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Despre viziunea lui Larry Watts privind relaţiile dintre Blocul Sovietic şi România în Revista American Intelligence Journal a Asociaţiei Naţionale de Informaţii Militare a SUA (NMIA)

Larry Watts - foto Cristina Nichitus RonceaFoto: Cristina Nichitus Roncea

Reviewed by LTC (USAR, Ret) Christopher E. Bailey, a faculty member at the National Intelligence University specializing in national security law, processes, intelligence ethics and strategy. He is a 2008 graduate of NIU’s Denial & Deception Advanced Studies Program and the U.S. Army War College. He is licensed to practice law in California and the District of Columbia, and is a member of the National Security Law section, American Bar Association.

Mr. Larry Watts has authored the second in a series of three “must have” volumes for national security professionals, especially for practitioners with an interest in Eastern Europe since World War II.

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