Posts Tagged ‘elvetia’

Ion Varlam despre ultimii trei PNL-isti care se tin cu dintii de scaune in Guvernul tradator PSD-UDMR: impostorii anticomunismului Andrei Muraru, Marius Oprea si Stejarel Olaru de la IICCMER si DRP zis DPRRP. VIDEO

Andrei Muraru - Marius Oprea - Stejarel Olaru si Cristian Troaca David - impostorii de la IICCMER si DRPIon Varlam de Victor Roncea - Ziaristi OnlineIon Varlam (foto dreapta), unul dintre fostii detinuti politic ai Romaniei din lotul celor mai tineri arestati si incarcerati de bolsevici, la numai 14 ani!, este revoltat de falsificarile pe banda care se petrec la ICCMER si CNSAS, dupa cum considera dansul, oferindu-ne si titlul unui interviu in exclusivitate, pe care il difuzam in serial, incepand de astazi: “Porcirea eroilor si eroizarea porcilor”. Nu scapa nimeni! De la “idiotul Badin” la “Zamfirica” aka Zamfirescu si “muratura” Muraru cu “boul etern” Oprea, pana la “suferinda” “tirista” a CC al PCR, Ana Blandiana.
Dupa ce, in introducere, am aflat cum Principesa Ileana – Maica Alexandra, devenise sofer pentru soferul ei, tanarul Ion Varlam, azi incepem sa intram in miez.
Dl. Ion Varlam este revoltat pentru ca, in acest moment, sub acoperire guvernamentala, institutionala, are loc o “rastalmacire a istoriei rezistentei anticomuniste, nu numai a celei din tara cat si a celei din exil”. Fostul detinut politic Ion Varlam atrage atentia cum personaje de teapa lui Andrei Muraru si Marius Oprea de la IICCMER sau a lui Stejarel Olaru, in prezent infiltrat la fostul Departament al Romanilor de Pretutindeni (DRP, acum rebotezat bombastic de MAE (redam doar initialele – DPRRP), duc o politica de tip bolsevic, de falsificare a istoriei reala, ca “instrumente ale cuiva”, din postura “idiotilor utili” ai lui Lenin.
Cat de idioti sunt, nu stim, dar dl. Ion Varlam ne releva si faptul ca Stejarel Olaru, pe langa faptul ca este “o creatura a lui Marius Oprea si categoric un bolsevic”, mai este si… rrom, ceea ce ne face sa ne intrebam ce politica “nationala” a dus PNL instaland doi rromi, dintre care unul urmarit de DNA si anchetat penal – numitul Cristian Troaca zis David – la conducerea destinelor ro(man)ilor de pretutindeni? Daca de Troaca-David ne-a scapat DNA, desi se crampona bine de fotoliul din biroul de la MAE unde nici nu prea calcase, in mod ciudat, cestilalti trei “PNL”-isti, desi partidul in cauza s-a evaporat de la guvernare, se tin inca cu dintii de scaune. PSD nu are nimic de zis? Sau unde-i ordin nu-i tocmeala? Insa cine si de unde vin ordinele, este si intrebarea dlui Ion Varlam.
PS: In episodul urmator veti afla al cui agent este unul dintre cei mai vocal-instrumentali acoperiti din televiziune din ziua de azi, din cea mai sigura sursa posibila: propria lui mama. Dupa care, intram in subiect: Falsificatorii de la IICCMER si CNSAS!
(Va urma)

REFERENDUM anti-cip si pasapoarte biometrice pierdut la milimetru in ELVETIA, tara moderat-crestina. In ROMANIA rezultatul ar fi covarsitor anti-cip

