Office of the Vice President
This morning, President Obama joined a meeting between Vice President Biden and President of Romania Traian Basescu in the Roosevelt Room. The President also invited President Basescu into the Oval Office along with the Vice President.
The President noted the close alliance between the United States and Romania, and thanked President Basescu for his strong partnership. The President congratulated President Basescu on the U.S.-Romania Ballistic Missile Defense Agreement, which exemplifies the President’s commitment to strengthening NATO and ensuring allies have the capabilities to meet 21st century threats. The President also congratulated President Basescu on the U.S.-Romania Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century. Both of these documents were completed during the visit of President Basescu. (See them down here)
The President thanked President Basescu for his leadership in NATO as the Alliance prepares for the Chicago NATO Summit in May 2012, and expressed appreciation for the sacrifices that Romanian soldiers have made in our common effort in Afghanistan and elsewhere. He thanked President Basescu for Romania’s critical contributions to the ISAF mission.
The President and President Basescu discussed the important role that Romania can play in supporting and advancing democracy, both in Europe and in the Middle East in the wake of the Arab Spring.
Vice President Biden welcomed the strengthening of the U.S.-Romania strategic partnership as follow up to the discussions he held with President Basescu during his visit to Bucharest in October 2009. The Vice President and President Basescu also discussed ongoing political and economic reforms in Romania, and our shared goal of encouraging stability in the Balkans. They also discussed their strong concerns about the situation in Syria and agreed to consult closely going forward.
Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century Between the United States of America and Romania
& Ballistic Missile Defense Agreement between the United States of America and Romania
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Foto: Alex Micsik /
Scutul nu e indreptat impotriva Iranului, clar asta.
Poate ca l-ar putea folosi impotriva unei Turcii mai rebele asa. Dar e un scenariu improbabil.
Scutul este clar indreptat impotriva Rusiei.
Evident ca este un scut prost si nefunctional:
Intrebarea e alta… daca acest scut ascunde altceva?
Sa ii faca pe rusi sa traga mai intai in alte parti?
Greu de raspuns.
Ideea e ca “elitele” au nevoie de un razboi pentru depopulare (dorita cu insistenta) si impunerea unui Guvern Mondial. Doar un razboi de amploare poate infaptui aceste deziderate.
Si la finalul acestui razboi va aparea si “eroul” care va spune lumii, ce a mai ramas, ca trebuie sa fie unita ca sa nu mai existe razboaie atat de dure. (Depopulare pentru mine inseamna reducerea Romaniei la cateva sute de mii de locuitori.)
Si eroul lor va spune ca pentru securitate (probabil WW3 poate incepe ca urmare a unui atentat terorist de proportii) e bine sa fie marcati oamenii ca sa se cunoasca exact locatia si identitatea. Evident concomitent cu disparitia banilor fizici.
Pana acolo mai e, dar in viitorul apropiat e clar ca urmeaza un razboi.
Cel putin pentru mine.
O zi placuta dle. Roncea.