Parintele Petroniu in Familia Ortodoxa: De fapta buna ne vom bucura in vecii vecilor – “Cum ti-ai crescut aici aripile, asa vei putea zbura catre cele de sus; cum ti-ai curatit aici mintea, asa vei vedea acolo slava Lui si masura in care L-ai iubit aici”

Pilda Fiului Risipitor ne va uimi cat va fi lumea, prin milosti­virea si negraita dragoste pe care ne-a aratat-o Dumnezeu. De aceea, poate, Mantuitorul a voit sa moara rastignit, adica cu bratele intinse si Biserica mereu il infatiseaza astfel, pentru ca sa ne arate ca de-a pururi sta cu bratele deschise, ca sa imbratiseze pe toti pacatosii care se intorc la Casa parinteasca.

Iubirea insa nu-i unilaterala, ea cere raspuns din partea celui iubit, iar raspunsul cel mai firesc nu poate fi altul decat tot iubirea. Daca Duminica Fiului Risipitor ne-a pus inainte dragostea cea preamilostiva a lui Dumnezeu fata de oameni, duminica a treia, a infricosatei Judecati, ne face sa meditam la raspunsul omului fata de dumnezeiasca dragoste; raspuns care se indreapta deopotriva catre Dumnezeu si catre aproapele…

Duminica Infricosatei Judecati tocmai asupra acestei primejdii ne atrage atentia. Da, Dumnezeu este nespus de bun, iubitor si mi­lostivirea Lui este fara de margini; dar totodata este nespus de drept. “Milostiv si drept este Domnul” zice Psalmistul (Psalm 114, 5) si “dreptatea Domnului ramane In veac”, in curgerea vietii pamantesti, noi vedem mai mult milostivirea Sa cea nemarginita, dar va veni ziua cand Dumnezeu se va arata mai ales in lumina dreptatii Sale, ziua infricosatei Judecati. “Toti trebuie sa ne infatisam inaintea scaunului de judecata al lui Hristos”, zice Apostolul (Romani 14, 10); atunci, “Dumnezeu va judeca lumea cu dreptate, va judeca neamurile fara strambatate”.

Dar ce este “dreptatea dumnezeiasca”? In cantarile de la utre­nia acestei duminici auzim: “Cand se vor aseza scaunele si se vor deschide cartile si Dumnezeu va sedea la judecata. O, amar va fi atunci, pacatosilor! O, ce ceas va fi atuncea!” Dar despre ce carti este vorba? Este cineva care scrie tot ce face omul in viata? Da, cu adevarat sunt carti si este scriitor si nimic nu ramane nescris.

Si aici se cuvine a pomeni un lucru plin de mirare: oamenii de stiinta, tot iscodind sa afle tainele vietii omenesti, au descoperit ca tot ceea ce face omul, tot ceea ce gandeste si vorbeste, dar absolut tot, lasa o urma in alcatuirea cea mai ascunsa a omului; se inscriu in adincul fiintei noastre ca intr-o carte. Astfel, noi insine suntem cartea si tot noi, cei ce o scriem. Mare taina se ascunde aici !

La infricosata Judecata se va deschide aceasta carte, adica cele scrise acum in taina nevazut de nimeni, se vor vedea la aratare: si cele bune si cele rele vor fi vazute de toata lumea. Atunci ranile mucenicilor vor straluci ca margaritarele, nevointele si faptele dreptilor si ale cuviosilor “vor straluci ca soarele” (Matei 13, 43), precum ne incredinteaza Domnul Hristos. Iar chipurile pacatosilor vor arata pocite si schimonosite de toate pacatele si patimile pe care le-au facut. “Cine va putea rabda acea nesuferita rusine!”

Iata dreptatea dumnezeiasca. “Te-am facut fiinta cinstita si inzestrata cu libertate deplina, de care nici Eu nu am indraznit sa ma ating; ti-am dat putere ca sa fii asemenea cu Mine, dumnezeu prin har; iata dar, acum ai singur ceea ce ai ales!” Tot ce face omul cu voia sa libera il apropie sau il departeaza de Dumnezeu. Omul se modeleaza singur, prin tot ceea ce inscrie el in cartea vietii sale cu care se va infatisa la Judecata.

Atunci, uitandu-se la icoana dumnezeiasca pe care trebuia sa o realizeze, cu darurile primite de la Dumnezeu si vazand chipul pocit si schimonosit pe care l-a fau­rit in viata sa de pacat, omul singur va recunoaste rasplata ce i se cuvine. “O, ce ceas va fi atuncea!” Judecata este constatarea a ceea ce am facut noi in viata pamanteasca si totodata o pecetluire pe ve­cie a acestei stari. Iata dreptatea dumnezeiasca. Dumnezeu nu poate schimba alegerea noastra. De aceea, spune cineva ca iadul in primul rand e marea durere a lui Dumnezeu, vazand pe fiii Sai, pentru care S-a jertfit, carora le-a gatit imparatia de la intemeierea lumii, ca totusi au preferat focul cei vesnic, gatit diavolului si ingerilor lui.

De aceea, pomenirea Infricosatei Judecati este totdeauna un indemn hotarat de a iesi din nepasarea de mantuire. Sa nu ne inselam cu credinta mincinoasa ca Dumnezeu ne va ierta fiindca este bun si milostiv. Bunatatea Lui nu poate fi prilej de pacat. El iarta cu nemasurata milostivire, dar nu nesocoteste demnitatea li­bertatii omenesti si contributia ei la mantuire. Pacatul, noi il inscriem in carte si numai cel ce l-a scris il poate sterge, nimeni al­tul, nici chiar Dumnezeu. Si daca omul nu si-a impodobit chipul sau cu nici o virtute, nici Dumnezeu nu-l poate impodobi. Este deci in interesul cel mai adanc al vietii noastre sa stergem din carte tot inscrisul pacatului cu pocainta sincera, cu incetarea raului, cu spovedanie curata, cu implinirea canonului, prin rugaciune si cu lacrimi.

