Posts Tagged ‘i-phone’

Robert Noyce la o chermeza cu Steve Jobs. Fondatorii Intel si Apple intr-o fotografie din 1988. Google il omagiaza azi pe co-inventatorul microcipului, “primarul din Silicon Valley”

Steve Jobs (omul Apple – stanga) si Rober Noyce (omul Intel – dreapta), co-inventatorul microcipului pe baza de siliciu, la o chermeza din 1988. Google il omagiaza azi pe Noyce, unul dintre inventatorii circuitului integrat pe baza de siliciu care ne sta acum in fiecare calculator, cu efectele adverse de rigoare…

I-Phone, folosit de Politia SUA pentru recunoasterea biometrica a “suspectilor”. Noua aplicatie va incorpora si recunoasterea irisului. FOTO / VIDEO

Police in the US are using an iPhone app to take photos of suspects and instantly compares them with a criminal database.

The app employs biometric information such as facial recognition software to help police identify suspects within seconds.

Known as MORIS (Mobile Offender Recognition and Identification System), the system lets police officers take a photo of a suspect, upload it into a secure network where it is then analysed.

Police test out the MORIS system which will be used to identify suspects using the iPhone


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