ParinteleJustinParvu.Ro: Sfaturi ale Părintelui Justin către maici într-o scrisoarea olografă şi un Simpozion de ziua Cuviosului Mărturisitor de la Petru Vodă

Parintele Justin Marturisitorul - Album foto de Cristina NichituCititi: Sfaturi ale Părintelui Justin Pârvu către maici într-o scrisoarea olografă şi un Simpozion de ziua Cuviosului Mărturisitor de la Petru Vodă

It is almost hallucinatory how Father George exhumation was broadcasted over the local media, TV stations and blogs in Romania. As the events unfolded, upon opening father’ tomb by several monastics during his seven years memorial, we can only say how right was Father George in the statements that he made in his last will, and how the devil can use the spirit of piety manifested upon finding someone’s incorrupt body, to deceive many.

Father George Calciu

It’s even more troubling to see, after father passing in the Lord, how the devil continues to fight even with his remaining, trying to stain the memory of a man who sanctified his whole life through many hardships. One can wonder, how is this man pleasing to Christ’s rest now?… when his body became the target of attacks that are foreign to the spirit of Orthodoxy.

And if we understood that someone’ martyrdom happens usually during his life time, in this case Satan is showing a new face, battling in our times even the bodies of those pleasing to God who have stepped into eternity.

Just as Father George once said:

“Between our bodies and our souls, there exist a relationship that it’s never lost. Even if the body returns to earth, this connection between the body and the soul is not disbanded, as something that will be fulfilled at the last judgment. “

And despite the hate that the devil manifests towards those pleasing to Christ, I believe that Father George who was tested in the fire of communist prisons, will come out victorious once again from this battle, after his falling asleep.

And if the Lord allowed this to happen, may it be towards a greater glory to him. May it be that the machinations that took place at the uncovering of Father George relics, will strengthen our prayers and bring us even more in the communion with Father, and with all the saints pleasing to God, part of His Triumphant Church.

The uncovering of relics of Father George Calciu and his reburial. What Father George tells us about the relics of the saints and their power …

The relics of the saints and their power with Father George Calciu (part II)

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