai importante ale acestei operaţiuni este cea a responsabilităţii. Pe de-o parte este responsabilitatea personală a fiecărui cetăţean român care stă o perioadă mai lungă de timp în străinătate de a se înregistra la Ambasadă, responsabilitate cu atât mai mare pentru cei aflaţi în zonele de conflict. „Sunt cetăţeni români în Fâşia Gaza care nu au actele la zi şi faţă de care România, statul român, prin autorităţi, şi-a asumat garantarea, prin titlurile de călătorie pe care le-am dat, numai şi numai în ideea de a-i ajuta, în încercarea lor de a-şi salva viaţa”, a precizat ministrul Diaconescu.
Pe de altă parte, este responsabilitatea statului faţă de cetăţenii români, modul în care au acţionat autorităţile române în acest caz demonstrând că pot să vină în sprijinul celor care au nevoie. Ministrul Diaconescu a subliniat faptul că statul român a preluat pe garanţia sa trei cetăţeni palestinieni, care nu aveau cetăţenie română, pentru a permite familiilor unor români să rămână unite.
Ministrul Cristian Diaconescu a mulţumit autorităţilor israeliene şi tuturor instituţiilor statului român, care au contribuit la succesul acestei operaţiuni.

Adevaratul motiv al razboiului din Gaza: umflarea ministrului Apararii, Ehud Barak, inainte de alegerile din Israel. Un articol surpriza din NY Times

Gaza War Role Is Political Lift for Ex-Premier

JERUSALEM — A few weeks ago, Defense Minister Ehud Barak was considered a dead man walking in Israeli politics. Members of his Labor Party were plotting to replace him after elections on Feb. 10, if not before. Under his leadership, the storied party of David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir had sunk so low in the polls that there was serious talk it might disappear.

