Domnule Victor Roncea,
Va multumim pentru mesajul adresat Presedintelui României, Domnul Traian Basescu.
Dupa cum probabil stiti deja, ministrul afacerilor externe român, (sic) a solicitat în cadrul întrevederii din 18 iulie 2011 cu omologul sau ucrainean, identificarea unor masuri de crestere a încrederii între Bucuresti si Kiev, care sa conduca la evitarea unor situatii precum cele care au avut loc la 16 iulie 2011.
Cu stima,
Consilier de Stat
Gabriel-Cristian Piscociu
Stimate Domnule Gabriel-Cristian Piscociu,
Va multumesc foarte mult pentru raspuns. Chiar ma intrebam daca presedintele Romaniei isi va mai aduce aminte intr-o zi ca inca mai exista in aceasta tara si altfel de ziaristi decat cei cu care s-a obisnuit sa se intretina zilnic, in acesti sapte ani, cu precadere in ultimii trei.
Desigur, am urmarit prestatia ministrului de Externe al Romaniei de la intalnirea cu omologul sau ucrainean, avuta chiar la doua zile dupa incidentul de la Hagi Curda, asa cum a fost prezentata pe site-ul MAE roman: “Participarea României la Grupul de Prieteni ai Ucrainei şi întâlnire între miniştrii T. Baconschi şi K. Grişcenko” (https://mae.ro/node/9804).
Citez: “Ministrul Baconschi a solicitat identificarea unor măsuri de creştere a încrederii între Bucureşti şi Kiev care să conducă la evitarea unor situaţii precum cele care au avut loc sâmbătă, 16 iulie, cu ocazia deplasării unor ziarişti şi reprezentanţi ai ONG-urilor la sfinţirea unei biserici din regiunea Odesa.”
Se pare insa ca “identificarea masurilor de crestere a increderii” a fost eficienta, dar numai intr-un singur sens, de la “Grupul de Prieteni ai Ucrainei” spre Kiev, nu si invers. Din pacate, reactia edulcorata a diplomatiei romane in acest caz a dus la accentuarea agresiunii asupra romanilor din Ucraina, in special in ceea ce priveste situatia Bisericii si comunitatii romanesti de la Hagi Curda.
Dupa cum probabil stiti, poate chiar mai bine decat mine, securitatea ucraineana nu a luat in seama deloc enuntul “pro-pasiv” al ministrului Teodor Anatol Baconschi, contrar preceptelor diplomatiei “pro-active” promovate de inaintasul sau, Mihai Razvan Ungureanu. Iata un articol pe aceasta tema, preluat de Ziaristi Online de la Jurnal de Chisinau: “Epitropul Bisericii de la Hagi Curda terorizat de securitatea ucraineana. MAE roman, ca de obicei, tace” (https://www.ziaristionline.ro/2011/08/07/epitropul-de-la-hagi-curda-terorizat-de-securitatea-ucraineana-mae-roman-ca-de-obicei-tace/).
In opinia Asociatiei Civic Media, autoarea protestului inaintat sefului statul roman, domnul Traian Basescu, atitudinea umila a actualilor reprezentanti ai diplomatiei de la Bucuresti fata de politica agresiva a Kievului la adresa comunitatilor romanesti din Basarabia istorica si nordul Bucovinei nu face decat sa stimuleze autoritatile ucrainene in atitudinea lor sfidatoare fata de valorile europene si drepturile minoritatilor, consfintite de normele Consiliului Europei si ale Natiunilor Unite. Ca este o politica tactica si strategica bine pusa la punct, este treaba lor. Problema noastra este ca nu avem la randul nostru nici un raspuns de ordin tactic si strategic in fata unor asemenea provocari.
La ce foloseste “identificarea masurilor de crestere a increderii” daca drepturile celor doi jurnalisti romani – dupa cum sunt inscrise in Declaratia Universala a Drepturilor Omului si Constitutia Romaniei – raman incalcate iar institutia de stat insarcinata sa ii apere, prin insasi misiunea existentei sale – din banii contribuabililor! -, a tacut, a tacut si iar a tacut?!
