Posts Tagged ‘Department of State’

De ce a venit Victoria Fara de Tara (Nuland) in Romania: 1. Chevron. 2. Moldova. Sau invers. Plus: Stratfor despre Ungaria si pamantul romanesc, la o zi dupa BadPolitics si Roncea.Ro

Basescu Nuland si alti suckersDe pe Facebook adunate si la lume date:

Asistenta Victoria Nu-land, cea “Fara de Tara”, a avut doar doua prioritati in Romania. 1. Geo-Economica: Chevron, etc. 2. Geo-Politica, unde a servit, din nou, Rusia, prin afirmatia repetata obsesiv in toate aparitiile sale: “The United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova”. Ba chiar, la finalul alocutiunii de la Amb., a vorbit deja si in numele Romaniei: ” The United States and Romania are partners in supporting an independent, sovereign, democratic Moldova, and we talked about Moldova in all of my meetings today. Thank you very much!”. Acum, teoretic, o sa vedem daca Rusia, la schimb, o va lasa mai moale cu Chevronul. Valentin Mandrasescu stie de ce…
PS: Acum, sa nu se inteleaga ca gavarisitorul pe tema “proiectului Unirii” nu a servit aceeasi mareata putere de la Rasarit. Faptele lipsa “vorbeste”… Iar acum ii da lectii, recte il pune la punct, in propria casa, o… asistenta! Traian Basescu are un sfarsit de mandat mai penibil chiar decat al lui Emil Constantinescu, daca isi putea imagina cineva asa ceva!…

Si acum despre circulatia stirilor in natura:
6 ianuarie, ora 11.0
Eliminarea restricţiilor i-a făcut pe oficialii din Guvernul de la Budapesta să creeze o strategie prin care Ungaria să poată achiziţiona teren agricol şi pădure în România.
8 Ianuarie, dis de dimineata:
Ce nu veti citi azi in presa “centrala” de limba romana din fostul “stat roman”, despre situatia alarmanta privind vanzarea la kg a pamantului romanesc, face deja inconjurul Ungariei (si al mediilor de specialitate din intreaga lume).
8 Ianuarie, 16.12 ora Coastei de Est a SUA, ora 23.12 in Romania:
Extraterritorial land ownership is an issue for Budapest ahead of elections and amid changing geopolitical fortunes.
9 Ianuarie, ora 12.10
Stratfor - etnicii-maghiari-din-Romania-localizarea-teritoriala

Wikileaks s-a apucat de istorie si ne ofera arhivele declasificate ale Departamentului de Stat. Motorul de cautare merge bine pe “ROMANIA”, “CEA– USESCU”, “US & SOVIET-ROMANIAN RELATIONS”. Aviz tismanenilor

Wikileaks US Romanian Soviet Relations

Intrati aici.

Valabil si pentru tismaneni 🙂

Ce se mai citeste la Departamentul de Stat al SUA, Microsoft Corp si STS? Roncea Ro si Ziaristi Online!

STATELE UNITE au iesit din mutenie. Departamentul de Stat condamna violentele de le Chisinau si cere "tuturor partidelor sa se comporte responsabil"

Moldova: Aftermath of Protests

Robert Wood
Acting Department Spokesman
Washington, DC
April 16, 2009

The United States is concerned about the situation in Moldova following the violence on April 7. Although order has been restored and subsequent demonstrations have been peaceful, we have received reports from civil society and international observers of mistreatment of those detained by Moldovan authorities. We are also troubled by reports that students and journalists have been intimidated by government officials. President Voronin’s announcement of an amnesty for many of those detained is an encouraging step toward reconciliation.
We urge the government to act in accordance with Moldovan law and its international obligations when dealing with the opposition, protesters, and the media. All parties need to conduct themselves responsibly. It is also important that the government reach out to opposition parties and address their concerns about the April 5 election in a cooperative and transparent manner. We stress that there is no excuse for violence, such as took place on April 7. The United States remains committed to working closely with Moldova and its people as the country continues down the path of European integration. Respect for the rule of law and human rights are key elements in our relationship.

Actiunile noastre pentru Catedrala Sf Iosif apreciate in Raportul pentru Drepturile Omului al Departamentului de Stat al SUA


Country Reports on Human Rights Practices – 2007
Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and LaborMarch 11, 2008

[…] “In September 2005, the Bucharest city government illegally approved a permit for construction of a building next to the Roman Catholic Saint Joseph’s Cathedral, threatening to damage the cathedral’s foundation. Despite domestic and international protests, including street demonstrations and messages from the Vatican and European Parliament, as well as complaints by the Roman Catholic Church, construction continued. In July, a court in Dolj County ruled to suspend construction and an appeal upheld the ruling. However, construction continued unabated.” […]


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