No one is talking like that now. Twelve days into a punishing war that he is leading against Hamas in Gaza, Labor’s poll numbers are spiking. Mr. Barak is everywhere, in sunglasses and leather jacket, striding among his military commanders, talking strategy, calculating the next move.
“The respect I get when I go into schools since the war is amazing, and it is all about Barak,” remarked Daniel Ben-Simon, a Labor Party candidate for Parliament. “Israel’s MacArthur is back.”
There is, however, much irony — and uncertainty — in this political upheaval. Although Mr. Barak has gained from the war, he was opposed to it for far longer than any of the other top leaders and has been the most eager of them for a cease-fire since it began. Many abroad recall Mr. Barak as the prime minister who in 2000 went further than any Israeli leader in peace offers to the Palestinians, only to see the deal fail and explode in a violent Palestinian uprising that drove him from power.
If the current war goes on for long and kills many young Israeli men on the battlefield — so far casualties have been few and his shock-and-awe approach of the first days has been widely admired in Israel — Mr. Barak’s gains may again disappear. But his caution has gained him renewed support from the left.
On Wednesday, at a meeting of the country’s security cabinet, he helped persuade his fellow ministers to hold off on expanding the ground war to give diplomats a chance to stop Hamas from rearming through its smuggling routes under the Egyptian Sinai. The focus of the discussions, involving Egypt, France, Britain and the United States, is on using an international force of experts and troops at the southern Gaza border.
“Barak is very cautious,” noted Isaac Herzog, Israel’s minister of social welfare and a fellow Labor Party member who was at the meeting. “He is a cool-headed manager of this campaign but wants to exhaust diplomatic avenues.”
Voters seem aware of the risk to their soldiers of deepening the Gaza invasion, so the relative pause should not be politically problematic. But the truth is that the public wanted this war more than Mr. Barak did. With elections coming, he felt it would be difficult to hold off any longer, especially when Hamas increased its rocket fire to some 60 rockets a day, several who know him believe.
Furious and frightened after thousands of projectiles had rained down on the south over several years, Israelis yearned for a traditional Zionist warrior to rally around and send a harsh message to Hamas. For months, Mr. Barak, the natural candidate for that warrior role, declined.
At 66, Mr. Barak is the country’s most decorated soldier, famous for having foiled an airplane hijacking years ago while disguised in a mechanic’s uniform and for leading a revenge killing operation against Palestinian guerrillas in Lebanon while dressed as a woman. A skilled pianist famed for a steel-trap mind, he has also been the military chief of staff.
But he never took Hamas as seriously as many others, considering it a relatively small strategic challenge whose rockets and arms buildup could be tolerated for a while to allow bigger problems to be handled.
“His eyes are focused on Iran,” noted Gilead Sher, who was his chief of staff when he was prime minister a decade ago. “Hamas and Hezbollah largely worry him in relation to Iran.”
This, too, is an irony of Mr. Barak’s renewed popularity from the war, because his failure to grasp how average Israelis viewed the rockets is part of a larger political failure on his part. He lacks the kind of easy direct contact with the public that makes for a successful political leader.
In fact, only days before beginning the war, Mr. Barak was berated at an internal Labor Party meeting over his lack of response to the rockets.
“Members were asking aloud what had happened to him, whether he had lost it,” a party member who was present recalled. “One member, a minister, said, ‘I’m embarrassed to walk in the street and hear people talk about you as a big nothing. I get text messages from my cousins in the south asking what’s going on. Why aren’t we attacking?’ ”
Mr. Barak, the party member said, flew into a rage, saying he had seen more blood than anyone in the room, that he had witnessed things so horrible they would faint just hearing of them, that he would not be lectured to on the need to be tough.
At that time, Labor was polling about 8 seats in the 120-seat Parliament, with the opposition Likud, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, at 30 and the centrist Kadima, led by Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, in the mid-20s. Today polls show Labor around 16 to 18; some are fantasizing about squeezing past Kadima for second place.
There is a long history in Israel of warriors becoming peacemakers, and Mr. Barak seemed to fit that pattern a decade ago. But he was always something of a hybrid, and returned to politics after a long hiatus in 2007, when he was elected the leader of the Labor Party. Now it remains to be seen whether he can again turn his comfort in the military arena into a platform for political success.
One reason he might not do so is his political tin ear. After he left politics at the start of this decade he went into business and got rich, buying an apartment on the 31st floor of Tel Aviv’s exclusive Akirov Towers. In recent months he tried to sell it for $11 million. For a leader of Israel’s social democratic party that seeks to speak for the working man, this was clearly a misstep.In an interview with Ari Shavit, a writer for the newspaper Haaretz, about 10 days before the war began, Mr. Barak described the purchase as a mistake.
“I admit I did not take into account that an apartment like this would become a symbol,” he said. But he argued that the contest for national leadership should not be a popularity contest.
“When a plane has to be landed in a storm, you don’t ask if there is someone nice here,” he said. “Nor do you ask whether there is someone who looks like a pilot or talks like a pilot or once stood next to a pilot during a flight. You ask if there is a real pilot here, not a nice guy, not a back-slapper.”
That sales pitch was adopted by the party, with advertisements showing an unsmiling Mr. Barak and the words “not friendly, not trendy and not nice.” It is seen as a surprisingly successful approach.
Most analysts say that whether the election victor is Likud or Kadima, Mr. Barak could well remain in his post as defense minister, where the public is comfortable seeing him. Mr. Netanyahu has told others that if he becomes prime minister he will seek to bring Labor in by keeping Mr. Barak as defense minister.
At the same time, some on Israel’s left seem to be looking again at Mr. Barak as the man to vote for precisely because he has shown caution in going to war.
“Many see Barak as the old Israel, the one that won the ’67 war brilliantly and overwhelmingly after hesitating for a month,” Mr. Shavit of Haaretz said. “This is his pattern. Don’t rush in. Try to avoid it. But if you start the war, win the war. It is exactly the opposite of Olmert of ’06, which was to rush in and lose it. If the war doesn’t turn into a disaster, there is feeling of relief that we are back to being the old Israelis in the sense of thinking a bit before we act.”
Isabel Kershner contributed reporting
New York Timesc
January 7, 2009

Bucurestiul se alatura capitalelor europene solidare cu tragedia palestinienilor din Gaza. Demonstratie a romanilor azi, orele 12-14, in Piata Unirii


str. Batistei nr. 11
HotLine: 0728178998


Asociaţia Pentru Apărarea Drepturilor Apatrizilor şi Refugiaţilor (A.P.A.D.A.R.), organizează în data de joi, 8.o1.2009 între orele 12-14, pe trotuarul de vis-a-vis al Ambasadei Israelului din Bucureşti (Blvd. Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 1, tronson 2+3, Bloc B2), o adunare publică impotriva războiului din Fâşia Gaza. Cerem retragerea trupelor israeliene din Fâşia Gaza si interventia categorica a institutiilor internationale, UE si ONU.
Facem apel către toate asociaţiile şi persoanele care doresc să protesteze fata de războiul din Gaza, să vină să se alăture acestei actiuni de solidarizare cu drama civililor nevinovati aflati sub bombardamente de 13 zile negre.

