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Ziaristi Online prezinta documentele de la Washington. Basescu, Biden & Obama, the Ballistic Missile Defense Agreement and the Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership Between the USA and Romania

The White House

Office of the Vice President

For Immediate Release
September 13, 2011
Readout of President Obama and Vice President Biden’s Meeting with President Basescu of Romania

This morning, President Obama joined a meeting between Vice President Biden and President of Romania Traian Basescu in the Roosevelt Room. The President also invited President Basescu into the Oval Office along with the Vice President.

The President noted the close alliance between the United States and Romania, and thanked President Basescu for his strong partnership. The President congratulated President Basescu on the U.S.-Romania Ballistic Missile Defense Agreement, which exemplifies the President’s commitment to strengthening NATO and ensuring allies have the capabilities to meet 21st century threats. The President also congratulated President Basescu on the U.S.-Romania Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century. Both of these documents were completed during the visit of President Basescu. (See them down here)

The President thanked President Basescu for his leadership in NATO as the Alliance prepares for the Chicago NATO Summit in May 2012, and expressed appreciation for the sacrifices that Romanian soldiers have made in our common effort in Afghanistan and elsewhere. He thanked President Basescu for Romania’s critical contributions to the ISAF mission.

The President and President Basescu discussed the important role that Romania can play in supporting and advancing democracy, both in Europe and in the Middle East in the wake of the Arab Spring.

Vice President Biden welcomed the strengthening of the U.S.-Romania strategic partnership as follow up to the discussions he held with President Basescu during his visit to Bucharest in October 2009. The Vice President and President Basescu also discussed ongoing political and economic reforms in Romania, and our shared goal of encouraging stability in the Balkans. They also discussed their strong concerns about the situation in Syria and agreed to consult closely going forward.

Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century Between the United States of America and Romania

& Ballistic Missile Defense Agreement between the United States of America and Romania

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Foto: Alex Micsik /

Bloggerul Sutu mai prost decat pozarul Sutu. Cotroceniul si-a schimbat fotograful de pe 20 aprilie. Sorin Lupsa i-a predat stafeta lui Alex Micsik

Un oarecare, care se da un fel de ziarist si fotograf bun la toate, mare specialist in a suti nume celebre de prin Capitala, de la Palatul Sutu pana la Foto Union (de ce nu si-a numit blogul Sanatoriul Sutu?), a reusit sa capteze din patina furaciunilor sale doar jegul. Intr-o postare care se vrea foarte suculenta, sutuletul chipurile da o stire: ca s-a schimbat fotograful la Cotroceni (vezi captura de ecran mai sus), ca e din cauza fotografiei cu gaura din talpa a tantalaului nespalat de Jeffrey Franks si ca “mai mult”, numele fostului fotograf, simpaticul de Sorin Lupsa, “a fost înlocuit de peste tot cu cel al noului fotograf prezidenţial – Alexandru Micsik”. Omul, saracul, e prost de trei ori. Suntem in 8 iunie (in postarea lui). Sorin Lupsa a plecat de la Cotroceni pe 20 aprilie. Ultimele lui fotografii pentru Administratia Prezidentiala au fost realizate la vizita oficiala a lui Basescu in Azerbaidjan (18-19 aprilie). Pe 27 aprilie Sorin era deja intors la matca, la Agerpres (vezi fotografii de-ale lui de atunci pana azi aici). Fotografia cu pantoful, din 7 mai, ii apartine lui Alex Micsik, dupa cum sta scris mare cand deschizi site-ul (ceea ce dovedeste ca sutul nici macar nu a gasit el poza cu pantoful ci i-a fost trimisa). E adevarat ca vreun destept de pe-acolo a incercat sa o piteasca, dar iata, pentru cine stie sa caute, ea este in continuare pe site-ul Administratiei Prezidentiale: iaca aici. In ce-l priveste pe sutul pe post de crainic la Radio sant Erevan: daca esti prost, macar de telefon ai auzit? De ce nu l-ai sunat, frate (ma dau si eu prost, ca sa nu se supere prea tare), pe Lupsa?

Si acum, iata-i si pe noul fotograf, Alex Micsik (care ar trebui si el sa se prezinte pe undeva) si mai jos pe Sorin Lupsa spanand “la revedere” Cotroceniului (poze furate de pe FB – macar eu recunosc 🙂 )

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