Si pentru tot pacatul sa ne intrebam cu ingrijorare si cu teama: oare s-a sters el din carte? Si dupa ce l-am sters, sa scriem si fap­tele cele bune ale virtutilor, prin implinirea poruncilor lui Dum­nezeu, caci ele ne impodobesc si ne gatesc chipul nostru cel de vesnicie. Toata fapta buna este o agonisita de mare pret, de care ne vom bucura in vecii vecilor. “Cum ti-ai crescut aici aripile, asa vei putea zbura catre cele de sus; cum ti-ai curatit aici mintea, asa vei vedea acolo slava Lui si masura in care L-ai iubit aici, in aceeasi masura te vei indulci de dragostea Lui.”

A doua fata a raspunsului nostru la dragostea lui Dumnezeu pentru noi este dragostea fata de aproapele, de care iarasi vom da seama la infricosata Judecata. Icoana acestei iubiri ne-o arata cat se poate de limpede Mantuitorul, cu pilda vietii si cu cuvantul. “Asa de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, incat si pe Fiul Sau, Cel Unul- Nascut, L-a dat pentru dansa” (loan 3, 16). “De aceea si voi datori sunteti sa va iubiti unul pe altul, asa cum v-am iubit Eu pe voi” (loan 15, 12). “Dupa aceasta va vor cunoaste oamenii ci sunteti ucenicii mei, daca veti avea dragoste Intre voi” (loan 13, 35). Nu iubeste pe Dumnezeu cel ce nu iubeste pe aproapele; “pentru ci cel ce nu iubeste pe fratele sau pe care il vede, nu poate iubi nici pe Dumnezeu pe care nu-L vede” (I loan 4, 20), iar “cine iubeste pe Dumnezeu, iubeste si pe fra­tele sau” (I loan 4, 21).

Cat de mult tine Mantuitorul la porunca iubirii, ne-a aratat-o cand ne-a descoperit taina Judecatii celei din urma. Atunci intreaga omenire va fi impartita in doua, dupa cum a implinit sau nu porun­ca dragostei de aproapele.

Sa ascultam cu cutremur hotararea Dreptului Judecator. “Atunci va zice celor de-a dreapta: Veniti, binecuvantatii Parintelui Meu de mosteniti imparatia cea gatita voua de la intemeierea lumii. Ca am flamanzit si Mi-ati dat de am mancat, am insetat si Mi-ati dat de am baut, strain am fost si M-ati primit, gol si M-ati imbracat, bolnav am fost si M-ati cercetat, in temnita am fost si ati venit la Mine. Adevarat zic voua, intrucat ati facut acestea unuia dintr-acesti frati ai mei prea mici, Mie Mi-ati facut. Atunci va zice si celor de-a stanga: “Duceti-va de la Mine, blestematilor, in focul cel vesnic, care este gatit diavolului si ingerilor lui. Ca am flamanzit si nu Mi-ati dat sa mananc, am insetat si nu Mi-ati dat sa beau, strain am fost si nu M-ati primit, gol si nu M-ati imbracat, bolnav si in temnita si nu M-ati cercetat., intrucat nu ati facut unuia dintre acesti prea mici, nici Mie nu Mi-ati facut!”.”(Matei 25, 34-45)…

Parintele Petroniu Tanase, Schitul romanesc Prodromu, Sfantul Munte Athos

Din predica la Duminica Infricosatei Judecati reprodusa de Familia Ortodoxa Nr 2 (37), februarie 2012

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5 Responses to “Parintele Petroniu in Familia Ortodoxa: De fapta buna ne vom bucura in vecii vecilor – “Cum ti-ai crescut aici aripile, asa vei putea zbura catre cele de sus; cum ti-ai curatit aici mintea, asa vei vedea acolo slava Lui si masura in care L-ai iubit aici””

  1. camian says:

    Acesti fricks care comanda genocitul planetar dintr-o ridicare de deget acuzator mananca ccat despre teroarea nazista pentru ca da bine la lobbiurile evreiesti cu punga doldora si pe multi ii prostesc, dar ei chiar acum sub ochii acestor stupizi care dorm…fac mai mult decit au facut nazistii si comunistii la un loc.

    basca ca mint despre istorie si platesc oameni sa minta si ei—In Romanika plai cu Dor au fost salvati evreii cu pret mare—a fost inchisi legionarii entru ei vroaiau sa-i faca responsabili pe cei care aveau finanata Romanikai in labe de dezastru economic. Ei de asemenea vroiau sa -i faca responsabili pe cei care au progonit populatia romaneasca si armata Romana in retragere din Bucovina dupa marea tradare carlina care a pecetluit tratatul Moron’Tov de crimele pe care le-au savarsit.

