Posts Tagged ‘January 2012’

Ziaristi Online: Cu lupa pe cartea lui Larry Watts, de la Prof. Keith Hitchens si Amb. George Maior la Vladimir Tismaneanu si altii

Cum asteptam ca Editura RAO sa-si tina promisiunea si sa lanseze cat de curand – poate chiar de 1 Decembrie, Ziua Nationala a Romaniei -, volumul al II-lea al lucrarii profesorului Larry WattsFereste-ma, Doamne, de prieteni. Razboiul clandestin al blocului sovietic cu Romania“, ne-am gandit sa-l stimulam pe Ovidiu Enculescu, directorul Grupului Rao, cu cateva extrase din recenziile facute primului volum, de la cei care au citit cartea, ca Prof. Keith Hitchens si Amb. George Maior, pana la cei care doar au comentat-o, ca Vladimir I Tismaneanu si Alina Pavelescu.

“Larry Watts looks beneath the surface of events in the period up to 1978 by investigating, in particular, the activities of Romanian, Soviet, and bloc secret services. He has drawn on extensive archive materials, many unused until now, to show how, beginning in the late 1950s, the Soviet Union and its allies in the Warsaw Pact treated Romania essentially as an enemy. … In examining these stratagems in detail, Watts puts his archive sources to good use. He notes how American analysts were misled by Soviet-inspired deceptions into discounting Romania’s striving for autonomy merely as a ruse on a number of occasions, a device to secure Western benefits at little cost. On the basis of abundant evidence Watts argues just the contrary. His account of Gheorghiu-Dej’s and Ceauşescu’s opposition to the economic integration of the bloc through Comecon, and military integration within the framework of the Warsaw Pact, leaves no doubt about their determination to achieve distance from the Soviet embrace. … Besides the strains in Soviet-Romanian relations, Watts adds much to our understanding of the tense situation created by Ceauşescu’s denunciation of the intervention in Czechoslovakia in 1968, Romania’s mediation between the United States, China, and Vietnam, and growing United States-Romanian military coordination in the mid-1970s. His book in many ways, then, is an invitation to historians of Communist Romania to revisit crucial issues.”
Prof. Keith Hitchens, History of Russia, East Europe and Eurasia, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

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Ovidiu Enculescu si Victor Roncea despre cartea lui Larry Watts de ZiaristiOnlineTV

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