Posts Tagged ‘Bernard Maddoff’ a rezolvat un mister de mii de ani: evreii sunt… romani si romanii sunt evrei. Atunci haideti sa vedem intreaga emisiune a evreului Ion Cristoiu despre profesionistii presei, Miscarea Legionara si Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. VIDEO scrie cu manuta unui colaborator, Lucian Lumezeanu, care invoca CNN, ca celebrul escroc Bernard Maddoff are… radacini romanesti din partea bunicilor sai materni, care sunt… evrei. Si-uite asa s-a lamurit si misterul cu dacii si romanii, ca sa nu mai vorbim de cel cu kazarii, sefarzii si askendazii. Doamne, mare e gradina Ta! Ce scrie, in realitatea, CNN:

Mom, Dad and the SEC

Peter Madoff, a trustee of the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, wrote a line on that institution’s website about his family’s roots: “My grandparents ran a Turkish bath in the area that served as a focal point for many new immigrants of different nationalities.” Census and marriage records show that the Madoff grandparents came to the U.S. from Poland, Romania, and Austria between 1900 and 1905.

Video-bonus la descoperirea asta: Evreul din Gagesti, Ion Cristoiu, la “Profesionistii”:

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