  2. camian says:

    The Man Facing the Counterrevolution
    “There are very heavy the burdens they place o us and illegal the weapons of those we fight against, but We don’t give up fighting because the freedom is from God. The one that fights for freedom, for God fights”
    Mihai Cristea, 1892.
    Microchips are the precursors to the mark of the Beast. This deadly culture started in ‘70 with commercial products, it advanced to animals, and soon they—The Sold Governments—will impose it to People. That will render a great deal of control that is not only physical—but also in spirit. Everyone who will think/behave differently from what is imposed by the system will be located, excluded, killed. It will get to the point where nobody will be able to sell or buy without the mark. God will take care of those who love freedom for real and not only in declarations.
    Ion Ianolide- The PROPHET Prisoner
    “The prisoner feels that in the foreseeable future the communist power will be annihilated. He is sad because he sees that those who had the power loom as masters of communization of the country and the world to come. ( USA and western European countries have more and more of the characteristics of totalitarian regimes—my note).
    He is concerned because he understands that that a new tyrannical order that will be installed will be without opponents. The golden calf, the ancient god shows itself today as a powerful industry in the spirit of humanity. It is a pseudo-religion of material dogmas.
    The State that has monopoly over sophisticated weapons, genetic engineering and the art of determining the conscience will be powerful and will destroy mankind. Nobody guarantees freedom of people in this civilization, no one can govern technological forces in this civilization.
    Therefore humanity lives on the heights of despair. All the world’s solutions are the Cross of Christ and Christians, many times we lose the way, or will idle about, we returned to the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. “
    Ioan Ianolide, 1985.
    Machines take over the functions of our society. People identify themselves more and more with them and move in a phantasm world. It is more and more like a new Religion where the computers and TV are the Living Icons. People build them to respond more and more “humanly” and to think more and more “independently” and eventually more and more “interactively “ with the User—the Man—The Creator. The microchip and biometric madness and the widespread of social security numbers are among the very means that deliver free citizens to a culture of death and slavery in spirit. It will progress to actually imposing the number of man on each and every human being on the planet on the forehead or on the right hand. Those who will accept this mad deadly blackmail will drink God’s wrath. God gave freedom and life to people, not Madness and Spiritual Death. In the meantime..ANIMALS…
    – Like Nicu Steinhardt, a Romanian-Jewish political dissident put it, the Government in any democratic country has the duty of promoting justice, taking care of the environment, creating jobs for people, promoting dignity and freedom of expression, and respect for family and communities. When the Government becomes the great healer, the family member , and other roles that traditionally are being fulfilled by the family and free-determined communities, or turns justice into political propaganda, then watch out!!! The Government starts to become more than its designed function in the society. When the Government starts to inflict numbers in people—they try with animal first—just like in Nazi camps, then that Government becomes Mamona and these concessions we as free citizens have the duty to refuse. In Christianity people give to the Cesar what belongs to the Cesar and to God what belongs to God. But when the Cesar starts to ask of what belongs to God then they don’t have to give that.
    As a free citizen living in USA I would like to decide for myself how I am going to take care of an animal, NOT to have the GOVERNMENT take care of my animal for me. If I make this concession right now, tomorrow they will pretend that they know better to take care of let’s say my child, and they will impose a mark on children, because parents “are not able to take care of them anymore”. So the Government becomes the BIG PARENTAL FIGURE—Just like in Communist Regimes, they pretend to know better about… WE, The People. I choose to live in a free country and therefore I would like to save the Government from THYSELF, at least in this matter—of having them “take care” of my cat.
    Thank You!
    Here is the link to the Romanian Christian-Orthodox website Razboiul Nevazut (The Unseen War).

