Despre Romania, NATO si rachetele SUA pe WikiLeaks. DOCUMENTE SECRETE

Un număr total de 1.022 de documente publicate începând de duminică de conţin referiri la România, dintre care 830 provin de la ambasada SUA la Bucureşti, potrivit site-ului de informaţii citat de Mediafax si link-ului urmator –

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Reference ID Date Classification Origin

{09STATE16285} {2009-02-22 20:08} {SECRET} {Secretary of State}
S E C R E T STATE 016285



{¶}12. (C) Levitte said that France was very pleased with the
selection of Madeleine Albright to chair the “Group of 12,”
which will launch the process of reviewing NATO’s Strategic
Concept. Bruno Racine will be the French participant on the
panel, and Levitte stressed that there is already strong
agreement between France and the United States on the basis
of exchanges that he has had with NSA General Jim Jones.
Levitte noted that Paris agreed with Jones on suppressing the
Membership Action Plan (MAP), which had become an obstacle
rather than an incentive. A/S Gordon responded that we must
not change the process in a way that would be interpreted as
suggesting an end to NATO enlargement and eliminating MAP
might do that. Levitte agreed and added that French
President Sarkozy was “convinced” that Ukraine would one day
be a member of NATO, but that there was no point in rushing
the process and antagonizing Russia, particularly if the
Ukrainian public was largely against membership. The
Bucharest summit declaration was very clear that NATO has an
open door and Ukraine and Georgia have a vocation in NATO
(even if Georgia remains very unstable at the moment).
Levitte added that Paris was very pleased with the ceremony
on September 9 transferring the Allied Command Transformation
(ACT) to French General Stephane Abrial.


Missile Defense and Iran

{¶}13. (S/NF) MND Gonul said he considered the new US Phased
Adaptive approach better than the previous Administration’s
approach, since the previous system did not cover Turkey.
SecDef agreed, noting that the Polish and Romanian agreement
to host SM-3 missiles. He further emphasized that without a
radar based in Turkey, significant areas in the eastern part
of the country would not be covered by the system.

{¶}14. (S/NF) Gonul told SecDef that discussions about the radar
were ongoing within the Turkish government and inquired about

what alternate sites the U.S. was considering. SecDef
responded that other countries in Southeast Europe might be
interested in hosting the radar, but reiterated that Turkey
was the optimal site. SecDef explained that one of the
reasons why he had embraced the new administration’s approach
was that it provided protection for Allies and troops earlier
than the previous program without reducing protection of the
U.S. arata, in ceea ce ce priveste Bulgaria, Rusia si zona Marii Negre si a Marii Caspice, ca: Diplomaţii SUA sunt interesaţi de acordurile energetice oficiale sau secrete cu Iranul, Rusia sau alte state din zona Mării Caspice. Statele Unite urmăresc detalii despre “personalităţile cheie în domeniul energetic şi relaţiile lor cu alţi lideri naţionali, viziunile lor faţă de dependenţa energetică faţă de Rusia şi eforturile şi planurile Rusiei în acest sens”.

Un alt palier al activităţii diplomaţilor SUA la Sofia este legat de vulnerabilităţile oficialilor bulgari faţă de influenţa rusă. Este vorba despre detalii privind relaţia dintre oamenii de afaceri ruşi sau oficialii de la Moscova şi cei de la Sofia, despre modul în care Rusia poate exploata legăturile istorice cu Bulgaria pentru a influenţa procesele actuale din ţară şi din regiune.

La nivelul relaţiilor dintre UE şi Bulgaria, SUA sunt interesate de planurile ţării vecine de a investi în Politica Europeană de Securitate şi Apărare. SUA sunt interesate şi de politica Bulgariei faţă de Macedonia şi Kosovo şi poziţia faţă de apărarea antirachetă.

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