Posts Tagged ‘Protejarea familiei’

VIDEO si FOTO de la protestele masive pentru salvarea fiicei lui Drasius Kedys de lantul pedofililor din Justitie. Site-ul ofera informatii la minut. Mesaj din Lituania: HELP! Solidaritate la Ambasada Vilniusului din Londra


Žmonės nesvetingai sutiko policijos pareigūnų atlydėtą antstolį.
Žmonės nesvetingai sutiko policijos pareigūnų atlydėtą antstolį. N.Povilaitis

We reach out to other countries to solve or help in any way you can for the biggest child molestation case in Lithuania. There are videos on youtube and articles in the news in English, to help you better understand the whole story. Drasius Kedys , a father of a little girl, found out that his girl was molested by Lithuanian well known business man and judges (!). Drasius brought this story out to the open. Tried to help the right way, using all the associations designed to help children. When he did not receive any help there, he turned to the public, news, reporters. He even made a video tape of his girl showing and telling what she was told to do, how, and that her mom L. Stankunaite, watched her while she was molested. Drasius Kedys mysteriously disappeared and was found dead, months later. Drasius Kedys sister took custody of the girl, which is now granted back to the mom. Why we ask? Because child molestation was a big secret in Lithuania, and all the people that are involved – including the molester, are people with money and power who can buy their way out of everything! We ask your help, please help us with this fight! Please get your country involved, get the press involved in the country, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

LONDON PROTEST: We are asking for Help to Stop Pedophile Clan in Lithuania and Save A Child!

We are writing to everyone and anyone who thinks they could help in ANY way to bring justice to Child Molesters in Lithuania and free the little girl from future damages. This story is frightening and almost impossible to believe, but it is true! It is about a little girl, then 3yrs old who was molested by well known people in Lithuania. The father, Drasius Kedys, tried fighting for his daughter the legal way – by going to the police, by contacting the Child protective Services, by going to state prosecutors and getting nowhere. He then went public. This story brought a huge public interest and resentment toward the Lithuanian authorities. Later the father disappeared. The same day of his disappearance there were two suspects of molesting this little girl killed. The blame was put on the father, who months later was found dead in a very public place. Witnesses say, there were torture marks all over his body, however, the experts hired by the state released a statement saying he died of natural causes.

The main suspect is awaiting a trial, however there is another trial in going on – should the girl be returned to the mother, who knew about the molestation of her daughter and played a big part in it herself! The little girl lives with her father’s family right now. This story is full of illogical decisions and incomplete investigations.

The media is finding out more and more about this case than the prosecutors (who are obviously covering the pedophile clan) and it is becoming clearer that the arguments presented by the media about the prosecutors hiding evidence regarding this story are true. On Friday the decision was made by the court to return the girl to her mother, who sold her daughter to these child molesters for the money and better life. Currently, there are people gathering around the house where the little girl is staying (Klonio street 7, Garliava, near Kaunas) in order to protect her from returning to her mother. So we are asking you for help in this case. We need someone to step in and help us to shut this pedophile clan down and bring justice to this girl. Her fathers wish was to never stop fighting for his girls well-being and he is gone! The Lithuanian authorities are not doing their job right. There is corruption going on and it becoming impossible to fight them! Please, get involved!

Photos from London HERE.


Vezi si: TULBURATOR. Fetita lui Drasyus Kedys data din nou pe mana pedofililor, dupa moartea eroului. Lituanienii se rascoala si fac zid in fata autoritatilor. Sustinatorii cauzei sunt chemati sa protesteze la Ambasadele Lituaniei din intreaga lume

Alte Info/Foto/Video:


ASCOR BASARABIA sesizeaza CNA-ul din Moldova pentru propaganda homosexuala anti-crestina promovata de ProTV-Chisinau