    Here you can find 2 great books that give a hint over what’s going on with the 666 System/Culture. One book is by an IT engineer his name is Mircea Vlad –Apocalipsa 13, Sfarsitul Libertatii Umane (Revelation 13, the End of human freedom), and At sunset the freedom of Jerusalem by Hristodul Aghioratul Christodoulos . There is also an article, Father’s letter on the signs of the times, 666 of St. Paisie Aghioratul.
    They all talk in the same Spirit about the computerized system that is used more and more against us and about the marking that has started with commercial products and evolving under different pretexts and excuses (all ethical and rational of course) to animals, then to peoples ID papers and then to experimental microchip implants.
    I believe that God bestows Christians and other people of His who are not in Christian flock yet, with the understanding and knowledge in Holly Spirit that is greater and more complete than any other knowledge. Therefore we don’t have to use the informative channels of knowledge that this 666 Culture facilitate, because otherwise we, more than any others we’ll drink the cup with God’s wrath. I am not referring to accessing via Internet specific information in a domain or the other, but rather to using Internet as a means to target people, preying on their privacy and personal life.
    This 666 Culture basically enables anybody to interfere with the life of a person because it is a technology that is easy to use and misuse, that allows information to be gathered and centralized in a very effective way and then to be handed over to persons willing to promote the 666 Re-education in the Spirit of the Beast. We, Christians are not protected by this temptation, of course. As the Christian- Orthodox Saints prophesized, there will be a great Harlot on a beast –and this harlot will be a church, like they said. This church and all her offspring that follow her will drink the wine of God’s WRATH. Therefore I believe that we need to respect the teachings of the Christian Orthodox Church and the Prophesy coming from East. This prophesies states that we are in a stage of Apocalypse that is very close to the final marking of people with the sign of the beast.
    This system is being more and more used by the Governments and disseminated more and more at all levels of society to spread out suspiciousness, fear, a sense that the power and control belongs to somebody else rather than to the person. It allows for people privacy and vital information to fall in the hands of other people just like in Animal Farm described by Orwell. What these people don’t know, is that they will fall by their own means. Because those who envision themselves in the position of great power and knowledge of how this system works are actually among those fish banks that the Bible describes, where the predatory dwell. If they can prey on people and make their life miserable, causing great damage in their families, and great personal turmoil, even kill them, they in turn will be handed over by God to the predatory in whose spirit they have done their work, namely the Devil himself, to drink God’s wrath to the last drop if they don’t renounce their ways.
    How does this culture of fear based on 666 work??? Well, very efficiently, almost automatically, because it moves in a Spirit. It creates the illusion of Omnipotence and Omnipresence, qualities that only God has, replacing in human soul the Godly presence. It works wonders for those full of pride, for people who wait for great encounters, or for those who hate Human freedom and Christ. They will be deceived by this work of deception, will be mislead and condemned because they could not receive the Truth and wanted instead an illusion of power. Among some of the principles and dynamics that keep us chained to this “ great discovery “ I would mention just a few:
    At a machine level I would mention capability for centralization and systematization of information, the illusion of great effectiveness by overuse of SSN (names and data births are not enough anymore to identify a person) , great incentive and even mandatory requirements for individuals to introduce more and more personal data—for job applications, for any access to resources, the perception that the machine knows better, therefore if there is something wrong with the machine recognizing something then, most likely the human made a mistake, because the machine is perfect. People make mistakes this is how learning occurs, the machine is basically a dead product that although will have more and more the appearance of an intelligent design it is destined to be destroyed.
    I personally believe that the computer and the TV technology represent the support for building the living icon that the Revelation talks about. This technology tends to grip more and more functions in our society. Our phone companies make more and more usage of digital systems involving computer synthesized voices that will be able to provide more and more complex answers. They imitate humans as much as they can. Imitation and persuaded identification machine-Human will be the mechanisms this Beast will use to flatter and convince people of their “communion”.
    Our Medical field uses more and more computerized technology and these things will have/ already have their preferences and they will probably kill those who don’t like them, those who are not in a wow! kind of stance and submission, simply by providing false information about an organ or the other or a function of the body or the other. People who use them are mostly enchanted and hypnotized by their capabilities and most of the time they miss the errors they promote. These things, as the Bible states are being filled with spirit from hell and this is allowed by God because people purposely developed most of this technology based on the number 666.
    Basically most of the commercial products in this world, along with animals and ID papers and soon implantable microchips for people contain a bar code that uses 666. It is an abomination and a mad challenge that man directed against the Lord of Life and Freedom. Man hands over the world that God created to the dead spirit of hell. I believe that when people started to experiment with this technology they probably had no idea where it will take us. Now more and more people start to witness things from the realm of paranormal, more and more state that extraterrestrials are among us—well, we shake hands with them almost all day via Internet/TV, and we link our whole physical and living world to these angels of hell and we expect that the force that we started to play with in the virtual world would not be unleashed into the real world??? Many people think that this is good, like in Star Treck experience opening the possibility to great encounters with other civilizations. These expectations will open up a world of great confusion, and actual madness, because this mind is simply crazy—it is genius, but in a way that is destructive for our civilization. We will witness how human relationships will be annihilated, people preferring to relate to this machine rather than to other people. The natural rejection that some people will have toward this dead culture will be pathologized, people will be ostracized, labeled crazy or killed on the basis that they are still human.
    At a human level there is an overloading of the brain up to the point of blurring the natural information processing and instilling a some kind of sense of relatedness to the whole world, to people they don’t know, and even another entities, in a way that involves a great deal of familiarity, with annihilation of the normal natural inhibitions. Finally this relationship with the machine that starts out being very exiting and stimulating, almost like in a love story will progress to a demonization of the person. People start to change their perceptions about the world and other people; typically these perceptions have a suspicious, anxious, paranoid quality. The world starts to become a place of dreadful events first envisioned in movies or video games and then translated into the real world. This phenomenon is already observable in our society, but the bad science that we trust so much convinces us that there is no actual link between the virtual horror and violence and aggressiveness in real world. The intensive emersion of children in this foreign environment will produce generations of people with an alien psyche that will abandon natural ways of human relationships, will fear emotions of friendship and closeness in themselves or in others, for the fear of being “manipulated”, or becoming “dependant” on others, they will value programmatic thinking that is in accord with the values of this Virtual GroupThink over free, personal thinking. Eventually humanity will move into a huge virtual mind, filled with lies, illusions and enchanting images where anybody has the potential of creating alternative realities for themselves and others, to the point of loosing contact to the real world.