Nu in ultimul rand tin sa va amintesc ca, intr-un caz similar, al declararii mele drept “persona non grata” de catre autoritatile de la Kiev, in “era” Kucima, tot ca urmare a unor articole de presa, la fel ca in cazul celor doi ziaristi “pedepsiti” acum in acelasi stil rudimentar – Valentin Tigau de la Radio Romania International (post al statului roman) si Simona Lazar de la Jurnalul National – Ministrul de Externe al Romaniei de la acea vreme, desi PSD-ist, nu a ezitat sa inainteze un protest scris Kievului si sa-l cheme la ordine pe reprezentantul Ucrainei la Bucuresti, exprimand “profunda ingrijorare” a statului roman si solicitand “ridicarea neintarziata a acestei masuri abuzive”. Acte absolut firesti ale unui stat membru NATO si UE fata de tupeul nemarginit al unui stat construit din teritorii straine lui, grupate artificial intr-o republica membra a urmasei URSS, CSI, ea insasi o succesoare de facto si de jure a Uniunii Sovietice.
De asemenea, incurajate si de atitudinea ferma a MAE roman, au inaintat proteste oficiale catre MAE ucrainean si presedintele Kucima toate organizatiile internationale de aparare a libertatii presei si jurnalistilor, de la Asociatia Mondiala a Ziarelor si Editorilor de Presa – www.wan-ifra.org la Institutul International de Presa si Comitetul pentru Protectia Jurnalistilor din SUA si chiar si Misiunea SUA la NATO, care a solicitat la randul ei explicatii, in ciuda intereselor geopolitice majore existente la Bruxelles si Washington in privinta acestui teritoriu amalgamat (vedeti arhiva ziarului ZIUA de luni, 30 iunie 2003 si editiile urmatoare sau arhiva Roncea.ro – facsimile mai jos).
Aceasta reactie a fost o consecinta, repet, a atitudinii ferme a Romaniei ca stat suveran si a respectului fata de presa romana de la acea vreme. Lipsa acestora duc, iata, iarasi si iarasi, la umilirea si terorizarea romanilor din Ucraina, de care raspunde in primul rand seful statului, domnul Traian Basescu, in calitatea lui de presedinte al tuturor romanilor, si pe plan intern, la desconsiderarea totala a putinilor jurnalisti care isi mai fac meseria in sprijinul idealurilor nationale si al revelarii adevarului, chiar si cu picatura, intr-un ocean de minciuni si ura specific atmosferii bolsevice a anilor ’50.
Sper ca actiunile viitoare ale sefului real al diplomatiei romane sa-mi demonstreze ca nu v-am scris degeaba si ca mesajele noastre or sa ajunga intr-un final si in mapa sa de “interese nationale”.
Cu regret momentan,
Al Dvs,
Victor Roncea,
Asociatia Civic Media
PS: Va trimit alaturat si protestul inaintat de Civic Media ministrului de Externe al Ucrainei si ambasadorului Kievului la Bucuresti, ramas, insa, fara raspuns, probabil si in lipsa unei solidarizari a breslei descompuse de azi si a organizatiilor care sustin ca reprezinta drepturile jurnalistilor dar sunt mai degraba preocupate de ce a mai spus Basescu despre tigani si daca le da si lor Soros vreun gram de aur dupa ce intra ungurii in posesia Rosiei Montane…
Protest and Request from Civic Media Association
“History will never leave out someone without paying his price for treason”
To: Ukrainian Foreign Ministry
The Ukrainian Embassy in Romania
HE Konstantin Grişcenko
HE Markiyan Kulyk
We ask you to revoke immediately the interdiction for Romanian journalists Valentin Tigau and Simona Lazar, who were prohibited to enter in present Ukraine and were declared “persona non grata” for 5 years starting 2009.