Elvetienii au spus mda amprentarii

Elvetienii au aprobat ieri, prin referendum, introducerea controversatului pasaport biometric, necesara conform acordurilor Schengen privind libera circulatie, intr-unul dintre scrutinurile cu cel mai strans rezultat din istoria Elvetiei.
Rezultatele oficiale finale indicau ca 50,14 la suta dintre alegatori s-au pronuntat in favoarea noului model de document de calatorie. Majoritatea cantoanelor elvetiene, inclusiv Berna, Geneva, Basel si Ticino, au votat insa impotriva.
Pasapoartele care au facut obiectul acestui scrutin popular prevad, ca si in Romania, introducerea fotografiilor electronice ale detinatorului, pre­cum si amprentele acestuia, in­formeaza site-ul El­vetia a decis sa organizeze acest referendum, in urma protestelor populare, desi legea privind introducerea pasapoartelor biometrice a fost deja adoptata de Parlament. Formatiunile politice de centru stanga care se opun noilor acte de calatorie afirma ca introducerea datelor biometrice reprezinta o amenintare la adresa securitatii si vietii private a cetatenilor. La randul lor, opozantii de dreapta ai pasapoartelor au avertizat ca noile acte de calatorie ameninta libertatea prin faptul ca ar putea permite statului sa se amestece in viata privata a elvetienilor. (L.P./ZIUA)

Militantii anti-cip si-au aratat imediat neincrederea privind acest rezultat la milimetru. Site-ul care arata distributia pe cantoane a fost blocat incepand de ieri noapte. Incercati si dvs: Voting trends and results – gfs.berne polling and research institute (German)

Christianity in Switzerland

48% of Swiss citizens responded that “they believe there is a God”.
answered that “they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force”.
answered that “they do not believe there is any sort of spirit, God, or life force”.

Campania anti-cip din Elvetia

Passport vote wins majority and puzzles experts

Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf has welcomed voters’ approval of the new electronic passport and a central fingerprint register.
But the government came very close to losing Sunday’s ballot. Political analysts say the outcome reflects a widespread indecisiveness among the electorate and is the result of an alliance of sorts between conservative rural as well as centre-left urban opponents.
Final results show supporters with 5,500 votes more than opponents – making this one of the closest results in recent Swiss history.
Widmer-Schlumpf pledged to take seriously opponents’ concerns.
“We will do our best to ensure that personal data in the fingerprint register is secure,” she told a news conference on Sunday.
She said she was aware of the considerable but unspecified concerns among citizens about the state storing personal data.
Experts have warned of the danger of abuse of data registers and sensitive personal information by hackers and state agencies.
Widmer-Schlumpf said the new passport, equipped with an electronic chip containing a portrait picture and two fingerprints of the holder, would bring Swiss travel documents up to the highest level and speed up the passport procedure.
She added that the result would allow Switzerland to continue its cooperation with the European Union over security, visa policy and travel freedom.
Under a European single-border area treaty members, including Switzerland, must introduce so-called biometric passports by March 2010. The United States has also made such documents a prerequisite for visa-free entry into the country.
More than 50 countries have introduced biometric passports but Switzerland is one of the few European countries to store fingerprints in a central database.
« For once ideology and party politics did not play a major role. »Michael Hermann, Zurich University
The justice minister dismissed allegations that the fingerprint register could be used for police investigations.
“The law rules out such misapplication. Any changes have to be approved by parliament.” She added the government would ensure that citizens in future have a choice between identity cards with and without chips.
The centre-right Radical and Christian Democratic Parties, as well as the business community said they were pleased with Sunday’s result.
Radical Party parliamentarian Ruedi Noser said he had confidence in the government.
What’s this?
Security concerns
Rightwing and centre-left parties which had campaigned against the electronic passport and the fingerprint register, called on the government to improve data protection.
“The extremely close result is a warning,” said Social Democratic parliamentarian Christian Levrat, while Ueli Leuenberger of the Green Party argued data protection is insufficient in an information society.
Lukas Reimann of the rightwing Swiss People’s Party said the outcome of the vote was disappointing, but he congratulated the youth chapters of political parties for winning almost 50 per cent of the vote.
Observers point out that for the first time in recent Swiss history the campaign ahead of the vote was conducted to a large extent over the internet.
A cross-party movement collected enough signatures online to challenge a parliamentary decision to a nationwide vote.
« We will do our best to ensure that personal data in the fingerprint register is secure. »Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf
Unusual pattern
Political scientists have pointed out unusual voting patterns in Sunday’s ballot.
“Turnout was rather low and French-speaking Switzerland was slightly more opposed than the larger German-speaking part of the country,” noted Claude Longchamp, a political scientist and head of a leading polling institute.
He told public radio that the differences between urban and rural areas were also small.
“It is a sort of patchwork result, which needs a closer analysis,” he said.
In a similar vein, Michael Hermann of Zurich University said unlike previous votes there was no typical pattern.
“For once ideology and party politics did not play a major role,” he told
Centre-left and rightwing conservative groups argued along the same lines, expressing concerns about new technologies and opposition against state control.
Hermann also noted that a majority – or at least surprisingly large minority – in traditionally Catholic regions had come out in favour of the biometric passport.
There was a high degree of uncertainty among voters and experts whether the new passports were secure, he said.
Urs Geiser,
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COMISIILE din Camera Deputatilor dezbat marti din nou despre Pasapoartele Biometrice. CE ar trebui sa stie: ELVETIA face REFERENDUM – UPDATE