Ianuarie, 2009
Preşedinte Vice-Preşedinte
Ene Viorel Rapcea Mihai

Infernul din Gaza. Ziua a 12-a. Bilant negru: peste 660 de morti si 2750 de raniti

For immediate release
Palestinian National Initiative

660 people killed in Gaza and more 2,750 wounded since the beginning of the Israeli operations. UN schools targeted.
Ramallah, 07-01-09: For the 12th consecutive day, Israel continued its attacks on the Gaza Strip.
By air, by land and by sea the Gazans are attacks and besieged.

At least 660 people have been reportedly killed (including more than 215 children and 89 women), and more than 2,750 have sustained heavy injuries (including more than 650 children and 270 women).
At least 17 families were reportedly struck, killing fathers, mothers and children.

The number is expected to rise within the upcoming days as attacks continue- both from the air, the sea and the land.

There are 220 dead since the ground invasion began. Within the past 24 hours, at least 80 Palestinians were killed.

Despite the Israeli recurrent discourse, facts are clear and Israel’s war has mainly been conducted against civilians: Universities, shopping markets, schools, Mosques and private houses have been struck.

Monday night, 2 UN schools were bombed. 3 Palestinians were killed in an Israeli attack on a UNRWA school, Asma Elementary School in Gaza city.

Yesterday afternoon, Israelis bombed a UNRWA school in Jabalia, killing dozens of Palestinians and injuring severely others. The UN school was sheltering people displaced by the violence in Jabaliya Refugee Camp in the northern Gaza Strip. UNRWA sources report 30 people died and 55 others were injured when three Israeli artillery shells landed at the perimeter of the school. Medical officials at Gaza hospitals said 42 were killed.

To Mustafa Barghouthi MP, The Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative: “the targeting of schools, international organisations and the other places which have been designated as safe heavens from the bombardments is further proof that Israel is either targeting the civilian population of Gaza or completely insensitive to the sufferings of civilians in completing its military objectives. “

“The UN schools have been established as makeshifts refugee camps. Their targeting should instigate an international criminal case against the Israeli government.”

“There are no places to run in Gaza. Those victims can no longer be considered as ‘collateral damages”, said the deputy.

+972 (0) 599 94 00 73
[email protected]

O micuta ortodoxa ucisa de prea multa teama in Gaza

Parintele Manaweil Musallam, reprezentant al Patriarhatului Latin din Gaza, a confirmat pentru Sam Bahour, jurnalist palestiniano-american, ca fetita din imagine, Christine, crestin-ortodoxa, a murit, in timpul unui raid aerian israelian, in urma unui colaps. A fost ucisa de frica, fiind coplesita de pericol si afectata nevrotic de la inceperea razboiului, asa cum sunt foarte multi copii, afirma parintele. Locuia in zona Al-Remal din Gaza. In timpul unui bombardament din a 7-a zi de razboi, vineri, 2 ianuarie, a cazut la pamant. Tatal ei, de profesie medic, a incercat sa o ajute dar fetita a murit in bratele sale, pana sa ajunga la spital.
Dumnezeu sa o odihneasca in pace!

Carnagiu in Gaza: 75 de morti dintre care peste 40 intr-o tabara de refugiati. Israelul ataca Scolile in ciuda informatiilor clare date de ONU

GAZA, Jan 6 (Reuters) – Israeli tank shells killed at least 40 Palestinians on Tuesday at a U.N. school where civilians had taken shelter, medical officials said, in carnage likely to boost international calls for a halt to Israel’s Gaza offensive.
An Israeli military spokeswoman said she was looking into information on the incident at al-Fakhora school in Jabalya refugee camp.
People cut down by shrapnel lay in pools of blood on the street. Witnesses said two Israeli tanks shells exploded outside the school, killing at least 40 civilians — Palestinians who had taken refuge there and residents of nearby buildings.
In a separate attack earlier in the day, three Palestinians were killed in an airstrike on another school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.
The deaths raised to 75 the number of Palestinian civilians killed on Tuesday alone, according to medical officials.