Also we would like you to formulate a public apologize for restricting their fundamental rights, freedom of movement and freedom of expression and freedom of the press.
As you must know, this Saturday, on 16 of July, two buses with more than 100 Romanian and Moldavian citizens on board – among them journalists, students, officials and NGO representatives – were kept for hours at the Reni customs house on the border between Moldova and Ukraine.
The Romanians and Moldavians citizens of Romanian ethnic origin were planning to attend the dedication of the first Romanian Orthodox Church rebuild in Ukraine, in Romanian minority village Hagi Curda – renamed Kamasovka in Ukrainian.
At the border, two Romanian journalists were turned back. The others, 130 persons, were eventually allowed to enter Ukraine and attend the event, following the intervention of the Romanian Consulate representatives in Odessa send by the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry (MFA).
The two Romanian journalists were taken by a Police car and taken outside the Ukrainian territory. They were informed that they have a five year interdiction in Ukraine starting in 2009, an act that nobody informed them about.
The two journalists, Valentin Tigau, an editor from National Public Radio (Radio Romania Actualitati – Radio Romania International) and former press corespondent in Republic of Moldova, and Simona Lazar, from Jurnalul National daily newspaper, had traveled in 2009 in the former Romanian province of south of Bessarabia, since Stalin will from 1944 inside the borders of Soviet Ukrainian Republic, now Ukraine. They published their reports in a series that can be found also on a dedicated Blog – https://www.romanii-de-langa-
Simona Lazar stated that they were told that they are not allowed to enter Ukraine for five years’ time, the interdiction being issued in 2009 and that back then the two spent four days in Ukraine, working on several reports on the Romanian community there, the Romanian language in the education system and other similar issues. “We were surprised to find out we are not allowed to enter…,” Simona Lazar stated for Mediafax News Agency.
In an public statement gave for “Curentul” daily, Simona Lazar and Valentin Tigau stressed out that this is o commune problem for Eastern countries with a lack of democracy and who are not respecting the elementary and fundamental rights, such as freedom of movement, freedom of expression and freedom of the press. “Our story is not new. Hundred and thousands of other journalists have suffered for telling the truth. Some paid with their own life, such as Gheorghi Gondgadze. Despite this tragic events, journalists have not stopped to seek the truth in order to present them to the people, hoping to change for the better the world we live in. This is what we have done. Our “guilt”. We believed we are not wrong”.
In the past, especially during the dictatorship of hardliner communist Leonind Kucima, such acts were frequent against Romanian journalists and writers traveling for documentation in Ukraine. In a similar Protest to the Romanian Presidency, from that period, it was underlined that the number of “journalist non grata” in Ukraine was rising year by year: Marian Voicu and his team from the Romanian National Public TV Station TVR, Victor Roncea, at that time Foreign Department Chief Editor with “ZIUA” daily, George Muntean, writer and former vice president of Cultural and Literature Society from Bukovine, Ion Beldeanu, writer, president of the Writers Associations of Suceava, Eugen Patras, former vice president al Romanian Cultural Society “Mihai Eminescu” from Cernauti, etc. We are surprised that these Soviet type of actions are reviving in supposedly democratic Ukraine of today.
Please take all the appropriate actions in order to stop for the future such violation of fundamental rights and freedom of the press as Ukraine sustains that would like to be part of the European family and share the European values that we all respect.
We remind you what a great leader of Romania once stated: “Every Nation has its rights and its duties. There must be respected our rights and the rights of our brothers, which are today outside our borders, as we do respect those of the foreigners that are inside our borders. Lesser than this it cannot be pretended and more than this we cannot offer.”
We are awaiting for your public apology.
Never the less we are awaiting from a minimal sign also from our MFA which kind of forget to defend the rights of the citizens who represents and seems to be more friendly with you than with the Romanians. That reminds us of another minister from Romania sympathizer of Ukraine and of his shameful end: Adrian Severin. History will never leave out someone without paying his price for treason.
Victor Roncea,
Journalist / Editor
Bucharest, 07.18.2011
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