Comisiile pentru Aparare, Externe si Drepturile Omului din Camera Deputatilor dezbat azi, din nou, Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului privind introducerea Pasapoartelor Biometrice, dupa ce aceasta a trecut, deja, fraudulos, prin Senat. Sa speram ca incercarea de a impune un nou tip de control dictatorial asupra fiintei umane, fara consultare populara, va primi un aviz negativ.
Reprezentantii societatii civile responabile, care se vor afla maine la Parlament, vor aminti ca una dintre cele mai civilizate tari ale Europei, Elvetia, va sustine in cateva zile – duminica viitoare – un Refrendum pe aceasta tema. Dezbaterea din presa si societatea civila din Elvetia – care are noroc sa nu fie sub pulpana Soros sau a altor cadre tovarasesti – este demna de admirat si o sursa reala de inspiratie. Prezint aici cateva adrese importante si documentare tv, de care ar trebui sa tina cont si asa-zisii ziaristi, societari in civil si parlamentari romani care ne vand libertatea pe doi arginti.

Vezi mai multe video aici: si aici:

Relatari in Presa Elvetiana
“Neuer Pass: Ein Chip mit Antenne weckt Ängste vor «Big Brother»”
“Neuer Pass: Fachleute zweifeln an Sicherheit”
“Was, wenn das Volk keine biometrischen Pässe will?”
“Neuer Pass: ‘Eine Frage der Zeit, bis ein Leck auftaucht'”
“Der kleine rote Computer”
“Bist Du, wer Du zu sein behauptest?”

NEIN AM 17 MAI 2009

PPP Deutsch
PPP Französisch

Noul regim al pasapoartelor a fost adoptat cu amendamente de Comisiile reunite pentru aparare, drepturile omului si egalitate de sanse ale Camerei Deputatilor
RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI (12 mai, ora 22:06) – Radiojurnal – Reporter: Mira Manzala
Realizator: Comisiile reunite pentru aparare, drepturile omului si egalitate de sanse din Camera Deputatilor au adoptat astazi cu amendamente ordonanta privind noul regim al pasapoartelor.
Reporter: Deputatii din Comisiile de specialitate au amendat astazi ordonanta privind noul regim al pasapoartelor, astfel incat aceste documente vor putea fi solicitate de la toate serviciile de evidenta a populatiei din localitatile de domiciliu. Romanii care din motive de constiinta nu vor dori eliberarea unui pasaport continand fotografia faciala si amprentele digitale vor putea opta pentru un document temporar valabil 12 luni, cu posibilitate nelimitata de reinnoire. În spatiul Uniunii Europene, romanii vor calatori in continuare cu cartile de identitate, care vor deveni electronice, in timp ce in state ca Japonia, Statele Unite ale Americii sau Australia vor fi necesare pasapoartele electronice. Presedintele Comisiei de aparare din Camera Deputatilor, Costica Canacheu, a tinut sa precizeze ca datele biometrice din pasapoartele electronice vor fi protejate, nefiind pus in pericol dreptul la intimitate al persoanelor.
Costica Canacheu: Nu se constituie o baza de date cu amprentele de la cele doua degete de la cele doua maini. Aceste amprente sunt in sistemul informatic al centrului special doar pe durata emiterii pasaportului, dupa aceea ele sunt sterse. Amprentele nu sunt preluate in sistem criminalistic.
Reporter: Un pasaport electronic va costa 290 de lei, iar unul simplu, temporar, 96 de lei. Ordonanta de urgenta amendata astazi de comisiile de specialitate mai trebuie sa primeasca votul plenului, Camera Deputatilor fiind decizionala./RADOR