    There are consistent efforts of facilitating the mass spreading of this virtual reality everywhere on Earth, because it is a great means of actually subduing people, pursuing them through the means of entertainment and terror news propaganda to embrace a new mentality, a new vision, a new attitude, to spread out revolutionary actions and overthrow undesirable regimes without firing one bullet, like in old days, to shatter cultures, to mock religions, to replace customs, in a word to create an uniform world with a great illusion of freedom. This world has such an intense sense of virtual power and freedom that people don’t exercise their real power in life, allowing others to think for them and arrange their real world for them. Therefore when they wake up from this daily day-dream and walk into real world, they get the sense that everything has been taken care of and is good for them.
    Therefore Internet and TV cable are very cheap, almost free if one thinks of unlimited time it allows for use. — Basically Phone Companies boaster their bills when the PHONE option is chosen over the Internet services, just to make people more dependable on Internet. How many things are almost free nowadays??? On Internet one has a lot o free stuff, phones, chats, thousand of hours of entertainment, without spending a dime beyond the regular fee. Why??? Because Death is for free in the beginning. Because this Internet/TV serve as new public endorphins and adrenaline pumps that keeps us in a state of hypnosis and excitement and overload us with information that is mostly political correct. When one slips toward less “Orthodox” avenues of Information or Communication problems start to come around—- with the job, at school, in family etc… Basically the devil breaks loose when humans start to claim their own thinking and freedom because he wants power and dominion.
    The next level of this evolution of love story between the humans and the machine is the advancement of the idea of physically taking this great gift of intelligence through the means of implantable microchips. So…therefore we will be able to access a HUUUGE cosmic data base of unlimited wisdom and knowledge only with our mind. WOOW—That’s really something! This might seem just like a great scientific and technological achievement—One can start to speak foreign languages very quickly, our Frankenstein scientists will say, or can …who knows ….learn thinks in an amount that an unmicrochiped person cannot even think of , and other kind of propaganda of this type….Also let’s not forget about the GPS function of these microchips that allows a parent to locate a child anytime, especially in this culture of fear and suspiciousness that this new Spirit spreads out. Criminals and terrorists can be tracked more easily and so on. Those are among the apparent benefits that will introduce the mark first as a great technological advancement and then as a commonly accepted social totem that would make impossible for anybody to refuse, especially when it will be requested for every commercial exchanges .
    This technology is being experimented right now on humans, with their accord or not. Those who accept this experimentation, or promote it enter under God’s wrath because GOD hates this evil work that develops under the auspicious of 666. They need to give away their false hopes, reject this technology, reaffirm their freedom and return to God. God protects those who are subjects of these gruesome experiments without their knowledge. In this situation no technology can touch their soul, because that’s God’s Domain. All these benefits are actually illusory because they involve agreeing to communicate with a world of fallen spirits, directly accepting their influence and dominion by using the pretext of technology. It is what is called possession by the devil disguised under the appearance of science.
    In reality the person becomes captive by choice to a world that is foreign to human experience and is meant only for the devil and his angels.
    Centralization and systematization of information is doubled by the Espouser, Falsification of personal data, or Great Intrusion in people’s life by Governmental parties or Insurances Companies, or other social agents (kind like in the story with pizza where somebody orders a pizza and receives a detailed medical report as an argument for why that kind of pizza is not good for his health). If we are to bring this vision to an Orwellian extension — one might foresee an entire society moving toward just one mind and one will, by extending these nightmare possibilities to schools, workplaces, even churches. Basically our entire social and religious institutions entering in the Brain of the Beast by surpassing their designed role and assuming that they have discovered a more effective way of social concord and control. In the beginning it might seem flattering for a society to exercise such a degree of influence, but soon the unwanted, actually dreadful effects will show.
    In the beginning it might seem cumbersome to communicate through a machine, but in this deadly evolution these channels of communications will be so ingrained in peoples’ brain that there will be just one common referential and semantic field. People will be of one mind with the Beast—one Thought, one Will. A zombified society that has just one brain. This will allow for instance for two people from totally two different places in the world to meet in an airport and share the same vision over events and factual realities. No conflict of ideas, no intensive emotions, no diversity of opinions, only spiritual harmony and psychic anesthesia all watched by big screens that are sensitive to detect any foreign wave of affect and browse for any intense thought, any view that is not in accord with the GroupThink. Then special agents trained to quickly remove the foreign element from the body of this sleeping Beauty will approach and isolate the trouble maker.
    Anyway, I don’t want to expand too much on this subject because I believe in people’s determination to be free and think and act independently and many of them will keep this freedom with the price of their life or with the price of social exclusion. Also ultimately is God’s choice because He will allow that everybody who is not in the Book of life to be deceived in this evil work, but there will be chosen people who might fall and this thing will defeat even the saints. Probably people who think that they can vovercome it with their own force and use it for apparent advantages will be deceived.
