Traian Ungureanu: “S-a ajuns la situatia limita. Israelul nu mai poate tolera situatia in care un stat e bombardat in permanenta, zi de zi, ceas de ceas. S-au strans 6464 de rachete, trimise de Hamas in sudul Israelului, luand la tinta populatia civila. Desi, Israelul este acuzat ca ia la tinta populatia civila, ceea ce cred ca este o nerozie. (…)
Eu cred ca asta e o discutie stupida, pur si simplu, tema proportionalitatii. Ce ar insemna proportional in aceast caz? Ca Israelul sa raspunda Hamas cu aceeasi moneda? Pai asta ar insemna ca Israelul ar trebui sa bombardeze scoli, moschei, case, in mod intentionat, asa cum face Hamas-ul, de sase mii si ceva de ori. Ei, asta este o absurditate. Israelul, din cate vedem, loveste obiective militare. (…)
Vedem la televiziuni si ziare occidentale adevarate orori in materie de jurnalism. Exista aici, in mediile de presa si in mediiile academice, o majoritate covarsitoare anti-americana, anti-capitalista, pro-araba, si, imi pare rau s-o spun, purtatoarea unui nou gen de anti-semitism.”
AUDIO Traian Ungureanu, despre situatia din Gaza … (HotNews si RFI)
Nota bene – Principiul “proportionalitatii: conform agentiilor de stiri “antisemite” occidentale, la ora aceasta sunt peste 800 de morti in Gaza, dintre care circa 200 copii si alti 200 femei si batrani. In Israel, 13 morti, dintre care 3 soldati ucisi de proprii lor colegi dintr-o eroare.
Deci, inteleg ca s-a decretat: oricine critica sau protesteaza fata de crimele oribile si catastrofa umanitara din Gaza e… “antisemit”. Atunci, probabil, toata Europa e “antisemita”!
N-aveti niste pantofi mai vechi sa-i trantim in capul urecheatului asta de utecist intarziat?!
“Antisemitul” post occidental EuroNews
Tens of thousands of people, in cities all over Europe, have been demonstrating against the Israeli offensive in Gaza.
In central London, three police officers were hurt when demonstrators hurled shoes and placards as police in riot gear confronted a crowd of around 20,000 outside the Israeli embassy.
Fifteen people were arrested after a breakaway group of about 2,000 people continued to clash with police. Two were detained on suspicion of assault.
Thousands demonstrated in Edinburgh, in Scotland and marches were held across France, the biggest of them in the capital Paris. Police estimated 30,000 people took part.
Scuffles broke out with small groups of demonstrators fighting running battles with police as the protest dispersed.
In Germany, some 8,500 people ralled in the centre of Berlin. Another 10,000 marched in Duisburg.
In Norway, police used tear gas to break up a 1000-strong protest after bottles and rocks were thrown and in Sweden, after a march by up to five thousand people, some protestors attempted to storm the Israeli embassy in Stockholm.
In Barcelona, an estimated 30,000 people took to the streets. The demonstration was called by 300 Catalan groups demanding an end to arms trading with Israel.
In Milan, Florence and Venice several thousand people carrying Palestinian flags marched to protest against the Israeli offensive, some waving Israeli flags, besmirched with swastikas.
The demonstrations have been fuelled by the rising death toll in Gaza which currently stands at over 800 Palestinians, roughly half of them civilians.
Thirteen Israelis, including 10 soldiers, have been killed.//
“Cu totii suntem palestinieni!”