REFERENDUMUL DIN ELVETIA. Ciorile sunt tiganii din Romania si Bulgaria sau romanii si bulgarii? Cum vad romanii situatia. SWISS RADIO

Do Romanians care about Switzerland?
On Sunday, Switzerland will vote on whether to extend work rights to Romania and Bulgaria, and a vociferious debate rages on billboards, radios and in cafés throughout Switzerland as to whether the renewal and extension would be a good thing. But are Romanians actually planning on coming? In the second of her series from Romania, WRS’s Jackie Campo finds out.
By Jackie Campo, World Radio Switzerland

Ce cred romanii despre Referendumul rasist din Elvetia

The incense hangs heavy inside this church, the head Orthodox church for Romania. It’s a warm haven against the cold rain, and at six o’clock on a week night, it’s full with people of all ages, kneeling on the heavy carpets, praying and chanting.
Part of the church complex, only 10 yards from the church entrance, is a building that used to be a communist headquarters before the revolution.
It’s this kind of paradox that makes up the culture of Romania.
As Switzerland prepares for perhaps opening up its labour market to Romanians, it’s the culture, not the economics, that seems to weigh on the minds of Romanians most.
Carol Capita is a professor at the University of Bucharest. He says it’s important to Romanians to feel a sense of belonging, that they’re not interested in moving some place that’s so different from what they know. Professor Capita knows many students who have relocated to Italy, Spain and France.
CAPITA: They seem to have difficulties in integrating in the daily life, because we have certain cultural codes. And in Western Europe, although they are in a setting with other young people, they tend to have a lag in integrating – in understanding the cultural codes of other countries.
But a sampling of University students finds that they think that they do have a connection with Western Europe, at least some of the countries.
STUDENT: You know, Spain, Italy, the Latin countries. Because we’re Latin and we consider speaking a language that’s more common to us is an easier way for us to adapt.
And many young Romanians speak French. So have they thought about moving to Switzerland after they graduate?
STUDENT: I don’t think so because I have projects here in Romania and I want to fulfil my projects in Romania. But it will be nice to visit Switzerland as a tourist.
STUDENT: I actually have the same opinion he does because I really want to fulfil my dreams here.
There are one or two outliers who do react positively.
STUDENT: All I know is that Switzerland has a lot of opportunities for young people and great universities.
Romanians, however, don’t appear to be taking advantage of those opportunities. The Swiss Ambassador to Romania, Livio Hurzeler, says the numbers tell the story.
HURZELER: For instance, last year Romanians were entitled to approximately a thousand work permits. They used 76. They used 76 out of a thousand. So just to say that these people in Switzerland who think that they will be invaded, I’m sorry to tell you but it is rubbish. It is just rubbish.”
Professor Capita tends to agree. He says the reality is different from the dream of moving to a clean, orderly, and rich country.
CAPITA: If we have our opportunities to just go there, check things out, participate in conferences, we wouldn’t be that interested in just flooding in. We love what Germans call gemütlichkeit, a comfortable way of life. Going in a foreign country means a lot of stress. It might be rewarding financially, but in terms of private life it might not be that good. And we tend to take private life and a good family life very seriously.
Hanging on to a national identity, a common culture, is a recurring theme as Europe becomes more and more integrated.
Newspaper editor Victor Roncea sees Switzerland as no exception. He wonders if the Swiss People’s Party campaign against the free movement labour accord isn’t tapping into a Swiss desire to slow things down.
RONCEA: I think maybe it’s the message that Swiss people want to send out of Europe that we need some way to protect our culture that’s defined by hundreds and hundreds of years and we see it changing maybe too fast.

UPDATE – ZIUA: Elvetia ne da de munca

Romanii si bulgarii prezentati drept ciori care ciugulesc Elvetia, o aluzie la tigani. Opinia lui Razvan Ioan Boanchis: Elvetia ne respecta!

Elvetia ne respecta!