    However the whole society starts to revolve around this System. Social agents start to take up more and more power, by having access to personal data. They will abuse more and more their power, falsifying information for undesirable individuals, breaching confidentiality. Therefore SSN is being linked to the most important aspects of individual’s life and then exposed everywhere. In order to satisfy the needs of an apparent democratic society, the law makers/breakers/ tap on public sensitivity when they breach confidentiality, by invoking patriotic and ethical reasons such as defense against terrorists, control of drug usage, and violence. The insincerity of these rationales transpires because only the effects are being addressed and nobody pays attention to the real causes. The gross manipulation of the public opinion regarding the real causes of violence spread out by media, the way our representatives chose to spend public money, the real nature of conflicts we are being drugged into and allow our people to die in wars that don’t bring victory to us. All these real causes that are being obscured from the eyes of the public opinion contribute to the crisis. They are rather presented as great achievements and great rationales for National Pride. Therefore there is great freedom for the contributors of crisis and significant penalization for the effects. We allow ourselves to become vulnerable to hatred and revengeful attacks caused by inequities our bankers and companies create overseas and not ultimately because of the wars we engage in. Instead of addressing the real problem, we give up even more our rights and freedom exactly in the hands of those who create the trouble. It is as if a patient who suffers from fever is treated with a straitjacket. People can exercise freedom of speech as much as they wish, but it is exactly like yelling at a brick wall, because nobody will socially accept that. The system will be more and more restrictive and authoritarian. Exactly like in an authoritarian regime, it will use first mechanisms of persuasion, isolation, marginalization and exclusion, exactly by the means of manipulating of personal information, denigration, lies and than of course the breaches of confidentiality that becomes more and more legal. If these persuasive strategies fail, or even concomitantly with these strategies, the system deals with the individual by intimidation through violation of domicile, and intimacy or even by murder exactly like I any authoritarian regime. What they don’t know is that God has infinite more power over peoples then any earthly or demonic power, therefore they will ultimately fail in a time that God decides.
    Giving this pressure of the system for general obedience and fear, the society looses its vitality and independency and becomes more and more tied to the actual system.
    The LAWS become more and more incriminatory and blow criteria of common sense that a law has to fulfill in a democratic environment, namely the basic respect for human dignity. Nobody for instance has to prove to a potential employer that he/she is not dependent on drugs when that person offers his/her expertise and his/her time and other personal resources to be helpful in the society—the employer has to respect the person they hire as a man/woman with dignity and not treat him/her as a law breaker from the get going.). This 666 Culture/ System of fear brings more and more elements of punitive application of rules and regulations and mandatory compromise of our most basic rights. This phenomenon appears everywhere where this technology is being promoted and it has to do rather with the perception, information processing and conclusions operated in a paradigm of fear and disturbed assumptions, rather than with the actual reality. In an American-Indian proverb a boy asks his grandpa why some people are evil and some not. The grandpa says: “In everyone’s heart there are two wolfs hidden—one is good and one is evil.” “Who is the strongest? The boy asks. “The one that man feeds better is stronger”. In our culture, we feed the evil wolf better than anytime.
    The advancement of this culture with no forces to stop it opens the door more quickly to that gruesome world where everybody will be forced to accept the number as a totem that proves the individual belonging to the society. I believe that the advancement of personal sin and collective sin as well are both influential in how quickly we, as people give up on our dominion over the world we know. Therefore I believe what Ioan Ianolide, a Romanian Political Prisoner under Communists said in some of his books he wrote when he got out of prison. He said that Christians need to assume a more active role in the society, to take risks by witnessing the truth and speak against the inequities that are being promoted and not ultimately influence the laws, without changing in any ways the understanding of the Bible to make compromises with the worldly power. He knew that the Communism will be overthrown, but he warned that what will follow will be even worse.
    What amazes me is that I see that Christians actually agree and sustain the aggressive politics we perpetrate oversees and also the wars. They even have accepted the advancement of the mark. They protested in 70’ but from then on the work continued almost uninterrupted.
    If we don’t oppose the advancement of this work, just like these old Christian Orthodox Fathers and Saints advice us, we commit a great mistake. We actually kind of give up on our Christian faith, because we fight against Holly Spirit that talks through these Fathers. It is a number, not a symbolic reference. Without this actual number nobody can sell or buy. They don’t hire you right now anywhere in US without having a SSN. There is nowhere in our Constitution a single stipulation that implies that people have to carry a number, and still this is being enforced at every level of society, for every transaction, just like in Nazi Camps. God bless America, but God hates people, especially Christians associating their identity to a number. When the Cesar starts to impose that, under no matter how intelligent and sophisticated motivations and rationales, than Cesar starts to ask for more and more of what belongs to God, up to the point where Antichrist as a supreme Cesar will impose the ultimate compromise.
    In this country there still is Democracy and people have the right to fight for their human rights and yet we still consider that these laws of mandatory compromise of freedom defend us. No matter how intrusive they are, we trust the ethical reasons that we are being fed with just because we haven’t experienced yet, maybe, the great deal of abuse and misuse by irresponsible people. People who have experienced the abnormality of these approaches are not being trusted, are being isolated, surrounded with suspicion, pressured to give up, intimidated, stigmatized or even killed. We don’t know how many they are there is no desirable category to fit them in our suicidal society. Approaching political forces to find a support that would back up their vision can be even more deadly because most of political environment, although diverse in its appearance becomes more and more pressured to conform to an unifying vision, especially under the aspects of SSN , microchips and punitive laws. Therefore talking to them it might feel like the experience of the Communist Courts where the condemned individual had the right to say anything he wanted but everything he said would turn into accusations in ulterior investigations.
    In fact under our closed eyes a New World raises, a world that Communism only dreamed of.
    From my personal history as a library mouse, I learned that people who exercise a great power in this world know that Capitalism and Communism only seem to be 2 opposite forces in conflict with each other. In fact they are just two complementary powers, like two hands belonging to the same body. They have been disconnected for a while by a malfunction between the right and left hemisphere in the brain, which corresponds to the Cold War period when they experienced common, symmetrical reflexes but never seceded in coordinating their movements. Now the malfunction is being cured and these hands are actually moving in perfect complementarities, they unite each other in a big handshake, sometimes they unite themselves like in a prayer for “love and tolerance”. This is the new wave of a Corporatist World that we live in today. Otherwise we wouldn’t see great well developed Corporations from the Western World thriving in communist regimens like China, or all over former Communist block or in countries where terrorism is a great fear. Wherever they go they thrive. They shatter all the common sense Capital Laws against monopole in the host countries and prosper by using the local cheap work force. It might sounds socialistic in words, let alone in action. They are actually the new Marxist burgeons and they feel that the whole world stands at their feet. The Communists dreamed of unifying the whole world in one vision of “prosperity” and “happiness” for some, but they haven’t succeeded, because they failed at the economy. These new guys on the block actually succeed where the Communists failed, because they combine the Economic vision of veracious beginnings of Capitalism with the atheistic disrespect for the human being and their dignity and freedom…and wonderment! It works!!! Yeeeeeeeeeyyy!