GAZA CITY (CNN) — The Israeli military stepped up its offensive in Gaza Tuesday, surrounding densely populated Gaza City with its ground forces after at least 50 air strikes pounded the region overnight.
The United Nations said one Israeli air attack struck an elementary school in Gaza City where hundreds of Palestinians had taken shelter, killing three men.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency said Asma Elementary school was clearly marked as a U.N. installation. It said over 400 people had been given shelter at the school when it was hit Monday night.
“Well before the current fighting, UNRWA had given to the Israeli authorities the GPS (global positioning system) co-ordinates of all its installations in Gaza, including Asma Elementary School,”
the agency said in a news release.
“UNRWA is strongly protesting these killings to the Israeli authorities and is calling for an immediate and impartial investigation,” it added.

Ziua a 11-a. INP: 578 morti si peste 2700 de raniti. Marturia unui medic norvegian despre crimele din Gaza: "Este ca Infernul lui Dante!"

Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor in Gaza, tells Sky News and CBS that the number of civilians injured and killed in Gaza proves that Israel is deliberately attacking the population

For immediate release
Palestinian National Initiative

Families face deaths in the Gaza Strip
578 people killed in Gaza and more than 2,700 wounded

Ramallah, 06-01-09: For the 11th consecutive day, Israel continued its attacks on the Gaza Strip: by air strikes and ground operations.

Since the beginning of the Israeli invasion, 578 people in Gaza were killed, of which approximately 70 children and 27 women. By now, a total of 2,700 Gazans are injured of which more than 270 and 650 children.

Despite the Israeli recurrent discourse claiming an attack on military and Hamas’s infrastructure and militants, facts are clear and Israel’s war has mainly been conducted against civilians.

At least 17 families from Gaza were reported struck, causing many dead among civilians, mothers and children. “Those families are not Hamas members”, says Mustafa Barghouthi. “Missiles do not differentiate people by their political affiliation. They simply kill everyone in their path.”

The only family that has effective Hamas affiliation is the Rayan Family, where the father Nizar Rayan was killed, along with 14 members of his family, of which 4 women and 9 children.

But despite this, the lives of 17 Gazans families -gathered to face together to ongoing massacre- fathers, mother and children has been taken, while the Israeli PR machine is going to claim for “collateral damage”.

“Thos sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers cannot be considered without humanity as ‘collateral damages”, emphasized Mustafa Barghouthi.
Among those, were:

– In the Baker family, a mother died, along with her 4 children of which a one-year old boy and a two-year old girl.
– In the Ba’lousha family, 5 sisters were killed: Aya, Iman, Ikram, Tihryr and Samar.
– In the Al Ris family, 3 deaths were reported.
– In the Hawaj family, the father and a son were reported killed.
– In the Asumudi family, 7 were killed, of which 4 children.
– In the Al’Bsy family, 3 children were killed.
– In the Al Kashko family, the son, the daughter and the daughter-in law were killed.
– In the Thalal Hamdan family, Lama (4), Haya (11) and Ismail (10), 2 sisters and 1 brother were killed.
– In the Astal family, 2 brothers and their cousin were killed: Mohammad Iyaad (10), Abed Rabu (11) and Abed As-Satar Walid (11) were killed.
– In the Barbakh family, the grandfather, three brothers and the grandson were killed.
– In the Hilu family, 5 girls and their grandfather were killed.
– In The Abu Aisha family, 7 dead were reported: the father, the mother and their 5 children.

Three other un-identified families were heavily struck by the Israeli forces, resulting in the death of 19 other persons, of which a mother and her 4 daughters and a father and his 5 children.

Attacks have increased without any major intervention from the international community.

