Message from General David H. Petraeus (US Army Retired)
Statement to Employees from General David H. Petraeus (US Army Retired)
November 9, 2012
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.
As I depart Langley, I want you to know that it has been the greatest of privileges to have served with you, the officers of our Nation’s Silent Service, a work force that is truly exceptional in every regard. Indeed, you did extraordinary work on a host of critical missions during my time as director, and I am deeply grateful to you for that.
Teddy Roosevelt once observed that life’s greatest gift is the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing. I will always treasure my opportunity to have done that with you and I will always regret the circumstances that brought that work with you to an end.
Thank you for your extraordinary service to our country, and best wishes for continued success in the important endeavors that lie ahead for our country and our Agency.
With admiration and appreciation,
David H. Petraeus
Message from Acting Director Michael Morell
Statement to Employees from Acting Director Michael Morell
November 9, 2012
I know I speak for the men and women of CIA in thanking Director Petraeus for his dedicated service to our Agency and our country. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with him as he led this amazing organization, and I admire the drive and focus he brought to the job. Indeed, the energy he devoted to managing our mission and workforce was second to none. For applying his extraordinary talent, experience, and leadership to the work of our Agency—and for his heroic service to our nation over the course of nearly four decades in the Army—we owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.
President Obama has asked me once again to serve as Acting Director, and I am deeply honored to do so. No matter who is at the helm of this Agency, however, it is always you—the remarkable officers of the Central Intelligence Agency—who make this organization the unique, respected, and capable institution it is, one that has well and faithfully served the American people for more than six decades.
Our top priority now is what it always has been—to stay focused on mission and on all the important work we do to keep our country safe.
Michael Morell
Nota: Site-ul jurnalistei (casatorita, la randul ei, si cu doi copii) – – a fost dezactivat
PS: FBI a inceput investigatia asupra sefului CIA considerand ca acesta ar putea fi victima unei agente speciale a unui serviciu secret strain. La finalul anchetei, saptamana trecuta, FBI a informat Comitetele de intelligence (“Comisiile SRI si SIE”) din Camera si Senat. Acum, pe bune, credeti ca la noi ar fi posibil asa ceva? Ca SRI sa monitorizeze si sa raporteze natiunii pericolele la adresa securitatii nationale generate de vulnerabilitatile adevaratului sef al SIE? Nu suntem noi mai tari ca americani? 🙂
Americanca tipica, cal nemtesc, nu cred ca e vreo arzoaica.
Sper ca seful SRI sa nu cada victima vulnerabilitatii adevaratului sef al SIE.
Care dintre sefii SRI? 🙂