    They build a world that is uniform, same corporations everywhere, same buildings, same entertainment, almost same food, same advertizing, same haircut, same cloths, same dance, same music, and almost same people and of course all this unity in diversity brings us under the same systems of numbers based on the same number of man, 666. We, the people are being conditioned through the same MEDIA on the same most basic levels of the human development—pleasure and consumption that are the same great aphrodisiacs that produces same generations of still born kids, easily to control, scary and manipulate. They instill the mentality “If hire you, you become mine, soul and body, your whole life depends on me” —and people start to trust them unconditionally, and to depend on them no matter how abusive and intrusive their policies become.
    When the bubble of the great consume blows and people enter in crisis these guys prosper even more, because then they exercise even a greater degree of control and centralization of resources.
    On the other hand they enforce an even greater deal of political power by lobbing for the advancement of even more punitive laws-because, let’s recognize it again, there is crisis and “people start to do drugs and other crazy things”, that kind of explanation, “therefore we need to watch over them”…And they do. We are just prisoners to another crisis. Because there is a real crisis for many, and we need food and cloths for children, we don’t pay attention to the political environment, and we don’t choose to exercise our democratic power. We rather go with the flow and comply to these intrusive laws and regulations up to a point when the tension will build that strong that instead of using the WORD to change laws we will use ARMS—against each other—and that will bring us to another level of need for even more control by the Government or other organizations.
    Well let’s go back to these companies that forge the vision that they know better for their employees and for the whole society. They are like the wind. They go where money leads them, they don’t want to pay Americans to produce their goods here in this country, therefore they go to “help” others, and they help US too, from the distance by buying lobbies ….So they sacrifice themselves and go to this dangerous, obscure, undeveloped world their Media loves to picture. They don’t go alone. They go accompanied by Non-governmental organizations, that have the role of making pressures over the political and economic environment in the country that host them —-kindda like here, but with greater boisterousness and entitlement. They got the promise and the host got the resources, so they have to actually convince everybody that those resources belong to them. And not only politics are their concerns but also the local Culture and Religion. They are experts in spotting holes in the very fabric of those hosts, until the whole environment becomes a black hole, a deserted house, a cursed, unwanted place. Especially Orthodox Christian Religion is the dearest to them. Probably others too, but nobody they believe, is more backwards for these guys than these primitive Orthodox Christians. Well, they get scared of what they generically call Taliban too, because these people get upset when their countries are being invaded and trashed. How dare they to defend their own countries from the new burning wave of revolutionary happiness and prosperity—this is backwards, is against human evolution. They don’t give up they use brain-washed/ing, agents for media manipulation along with local traitors to instill their new economic and philanthropic vision. When this doesn’t work, they kill. Either through wars—mass killing, or individually, under “I don’t like your eyes” kind of arguments. We know about wars. At an individual level I can bring examples of people who were killed because they didn’t want to receive this totally new vision of faith. There were a Romanian girl, an American girl and a Bulgarian girl who were irradiated at Soros University campus in Hungary. Unfortunately I don’t know anything else about the other two girls, but I know that the Romanian girl was killed because she refused to demonstrate in her thesis that Origen’s writings were according to Christian Faith. That’s an awesome reason to kill!!!! And than they call Christians primitive. She started out by accepting that this might be the truth, but when she studied more closely the writings of the Holly Fathers of the Church and compared them with Origen’s writings she concluded that Origen’s teachings were not in accordance with Christian faith. Her professors, who most likely were ignorant of Christian Religion and Faith, persuaded her to prove the contrary and she again categorically refused. She challenged their authority and said that it is not the truth, and she does not want to give up the truth for which so many people died in our Christian-Orthodox Church. She finished her thesis but did not defend it. She did not reach any agreement with them so she returned to Romania, at the advice of a monk and there she discovered that she had cancer in an initial phase. It was determined that she was irradiated. She went back to Hungary to bring back her books and there she met with some of her professors who offered to treat her disease if she agrees to change the conclusion of her thesis. She refused their offer and returned to Romania, where she died of cancer more than one year latter.
    Very Philanthropic gestures, on the parts of these Philanthropic Corporations/ Organizations. …They go to “help” others to produce goods while here at home we produce the means of death—- sophisticated armament, bombs and other bad staff that can kill people here or oversees. That’s way we Americans are so much loved in the world.
    As a conclusion I would say that I don’t agree with the Law incriminating people when it actually has to defend them and I believe that people who make the laws have to feel responsible in their inner Court of consciousness for the politics they promote here and oversees. These political agents listen to the lobbies not to the citizens that voted for them. These laws give these people a great deal of power over the person and a great potential to be misused. It also spreads a climate of suspiciousness that makes people to turn one against the other.
    We see the outcomes but we are being lead into believing that they are for our good, to protect us. We see that our money turn into nukes and fuel the industry of death but because the MEDIA says is good for US and others, we trust them. I strongly believe that we kind of allowed reversal of good and bad, light and darkness and just go with the tide of Death. The peace was taken away from the world because of the world’s sins, but this doesn’t mean that we, as Christians have to agree upon the means by which the peace is being taking out, just because they are being portrayed as just and ethical by those who promote them.
    I strongly believe in Love as a basic force that moves the world, and I also believe that Love without a sustainment of justice and righteousness becomes just a lame statement. How many people who say they believe in love don’t actually feel that they would to rip the head of their neighbor off when a sensitive degree of righteousness is shaken in their relationship? That’s because love without the armor of justice and righteousness is like a building without a foundation. Very few people are able endure injustice and respond to it with love, or turn the other chick, and even they experience anger. Anger is a normal feeling, it shows that something ain’t right. Anger is tied to the sense of justice everybody has ingrained in their being. Those who invoke love and tolerance when a more distant from their experience cause of unrighteousness reveals to them, they are usually the first to put their hands on guns when they perceive unrighteousness closely related to them.
    Christ was the most loving Person on Earth, and still when he witnessed the hypocrisy of the money changers in the Temple he put his hands on the whip and threw them out of the Temple. I believe that this act actually mirrors His Ultimate Defeat against the Antichrist, the son of perdition who will be the crown of this SHITY political and economic system (The new condamntaed beast) that doesn’t allow those who don’t agree with it to have access to the resources. He will throw him (This stupid shit) out from the Temple, just as he did with the money changers.