Am fost iarasi in Elvetia. Stiu ca nu va intereseaza plimbarile mele, dar v-am anuntat lapidar, ca sa va povestesc ceva. Subiectul a aparut in presa noastra, dar incerc sa vin cu impresii de la fata locului. Pe 8 februarie va fi un referendum privind circulatia, integrarea cetatenilor din Romania si Bulgaria. In puncte de maxima vizibilitate (benzinarii, autostrazi, gari, supermarketuri) este un banner de doi metri pe unu, care infatiseaza un corb, o cioara si un pui inaripat. Adica o familie. Cele trei zburatoare de culoarea funinginei deloc biodegradabile stau aplecate deasupra hartii Elvetiei, maestrul de la planseta sugerind astfel ca ar vrea sa hartaneasca acest contur cartografic, care e imbracat in drapelul tarii. In prima faza, te simti injosit si evaluat la gramada. Pe urma, te distreaza ipocrizia elvetienilor. Aduceti-va aminte cum ne-au acuzat de intoleranta etnica atunci cind au avut loc evenimentele de la Hadareni si Bolintin. In final, te lamuresti ca nu sint doar caraghiosi, ci si vulnerabili, pentru ca demersul lor n-are sanse. UE nu va accepta asa ceva. Se pare ca li s-a transmis, pe cai confidentiale, ca ar fi preferabil sa strice niste milioane de euro cu infractorii si migratorii decit sa li se ceara sa renunte la marele lor atu, secretul bancar, si sa piarda sute de miliarde. Am auzit, nu stiu sigur, ca foarte multi rezidenti in Elvetia sau afaceristi autohtoni au fost intrebati daca sint de acord sa furnizeze Ambasadei Americane detalii despre conturile lor. Daca zici nu, de-abia atunci devii suspect. In fine, nu uitati ca Elvetia traieste din turism. Si nu pot decit sa ma bucur ca vor afla si vilegiaturistii de toate nationalitatile ce parere au elvetienii despre cei care isi toaca banii in Alpi.

Razvan Ioan Boanchis

Ambasadorul Bernei la Bucuresti sustine ca Elvetia nu este o tara xenofoba

Intalnirile ZIUA
Ambasadorul Elvetiei la Bucuresti, Livio Hurzeler, a acordat ziarului ZIUA primul sau interviu pentru un cotidian central din Romania. Diplomatul elvetian a vorbit despre referendu­mul asupra extinderii drep­tului la libera circulatie pe teritoriul tarii sale a roma­nilor si bulga­rilor, din 8 fe­bru­arie, dar si despre relatiile dintre cele doua state.

Ce ne puteti spune despre acest referendum, care va decide accesul liber al cetatenilor romani si bulgari pe piata muncii din Elvetia?
Referendumul atinge doua probleme, prima fiind acordul cu UE privind dreptul la libera circulatie a persoanelor. Acesta a fost incheiat cu cei 15 membri initiali ai Uniunii Europene, a fost apoi extins la alti 10 membri, care au aderat ulterior, iar prin acest referendum va fi prelungit pentru totdeauna. In acelasi timp, sunt doi noi membri ai UE, Romania si Bulgaria, urmand ca acordul sa fie extins si la acestea, prin referendum. Uniunea Europeana nu va accepta ca cetatenii unor state membre sa se bucure de dreptul la libera circulatie, iar cetatenii altor state sa nu beneficieze de aceleasi drepturi. Referendumul mai este important, deoarece Acordul de libera circulatie cu UE apartine unui set de sapte tratate, care sunt esentiale pentru Elvetia, pentru economia elvetiana. Daca unul din acestea este anulat, si celelalte sunt anulate in mod automat. Este ceea ce UE numeste o “clauza-ghilotina”. Acesta este unul dintre dezavantajele de a fi in afara UE. Trebuie sa accepti anumite conditii. Celelalte sase acorduri fac referire la comert, stiinta si cercetare, agricultura, transport aerian si rutier. Daca rezultatul referendumului va fi negativ, atunci Elvetia va fi intr-o situatie extrem de dificila. Inteleg ca acest referendum este important pentru Romania, dar este la fel de important pentru Elvetia. In prezent, viza turistica nu este obligatorie pentru cetatenii romani care merg in Elvetia, acestia putand sta pana la 3 luni. In cazul in care cetatenii romani doresc sa lucreze in Elvetia trebuie sa indeplineasca conditiile prevazute de lege.
Cati cetateni romani lucreaza in acest moment in Elvetia cu forme legale?

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