Mr. Victor Roncea
Independent Journalist
Tbilisi, August, 2018
Dear Mr. Roncea,
Ten years have passed since Georgia become victim of direct military aggression from the Russian Federation. Consolidated efforts and firm support of our friends, government officials and civil societies have saved my country.
In that critical period, your devotion and contribution by covering ongoing developments to acknowledge truth to the entire world was remarkable. Georgian people highly value your outstanding role and accuracy in those complicated and sensitive processes. Let me extend my gratitude for your certainity and firm position as well as for your exceptional demonstration of solidarity that was essentially important for Georgia.
Today, our unity is vital; we still witness hybrid threats as a major challenge to the international community. Considering our changeable environment, I sincerely believe that your future activities will once again play crucial role for peace, welfare and prosperity.
Giorgi Margvelashvili
Mulțumesc în mod deosebit Președintelui Georgiei, Excelenței Sale, Giorgi Margvelashvili, și celor care ne-au înmânat personal la București acest document extrem de onorant, respectiv șeful Administrației Prezidențiale, Georgi Abashishvili, geopoliticianul Tengiz Pkhaladze, șeful consilierilor prezidențiali pe politică externă și ambasadorul georgian la Bucuresti, ES Nikoloz Nikolozishvili.
Citiți și:
The world forgot about the ongoing Russian occupation of Georgia
Vedeți și:
European Parliament resolution on Georgian occupied territories 10 years after the Russian invasion via Levan Metreveli, fost Ambasador al Georgiei în România
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