Asociatia Studentilor Crestini Ortodocsi Romani din Republica Moldova (ASCOR) constata cu ingrijorare ca asociatia obsteasca Gender Doc-M desfasoara prin intermediul presei scrise si audiovizuale o propaganda agresiva a practicilor homosexuale.
La 8 mai 2009, ProTV Chisinau a transmis pe post o stire de la un festival al homosexualilor, stire in care respectivul post de televiziune precizeaza ca „mirii homo care si-au spus ”da” la editiile precedente ale festivalului spun ca sunt fericiti”, atendand astfel la morala publica, la demnitatea umana si sentimentele crestine ale majoritatii populatiei, sfidand norma constitutionala cu privire la temeiurile familiei si cauzandu-le un grav prejudiciu moral copiilor care au privit aceasta stire la o ora de maxima audienta.
ASCOR condamna promovarea publica a homosexualitatii de catre postul de televiziune ProTV Chisinau, post care reflecta cu regularitate si cu lux de amanunte activitatea homosexualilor din Republica Moldova.
ASCOR reaminteteste ca viata intima a fiecarei persoane este o chestiune exclusiv privata. Mai mult decat atat, viata privata este protejata de articolul 28 din Legea fundamentala a Republicii Moldova.
Promovarea ostentativa si cu tenta publicitara a unui comportament sexual deviant de catre o institutie mass-media constituie o sfidare a eticii si moralei publice, reprezentand o jignire adusa sentimentelor si traditiei crestine a poporului nostru, majoritar ortodox.
ASCOR precizeaza ca articolul 48 din Constitutia Republicii Moldova defineste familia ca institutie de baza a societatii: „Familia constituie elementul natural si fundamental al societatii si are dreptul la ocrotire din partea societatii si a statului. Familia se intemeiaza pe casatoria liber consimtita intre barbat si femeie, pe egalitatea lor in drepturi si indatorirea parintilor de a asigura cresterea, educatia si instruirea copiiilor”, deci casatoriile homosexuale nu sunt admise. De asemenea, Codul Familiei stipuleaza clar in articolul 15 punctul „h” ca unul dintre impedimentele la casatorie il constituie casatoria intre „persoane de acelasi sex”.
ASCOR sesizeaza oficial asupra acestui caz de incalcare a legii Consiliul Coordonator al Audiovizualului, ca autoritate publica in domeniu, cerandu-i sa studieze cazul si sa sanctioneze postul de televiziune Pro TV Chisinau pentru mediatizarea accestor fapte anticonstitutionale.
Iulian Rusanovschi, Presedinte ASCOR
Chisinau, 12 mai 2009

Petitie pentru Protejarea Familiei

Recent am fost informati ca Adunarea Parlamentara a Consiliului Europei (APCE) intentioneaza sa supuna dezbaterilor o rezolutie prin care sa ceara celor 47 de state membre ale Consiliului Europei sa legifereze casatoriile intre persoane de acelasi sex si sa modifice Conventia Europeana a Drepturilor Omului prin declararea casatoriilor homosexuale ca un drept al omului.

Alianta Familiilor din Romania (AFR) raspunde acestei initiative deplorabile prin diferite mijloace, inclusiv o petitie online pe care va rugam pe toti sa o semnati.

In martie anul acesta au avut loc dezbateri preliminare in APCE privind acest subiect, specificandu-se ca Europa centrala si de est inca nu se conformeaza tendintelor din occident. Polonia, Lituania, Letonia si Romania au fost mentionate pe nume. Pentru ca petitia noastra sa aiba impact, avem nevoie de zeci de mii de semnaturi sau chiar de mai multe.

AFR pregateste si o scrisoare de protest care la vremea potrivita va fi adresata APCE. Aceia dintre voi care apartineti unor asociatii sau organizatii care doresc sa se asocieze acestei scrisori de protest, va rog sa ne contactati.

Evolutia situatiei din APCE poate fi urmarita pe situl nostru Modificarile de rigoare la Codul Familiei din Romania se afla in dezbatere la ora actuala in Camera Deputatilor. Incurajam pe fiecare dintre voi sa isi contacteze deputatii si sa ii incurajeze sa voteze favorabil definirea casatoriei crestine si traditionale in legea romana asa cum a facut-o Senatul in februarie. Vom cauta sa postam pe situl AFR lista> parlamentarilor cu adresele si datele de contact.

Va rugam semnati petitia intrand pe linkul de mai jos si sa o difuzati mai departe:

Va multumim. Va stam la dispozitie cu informatii sau detalii suplimentare. Ne puteti contacta la adresa electronica de mai sus sau la

Petitia poate de asemenea fi semnata si intrand pe situl nostru unde veti afla linkul petitiei.

Dumnezeu sa binecuvanteze Romania!

Doamne ajuta!

Petre Costea, Avocat

Consiliul Director, AFR
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