“It is now time to end the massacre, time for Israel to stop its aggression on Palestinian civilians, and time for the International Community to take its responsibilities and stop the Israeli bloodbath and impose a ceasefire,” says Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, the Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative.
Contacts: 0599 94 00 73 or [email protected]

Situatia romanilor din GAZA. Pozitia MAE Roman. Intalnire cu ambasadorul Palestinei. Coordonatele ambasadelor Romaniei din Israel si Egipt

Poziţia Ministerului Afacerilor Externe faţă de escaladarea situaţiei din Fâşia Gaza

Ministerul Afacerilor Externe exprimă profunda îngrijorare în legătură cu escaladarea situaţiei din Gaza şi afirmă nevoia urgentă privind încetarea acţiunilor şi asigurarea condiţiilor care să permită accesul asistenţei umanitare în zona de conflict şi protejarea civililor.

Pentru Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al României este prioritară preocuparea pentru situaţia cetăţenilor români din zonă. MAE face toate demersurile posibile pentru a facilita evacuarea cetăţenilor români care doresc să plece din Fâşia Gaza.

IERI: Situaţia actualizată privind cetăţenii români din Fâşia Gaza. AZI: Nimic nou
Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează că primul autocar cu cetăţeni străini care au primit acordul autorităţilor israeliene pentru evacuare a ajuns în apropierea punctului de frontieră Erez însă, din cauza tirurilor cu rachete, a fost nevoit să se întoarcă în Gaza City.
I.C.R.C. (Crucea Roşie şi Semiluna Internaţională) nu şi-a asumat responsabilitatea continuării călătoriei până la Erez.
Ambasada României la Tel Aviv menţine legătura cu cetăţenii români din Fâşia Gaza şi cu autorităţile israeliene în perspectiva continuării acţiunilor de evacuare în funcţie de evoluţia situaţiei în zonă.

Primirea de către ministrul afacerilor externe, Cristian Diaconescu, a ambasadorului palestinian la Bucureşti

Ministrul afacerilor externe, Cristian Diaconescu, a discutat astăzi (ieri – nota mea) cu Ahmed Majdalani, ambasadorul palestinian la Bucureşti, despre problemele legate de situaţia actuală din Fâşia Gaza, în cadrul unei audienţe acordate la sediul MAE.
Ministrul Diaconescu a subliniat preocuparea României faţă de situaţia actuală şi a exprimat convingerea că pentru a se relua dialogul politic sunt necesare încetarea violenţelor şi identificarea de soluţii pentru problemele umanitare din Fâşia Gaza. Ministrul a subliniat că în Gaza se află şi cetăţeni români, pentru care se depun eforturi de evacuare, în funcţie de solicitările primite.
Demnitarul român a reiterat faptul că, din punctul de vedere al României, soluţia la criză poate fi găsită numai pe cale politică şi a subliniat disponibilitatea României de a întreprinde, în colaborare cu partenerii din UE şi prin acţiuni bilaterale, demersuri în vederea sprijinirii reglementării politico-diplomatice a crizei. Ministrul Diaconescu a arătat totodată că, înţelegând problemele curente cu care se confruntă populaţia din Fâşia Gaza, autorităţile române sunt disponibile şi pentru identificarea unor formule de acordare de asistenţă umanitară.
Ambasadorul palestinian a făcut o evaluare a situaţiei actuale din Fâşia Gaza.

Contacte Ambasada României în Israel şi ambasada României în Egipt

Ambasada României în Statul Israel
Adresa: Str. Adam Hacohen, Nr. 24, Tel Aviv 64585
Telefon: +972-3-522 9472 (centrala);
+972-3-529 0611 (direct);
+972-3-529 0613 (direct);
+972-3-529 0777 (direct);
+972-3-529 0948 (direct).

+972-54 580 2679
Fax: +972-3-524 7379

E-mail: [email protected]

Secţia consulară
Adresa: Str. Adam Hacohen, Nr. 24, Tel Aviv 64585
Telefon: +972-3-524 4644, int. 12
Fax: +972-3-524 7379
E-mail: [email protected]

Ambasada României în Republica Arabă Egipt

Adresa: 6, El-Kamel Mohamed Street, Zamalek, Cairo
Telefon: (00202) 2736.01.07
Fax: (00202) 2736.08.51
Consulara: (00202) 2735.53.26
Site web:
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: Dl. Gheorghe DUMITRU
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