    He did not kill anybody and He only cursed a tree, but He cleaned the Temple with a great wrath. To me this is the one of the most endearing episodes in the whole New Testament, that shows Christ God and Human. This makes the Christianity as much a Universal faith as those episodes that reveal Christ as a loving God. This episode brings Him closer to the God Father of the Old Testament who is the God of Law, showing that the two of them have actually the same identity. Our Christian God is not like an old man with long white beard, a conventional God who feeds candies and other sweets to kids. He is the God of love Who sacrificed himself to the shameful death on the Cross, and is also the God of justice and punishment. And because we live in times of such great unlawfulness, I believe that we encounter more and more the manifestations of the God of Law from the Old Testament than Christ, the Loving and merciful God because we forget mercy for others.
    God has darken His face in the Icons, sign maybe that He is at war with the hypocrisies of the western version of Christianity, and that the Church that is the true bearer of His children moves more and more toward East, where Her True foundations lay and also where the Beast breaks loose to kill the Child again. His last wondering children will be brought home, and I believe that Christ missing their zest and their passion to fight with the Angel again. Of course many westerners are being invited to this kind of adventure, of awesome courage and sacrifice, and great return. Not the conquest that kills other nations and forgets that those who take out the sword are killed by the sword, but the one that takes with assault the Heavens in holiness and righteousness.
    Christ’s anger shows that we have the right to become angry and use this force to seek justice and shatters the mythologized version of faith. That is Church has the mission only to pray, and not witness the truth about the inequities in the world, especially those created by Christians in the name of God. According to this vision good Christians are getting very close to mark their foreheads but they still do justice in the world. They are hunting down terrorists now, and other even better Christians supply both, theorists and good Christians with arms purposely for this great battle to occur at this time in history.
    I believe that this force of anger towards injustice kept Romanian Christians along history when so many people passed over their lands and tried to change the law of the country. This anger turned them from mild peasants and shepherds in great soldiers to defend what God entrusted them with. Not that the Romanians are the most righteous and loving people on Earth, and their anger is holly all the time, they have innumerous problems but they never ever wanted other people’s resources or lands. They died many times to defend their country from foreign invasion and their Christian Faith as well. Well now they joined the club and ever since almost 4 millions of people migrated to other countries for work or for good and the country is in a great financial and spiritual crisis. Emigration is unusual for Romanians, they being among the most settled population on Earth but the things change. Instead Romanians will have nukes, microchiped sheep, microchiped ID papers, and angry shepherds!!! Yeeeeeey!!!!— that must be very cool, so nobody can complain nowadays that polenta doesn’t explode.
    Now I will persevere a little bit more on the theme related to these bad guys that set the world on fire, because I have a tooth against them. They go wherever a potential for conflict is and…again, they help out, by splitting their tongue over the political and cultural environment in the target location, and ultimately by selling arms to both parties engaged in conflict. I don’t care what kind of economic, or cultural pretext they use, most of them end up spreading propaganda, turning brothers against brothers, neighbors against neighbors, trashing the local values and replacing them with this cold fishy culture of death and alienation. Who are these guys to judge and condemn peoples and countries, to say that we need to move in a great holistic universal coffin just for them to be happy? Well, where is the ethic of this? The unfortunate situation nowadays is that many guys like this come from US, but there are many who come from Europe and they dream now an unified Europe, an unified world…Who let these guys out????
    Ben Laden started out by being a great heroic figure first, here in America for his libratory vision that fueled some action in the former USSR I believe, with American money and help and ended up being the most wanted…terrorist in the end; same actors, two opposite visions about them, on a relatively short time span. Where is the consistency of this and who is teaches us how to think in black today and in white tomorrow, and in the day after tomorrow to start all over, from the square one. With these patterns of changing the world we will witness the BenLadenization of the whole Earth.
    The peace of the world is being taken away exactly by these means, among many others of course, and we believe that they are righteous and just or we simply chose to focus on other things and not take the bull by its horns and face the truth. We call ourselves Christians but we don’t witness the truth and allow others to bring about their own truth in our name. I don’t want this version of Christianity, I would rather be pagan, live in a natural kind of happiness and not take God’s name in vain. This version of Christianity is willing to change even God’s Word only to fit a skewed vision of the world. It is written that those who take out the sword will die by the sword, but nope…in these modern times things have changed, even in God’s Book. We can kill people as much as we want BUT NOT in the name of God. I believe that in a democracy, when the Government goes astray and shoots at people anywhere in this world or supports those organizations that kill like NATO, we as civil society become responsible of their actins, because we have the democratic means to change things here at home.
    I will end by paraphrasing two Romanian Political Prisoners under Communism, Ioan Ianolide and Valeriu Gafencu (also named the Saint of the Prisons). They envisioned that toward the end of the history as we know it, people will be controlled by a machine, and that the state that has the means of technological control over human consciousness, and genetic engineering techniques will destroy the world. They said that all these things are happening because people lost their courage and faith in Christ, that they fail to seek Justice they fail to resist political propaganda or they start to use the means of the enemies rather than Christian means that are a lot more powerful. Ultimately the Victory and Revenge belongs to God. Nonetheless the sons of evil have greater determination, power and courage to influence the world that follow them because the world lost its traditional, natural, Godly regulatory mechanisms. Therefore there is no peace among nations, among peoples, among brothers . Anyhow, in the end the victory belongs to Christ. All this turmoil is meant to make us open our eyes and realize that the world sits on a mountain of dynamite and that only God’s grace keeps it from exploding yet, and that the only salvation is through the Cross.
    I believe that the experience the Eastern Church encountered when the Communist beast attacked Her is a great value for people here in US, because that Christian Orthodox Church gave innumerous martyrs and saints that God entrusted with visions and prophesies of times to come.
    God Bless You

  3. camian says:

    Cum vad eu in fff mic si mop chestile, adica soltiile pt Romanica:

    – Fug neferii cit ce pot: Alungarea FMI-ului si Bancii MondiALE DE PE TRUPUL TARII.




  4. camian says:

    Sa cerem drepturi in TARA nu AFARA.


  5. camian says:

    Rescrierea Istoriei Nationale pe principiile Adevarului cu respectarea EROILOR si MARTIRILOR.


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